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Posts posted by Honorgirl

  1. I don't know, sure it may be hard to remember all the characters in Skyrim, but that's partially because of how BIG the game is. There are so many NPCs that remembering the vivid characters can be pretty difficult.


    We have to remember characters such as Cicero, Ulfric Stormcloak, Titus Mede 2, Brynjolf, Karliah, Aela, General Tullius, and a bunch of other characters with vivid personalities. Skyrim has a good amount of quality characters, but there are so many NPCs with their own personalities that remembering the really good ones is difficult. Maybe in other games where most of the NPCs are generic (dialogue like hey how ya doing?) meaning you notice characters that are different more keenly. But Skyrim has so many npcs with their own unique dialogue and lives that those characters that really shine are lost in the crowd. Ironically, Skyrim's weakness in it's size isn't "quantity over quality", but to "large quantity of decent quality, hides great quality"

  2. I don't know, Dragons were pre-dominantly in Skyrim so most of the dragon burial grounds and remains were in Skyrim. That means when most of the dragons resurrected were in or around Skyrim. Though I do believe Dragons are probably going to be TES6, though they'll probably be some very rare occurrence in a quest or something.

  3. Okay guys lets change the subject before we start a flame war okay :)? We're all entitled to our opinions no need to get all passionate.


    I think the next TES location is going to be Elsweyr. With the whole "moons disappearing for 2 years" and those Khajiit caravans telling us about how Elsweyr looks (perhaps a hint by Bethesda?) it seem to me that Elsweyr would make a perfect location for the next TES game. Hell it will probably wrap up the Thalmor plotline or at the very least advance it to such a degree that things will start get really interesting. I also think it would be a good time for Betheseda to create another "alien" like landscape and also to introduce new character models. I mean think about all those different types of khajiit!? AWESOME :pirate:

  4. There are choices in the game, but they only impact the player's story (experience), and not the larger world around them like the Civil War, the Main Quest, Guild affiliations and reputations, etc.


    This was probably a conscious decision on Bethesda's part because it means total freedom as far as the big setpieces go as well as the smaller side-quests which is where the decisions have the most impact. I also think it was because Bethesda is like any other developer and they want to make sure players experience every thing that was put into the game regardless, of whether being able to do that in-game is realistic, or not. They can then turn around and market this under "hundreds of hours of content" in an attempt to justify the $50, $60 price tag they charge consumers, too.


    The alternative to this is what we got in Fallout: New Vegas.


    The emphasis was on old school RPG elements such as faction affiliation, reputation and even quest incompatibility and multiple outcomes.


    If you were sent on a quest for the NCR, chances are you were going to run into The Legion, so being aligned with the NCR had real consequences in terms of being totally cut off from doing any Legion quests, or side-quests that might involve The Legion and it's affiliates. If you killed a certain NPC during the course of a quest, you received a "Quest Failed' notification for a quest on the other side. That's how RPGs used to be. Developers were not afraid of players not being able to see everything the game has to offer in one play through. The irony is this is what gives RPGs replay value versus trying to allow "unlimited freedom" like Skyrim, and Oblivion does even though I like both of those games.

    I sort of agree. I understand Betheseda wanted us to experiance all the content (no problem with that) but would be nice if you knew your actions had a bigger impact on the world and had more consequences. It would be pretty hard to pull off in an open world sandbox game, but I think Betheseda can do it.



    That being said, I think the next TES6 will have elements of this in it's gameplay. Maybe it won't be "do X quest and now every thing in the world is radically changed from the main quest to faction storylines". It'll probably be save X person in a side quest and then later on in a faction quest that X person was Y's sister, who is now willing to do you a favor.

    That seems something that is most likely to happen.

  5. Vanilla Skyrim unstable? That's a bit of a stretch and you know it. Vanilla Skyrim may have the occasional CTD, but they are very rare and most of the time it's dependent on your rig or if you've been working your computer really hard (laptops that are overheating for example).


    Also the things you are complaining about are things that ARE VERY SOUND ADVICE. They are repeated because those solutions typically solve a wide range of problems. If you completely uninstall Skyrim, resetting the ini files and everything back to default and STILL have CTD's, it's time for you to call customer support for more professional advice.


    That being said, Skyrim is a really good game. One of my favorite games of all time to be honest. But once you start modding your game, prepare for some heart ache. I've had to reinstall skyrim and delete all my mods twice now. But i'm glad I did it because each time I learned more and more about properly managing my game (knowledge that I can apply on the next TES game :wink: )

  6. Never played Morrowind, so i'm going to base my my decision on The Champion of Cyrodill and The Last Dragonborn.


    I have to say it's a tough choice because what defines "greatest"? I mean The Dragonborn defeated Alduin, a being so powerful he's worshipped as a God. BUT The Dragonborn had the help of many allies not to mention the fact that The Elder Scrolls foretold that he would win.


    The Champion of Cyrodill was just a person who was thrown into a situation and did extraordinarily well. He had no ancient powers or prophecies guiding him. Was the Oblivion Crisis destined to end? Maybe. But that could mean that the Oblivion Crisis could of gone on for hundreds of years causing mass destruction and death across Tamriel. The Champion of Cyrodill COULD of failed, unlike the The Last Dragonborn who were destined to succeed. Hell I heard even the Neveraine had help from the Daedra such as Azura.


    The CoC imo, is the greatest hero because he succeeded in a situation where failure was a indeed a strong possibility. While the Dragonborn has generally fought tougher and more powerful enemies, he/she was destined for greatness, while the CoC through luck and skill managed to become great on his own.




