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Everything posted by MoonRavenMaster
It's fixable, I posted the same request. Hopefully someone will eventually do it, either because of the forums or just as there own fix.
I noticed there where several first person fixes for armors on skyrimnexus (mainly the nocturnal, glass and ancient nord armor) would anyone be willing to create a fix for the Sheogorath suit?
A whole lot of possibilities and artistic freedom
MoonRavenMaster replied to normalegg's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
The serpent folk of akaviri would certainly be interesting. Obviously the whole "katana, pagoda" japanese thing comes to mind, but I think there's a lot more that could be done there. Especially in relation to the dragon born. maybe some quest related to befriending certain dragons and making enemies with other dragons? -
Well I don't have a huge problem with some reversals, and I don't really think there is a problem with lore, but I think it would be nice to see some variation, maybe not advancement, but variation. There's also the fact that the dunmer are migrating into Skyrim, and they seemed to have a lot of unique, if not more advanced technology. There architecture was fairly abstract for one thing (vivec, mournhold, telvanni) and they should bring there ideas with them. Since they just recently migrated architecture wouldn't make sense, but how about some daedric runes painted in the grey-quarter, or some of those chimes the ashlanders seemed so fond of in morrowind. I think it's unlikely that Thalmor would assassinate any human inventors because of there arrogance. Why should a "Superior mer" worry about crossbows? I'm not talking about any huge leaps in technology, but maybe some things should go back and some things should be more advanced.
Yeah, it seems like magelights would make a great alternative to lamps. Especially in the empire since there owned by the Thalmor who are pretty heavy magic users. But I really think some more medieval style clothing for the imperials, and some furrier armor and clothes for the stormcloak areas would definitely be cool. I'm fairly certain will see more Witcher ports since the whole legal issue seems to have been cleared up with the admins, and somebody will probably come out with crossbows before I do, but I'm all for integrating this stuff into the game and compiling it (via shopper inventory and leveled lists), and I'm definitely going to do the lore-friendly crafting bit. I can't wait for the CK to come out, it'lll be like Christmas all over again.
Personally I feel that there are some cultural quirks in Skyrim and lore issues with crafting. Crafting Dwemer armor makes no sense to me and should be impossible. However if I were to do this I would obviously buff Dwemer armor to around (and maybe above) ebony stats and make a replacement. It would also be more rare. Crafting Daedric armor also seems very lore unfriendly. If I were to change this I would create Dunmer armor which would be similar in styling to Daedric armor (this makes sense because the Dunmer seem to be the most devout Daedra worshippers). Daedric armor would be elevated far above dragon armors (probably with some unique attributes) but would be extremely rare. I think Orcish armor should have more variation. I also think there should be more powerful Orcish armor, Orcs are supposed to be the best smiths that live on Tamriel after all. So there would essentially be standard Orc armor which would be made by young inexperienced Orcs, and Orc dragon armor, which would be more Morrowind styled and uncrafteable as well as heavy and would have slightly better stats then homemade dragon armor. (maybe there would be an unmarked quest to gain a perk for making this armor). I also think Skyrim has some weird issues with culture. It's been 200 years since Oblivion and it feels like culture and technology has progressed backwards, and lets not mention Morrowind which was centuries ago and had crossbows (I swear Tamriel is progressing backwards). I think Cyrodiil should be the center of non-nordic human culture and fashion (think Paris). I would (though I have no idea how, hopefully someone could help me with this) port more clothing and armor over from Witcher 2. This is by the way completely legal, the Witcher devteam is entirely OK with it as long as it's non-profit. In regards to Cyrodiilic fashion I'm thinking along the lines of Trine 2 (if anyones seen the trailers or art) and Witcher 2. In regards to technology I'm not sure how much it should be progressed. The Elder-Scrolls seems to be extremely vast temporally (as in thousands of years pass without any progress). I do think that technology should not progress backwards though, so I'm personally all for crossbows, and if I can figure out how to animate in blender I'd be glad to give it a shot (hehe get it "shot" and crosbows... nevermind). Anyways these are just some of my thoughts and I wanted to know how others felt before I started any of this, obviously it would be severely limited until the Construction Kit comes out.
