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About daemon669

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  1. Thank you for all the help Sherlyone, Shadowjin... You're amazing. Hopefully it can be made in to a permanent buff. The effect should obviously only be for a vertical jump (From a high point, jump down.) Maybe have three different height settings for the effect. When you jump from a low distance, a very small and minimal giant club effect. Jumping from a mid-range distance increases the effect and jumping down from a very high distance would use the biggest giant club smash effect, possibly with a shock-wave, or maybe a Fear illusion could work. This could be permanent or enchantable, but I'd prefer a continuously-active buff/effect... Here's the closest image I could find :huh: http://blog.cleveland.com/ent_impact_movies/2008/06/hancock.jpg
  2. Thanks so much! Do you by any chance know how to edit those particular mod files? Like you say they're extremely minor bugs but they're glitches nonetheless and I'd like to see if I can fix them. Tried to get hold of the author Madrilous but so far no reply. Yet again any help is very much appreciated!
  3. Ever jumped from a high distance? Wouldn't it be insanely awesome if at the end of your jump you land with a shuddering screen, dust flying out around you, maybe even a crater left behind? I've been looking for a jump landing animation such as this for awhile now but no luck thus far. I was thinking that because a lot of mods alter your jump height or give you spells for temporarily negating fall damage, I've always felt the landing leaves much to be desired. Is there a mod out there? What would I have to learn in order to make it myself? Was thinking there could be a few different effects, for example three incremental landings that increase devastation depending on fall distance. Only thing I can think of that even closely resembles what I'm talking about is the initial take-off animation for Flying Mod by PorroOne (super fun by the way). Any help would be much appreciated!
  4. Thanks for reawakening my passion for proper RPG's... I've got just about 100 mods all working together, like a choir jacked up on E. Love you people
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