    EDIT: Wait i'm wrong, Uriel Septim gives the CoC the prohphecy of him being the hero. NEVERMIND there. I have to go with the Dragonborn then. He has slain Alduin, an extremely powerful being whose powers rival that of a GOD. The Dragonborn defeats Alduin when he's at the height of his power. That's pretty damn impressive.

  7. The Dovahkiiin for sure. I mean Alduin is as close to an Aedra God that the players can fight. The Dragonborn has the freaking thu'um an ancient powerful ability that warps reality. Hell Alduin himself FEARS the Dragonborn.


    You hear that? A GOD fears a mortal. This just shows how badass the Dragonborn is.

  8. An Orc could join the Stormcloaks because he feels as if that Stormcloaks are fighting for honor and freedom, things that an Orc would appreciate.

    Also answering Lachdonin, I don't recall Nords ever being hostile to Orcs nowhere near that degree nor do I remember reading up in any lore that supports that claim. According to the dialogue from the Nords in the game and from the Orcs in the game, they both have a grudging respect for each other. For Nords who are pretty much anti-foreign, Orcs are probably the most tolerated race.

  9. This mod is naturally impossible. For one you'd have to have somebody completely do over multiple important NPC's voice acting, not only in this new mod but ANY dialogue they have. You'd also have to completely do the dialogue over so many NPCs including common day citizens and important nobles that there is BOUND to be mod conflicts if not conflicts with the very base game.

    Second off, some of the things in this mod are more Game of Thrones and less Skyrim. For example Ulfric forcing Elisif to marry him is pretty much rape, Ulfric at his worst is an egomaniac, but he's not a sadist nor is he a rapist. That's just the more glaring example


    Another thing is that the amount of scripting this would take is something that only Bethesda with the source code and skilled enough programmers, budgeting, and time to do. The amount of bugs that would happen by somebody messing with the Vanilla NPCs in such a drastic way would be so frustrating to say the least.


    This type of mod would require a lot of work, a lot of skill, and a s*** TON OF TIME. This would take more time to complete then Faalskaar mod, and that mod took the guy a year, 8 hours a day, skilled voice actors,and a good amount of support from his family to do.


    So even if making a mod like this was even possible with the current tools modders have, the will and skill to even create this would be impossible too find. At best I can imagine a group of 5 people getting started but just quitting after they realized how frustrating it is or when real life got began getting in the way.


    Nice idea, but this is like the story of the Cat and The Bell, "while coming up an idea is nice and all, who is going to pull it off and how are they gonna do it?"

  10. This is silly, being fair to genders doesn't mean that 50% of men get this and 50% of women also get this. It's just choosing not to discriminate or stereotype people in roles. Using this thread's logic, Skyrim is not only gender biased, it's also RACIST. Think about it, where are the black leaders? why is it that all the black people (Redguards) are into something violent and deadly? or have some type of problems with their families? Why is their a lack of mods for Redguards? Using your logic, Skyrim is racially biased towards white people.

  11. I think that for a wide open sandbox game, Skyrim did a pretty decent job in creating a game with options. The Civil War is an example of this, as well as the many side quests in the game.


    That being said, I really did wish they finished the Civil War :(. I understand that trying to create an amazing civil war battles while trying to make sure it's able to run on consoles AND make the 11/11/11 deadline must have been really difficult. A lot of cool stuff in the civil war was cut out due to those restraints :sad: .




    On the Balgruuf thing, I believe that they did this on purpose. If you joining the Imperials or the Stormcloaks would have Balgruuf joining you, it would lessen the consequences for choosing a side on the war. When you join the Stormcloaks and realize you'll have to be fighting one of the few decent Jarls and human beings in the game, it makes you realize that this IS war, it truly is friend against friend and brother against brother. When you sack Whiterun you're supposed to feel sort of like a jerk in order to add the grey vs grey feeling of the Civil War. I think Betheseda really outdid themselves in the storyline of the Civil War. Hell 2 years later you can still find people arguing over Stormcloaks vs Imperials.




  12. mate you just nitpicked so much. Like seriously nitpick, nitpick, nitpick :pinch: . Skyrim is no more gender biased then life itself. Hell you could say Skyrim is less gender biased then it should be seeing as it's a game that follows medieval era tropes yet women serve in the military and become leaders just the same as men with no noticeable discrimination. Hey there are women in fighting organizations, serving as the leader of countries, ambassadors, and leading warrior organizations throughout the lore of the game.


    My friend I think you're just looking for sexism :wink:



    EDIT: Also games can reflect real world values or just reflect the values of that game's world. To say it HAS to reflect our real world values is just being restrictive for silly reasons. Games and real life is different.


    TES games are an example of this. The Wood Elves eat the things they kill, INCLUDING PEOPLE. Old Orcs go out into the wilderness to die just because they are growing old. These things we personally find bad, as well as some other races feel this is bad. But it's acceptable in THEIR culture and in THEIR world. They don't reflect the values of our real world nor do they have too.

  13. Use the interesting NPCs mod. It has super followers that have over 500+ (some even 700 to 1000) lines of dialogue that are custom voiced. It's main feature of course are it's well "interesting NPCs". The NPCs have their own back-stories, desire, and quite a few of them are involved in quests. The NPCs are very well done and are surpass even Bethesda's official characters in story-line, characterization, and originality.



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