Would anyone be willing to whip up an undamaged model of the trailers? I'd use the same textures I just need something without holes in it. It's for use in an expansion of the zombie apocalypse mod. I will give full credit to you. Thanks.
How can I change the player's attack voice? (the battle cry when you power attack someone). I only want to change the voice to a pre-existing race voice, but I only want my changes to affect the player. Can I do this without creating a whole new race?
Enhanced CHildren v1.2
MoonRavenMaster replied to MoonRavenMaster's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
I figured out that either hairpack.esm, or eye_hairpack_en.esp conflict with enhanced children. I guess I'll just go and enable children as playable in both files. (So basically this thread can be closed) -
This could probably be done with some wearable weapon models, and a FOSE script that checked the players hotkeys, and equipped the associated werable weapon items.
I agree, if taken out of context (in other words if someone playng fallout had never heard of the ALIEN franchise, or anything associated with it) Xenomorphs would fit very well in Fallout 3. THey could by mutated lizards or cats.
How did you try to place them? And how did you put items in the container? I might be able to help you if I can know more of what the problem is.
Enhanced CHildren v1.2
MoonRavenMaster replied to MoonRavenMaster's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
Sorry for the double post, but I thought I'd upload my load order: Fallout 3.esm CALIBR.esm Marts Mutant Mod.esm FOOK.esm Sharing and Craing Companions.esm Enhanced Children.esm Hair Pack.esm Marts Mutant Mod.esp FOOK.esp Marts Mutant Mod - FOOK.esp ACE2-1b.esp FOOK - Free play after MQ.esp AutoAimFixv1.1.esp RealFragGrenade3.esp RobCoCertified.esp Remove That Glove.esp Buildable Bots v0.3a.esp DK_Bullet_Time.esp eyes_hairpack_en.esp Marts Mutant Mod - Increased Spawns.esp Marts Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp Marts Mutant Mod - Hunting&Looting.esp Marts Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp Marts Mutant Mod - No Geckos.esp Explosions Don't Shake Screen.esp AfrosNukaCola.esp LOWER-real-thirdpersonview.esp SniperZooming.esp LucyWestCompanion.esp Project Beauty.esp RH_IronSights_Basic.esp ClassicCarryWeight.esp UltimateClassicPA.esp Childhood Beginning v2.esp PlayerChildVoiceFix.esp DarNifiedUIF3.esp DUIF3Extras.esp (Then I have the dimonized textures (non-nude) installed). -
So I downloaded Enhanced Children, along with Child voice fix, and childhood beginning. I loaded up the mods, put my old saves (grown-up ones) in a folder, and started a new game at the vault entrance (using a save right in front of the vault exit, I get tired of the char. gen). WHen I went to change my race the Caucasian Child, Asian Child, Afircan American Child, and Hispanic CHild races where not available in the race menu. I went and looked at the Enhanced Children .esm to make sure the child races where checked as playable, and they where. So what's the deal? Why can't I play as a child race? At first I thought it was an incompatibility, but I'm only running a few mods. Is it a load order issue? Please help me, :thanks:
Why not try a different take on the dark tower series. Like overhauling tenpenny tower, instead of making a "Dark TOwer" that doesn't really fit into lore that well. Besides, I always thought that tenpenny tower was an allusion to the Dark Tower Series.
AlexScorpion Sneak Gear Conversion?
MoonRavenMaster replied to t3hf4ll0ut's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Ideas
I alread Reqz'd it, and somebody said they would work on it. Can't find th thread though, here's a short discussion thread. http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showto...rpion&st=20 -
Must have mods for Oblivion short film
MoonRavenMaster replied to Dark0ne's topic in Oblivion's Discussion