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About Cancerous1

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  1. I started on this including taking the voice attack API and starting to write a smartglass app (that interfaces with the pipboy companion app port), and also played internet radio stations. I never got around to finishing it but it was fun to play with sort of.
  2. Facts are such a bother aren't so let's check some. MF is not banned from this site. It can return at anytime. The author has chosen not to come back here because of attitudes like yours. When the author was informed that some of the assets he was told he had permission to use were in fact rips the mod was pulled. The author also pulled the mod from beth.net at the same time by choice. The assets were removed and a quest was undertaken to verify in writing permissions for all remaining assets. The Nexus site staff was very polite and helpful in this process but after the mod was reupload to Beth and the authors inbox overflowed with requests, questions, comments, etc. there seemed no point in dealing with all the uninformed prejudice here. The author? you mean the people that made all those assets or the team of people it took to download them? I decided to try my hand at importing a free model and it took about an hour to set up the materials and the weapon nodes, export the nif and make an esp. So if you really want more mods taking other peoples work and uploading it like it's a mod someone 'made', just gimme a holler, the license on those allows for pretty much anyone to do that. But that is informative, I'm wrong that it was banned, thank you.
  3. So what exactly is your point here? Huh? You didn't win so you are going to come and crap all over the people that did win, cause this achieves what exactly? What exactly are you expecting here? You think the maker of the winning mod is going to turn around and go...'oh yes you are so right, you should have won. I withdraw from the contest'. Come on. If there was a problem with the winning mod Nvidia is the only one with any authority to do anything, so why are you here ranting over the winning mod. Go b'ch to Nvidia! While we are at it your mod actually breaks a rule of the contest....Last updated 'July 10th'. You were NOT allowed to update your mod after submitting it. Your mod should actually have been disqualified, but it seems that Nvidia didn't follow their own rules. You have no leg to stand on here throwing stones at other people. Look I get that you are p'od, a hell of a lot of people are about the whole contest. But targeting those that did win is just coming across as sour grapes. At least you won something, that is more then the rest of us did. The only thing updated at the 10th was the description, so keep trying... And you have which dog in the fight exactly? I don't understand why you're so defensive about MF which was the most egregious breaking of the contest terms, and banned from here for awesome ethical behavior, while so pounced to attack everyone else. I expect nothing, but it's hard to let obviously false statements stand without reality being checked.
  4. Not when the contest rules specifically stated you needed written permission from the contributors. It's a legal thing to protect nVidia though, not each other. By entering the Contest, Entrants represent and warrant that they have obtained all of the rights, licenses, and permissions in writing from any person who may have helped create the Entry
  5. Â That's not how it works. Ummm... yes it is, if the author gives blanket permission providing credit is given. The creative commons non-commercial licence isn't blanket permission to sell, re-license, or or enter models into a contest for money. And just because someone else used one in a mod, and gave permission to use their assets, they can't give permission on the assets that weren't theirs in the first place. You guys (the team) could have honorably bowed out but w/e more popcorn for us as the authors of all those models get contacted.
  6. A LOT of people put massive effort into their mods. Yes, true, but not all of them made their own assets. Not all of them put the effort into learning how 3D modeling works for their mod. Not all of them even got permission for using others' models in their mods. There was no rule saying that you couldn't use assets other people made - only that if you did, then you had to have permission and/or give proper credit. Cancerous1 did good work, there's no doubt about that. But to say that a relatively unknown/unpopular mod (no offense intended, but I didn't even know that mod existed until I saw it in the finalist list, while I -had- heard of most of the others before the finalists were announced) deserved to win just because of all the effort involved reeks of "they should have loved me more!", and makes you sound like a petty child that didn't get a candy bar at the grocery store. Just to be clear, I don't feel I deserved to win over mods where people did everything I did plus making custom land expansions, voiced npc's and more. But I'm not shy about saying that it does clearly say no team mods, and assets where you don't have written permission or can't obtain that for assets used. it's not much of a competition between mods if it's using 95% + assets that any user could just buy and put in game themselves. After this whole fiasco, I wouldn't be surprised if Nvidia just cancelled the whole thing which they still have the right to do But if I got monetary compensation for using someone's non-commercial work, I'd save it for a lawyer
  7. Rage mode off then? must be cozy curled up in modern firearms lap
  8. Yes reading is a lost art, like those permissions, "in writing". and "the Sponsor will not be required to pay or incur any sums to any person or entity as a result of its use or exploitation of the idea or rights therein as contemplated in these Official Rules;" And this one is a doozy "By entering this Contest, each entrant agrees and acknowledges that Sponsor, Sponsor Related Parties and Bethesda Softworks (including its affiliates) shall not be responsible or liable for: (iii) any dispute or claim arising from an entrant’s participation in this Contest or his/her entry, or his/her receipt, ownership or use of the prize; " Like if people that made creative commons non commercial licensed models perused legal action, and monetary compensation, against people entering them in contests for money.
  9. Then why have the rules explicitly state that teams cannot enter the contest if they're just going to ignore those rules? It would be convenient for them if they didn't have to award the winner. Like if the winner had to supply proof of permission for all the assets borrowed or if they could just say oh this is a team mod, it's not eligible to win, why did you enter it?
  10. Hex editor worked out! Trees aren't looking too bad, if you paint the verts you're going to find/replace the alpha on, just paint them something different than the others so they have a unique RGB value
  11. yeah I was mistaken, changing the export type to skyrim exported vertex color correctly, not the modifier, just pulling my hair out, think I'll try a hex editor with find/replace instead
  12. I actually got slightly different (and usable) results when I exported with the vertex paint modifier on, still kind of unsure which layer it should be applied to but when I applied it to all layers with just the verts selected I was trying to zero out, it seemed like it darkened the texture in game for some reason if that wasn't my imagination but the verts were weighted right at least as far as the animation. I would love to understand what is happening with this lol. The verts in nifscope still listed the color as 80808080 but the animation behavior was different. :/ so confusing.
  13. I found if you set color, alpha, and luminescence all zero you can get the verts RGBA to 80808080 which brings it a little closer to behaving, it seems like the only other way I've found to control it is detach the elements into separate meshes. I popped in the niftools IRC channel to try to let them know / ask if I was doing something wrong but it was pretty late and no one seemed to be awake at the time. the thought of setting them all manually to zero is kind of daunting
  14. Dennis i looked at the permissions notes on that mod and it actually said not to port the models because he wants to maintain them himself
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