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    Midway Islands
  1. Hey Sam, I sent you a message last week, I hope everything is alright... Keep up the good work! :thumbsup:
  2. Well, that was just stupidity in itself. Does skyrim force you on quests to discover other towns and cities? No. Why would these mods be any different? I think what jaassu tries to say is; more side quests in areas like towns to make it more diverse and keeps the player busy (with quests) in those areas for a longer period of time.
  3. Hey, Archive.exe is a little bit outdated and contains many bugs, especially when compressing audio files into a bsa package. I highly recommend to use BSAOpt Which works very good when working with audio files.
  4. Don't let one obstacle decide you to quit modding, you just have to stand up again and continue what you love to do. "Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game one foot from a winning touchdown." - Ross Perot
  5. A few months has been passed, any updates yet?
  6. You could try Wyrmstooth? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25704//? Which adds a new island with a main quest and side quests.
  7. Is this mod still alive? Looks very awesome...
  8. Thanks a lot Crudelitas and Oestaira !!!!!! My Morrowind works like a charm! :thumbsup: I can't imagine that "run as administrator" makes the diffrence!!! Kudos to you guys, thanks a lot !!! :biggrin:
  9. Yeah, but that doesn't solve my Morrowind lagg problem :dry: How is it even possible to play a 11 year-old game that have an average frame rate of 10 fraps per second, how is that possible? Should I buy a AMD Radeon HD 6990 to only fix this problem? This topic is a few weeks old, and I still have this problem!!! :wallbash: I can play Oblivion, Black Ops, Mass Effect II, Crysis 2, Crysis Warhead, Fallout 3, GTA 4, Portal 2 in full high quality ! But not for Morrowind, my favorite game lagg and even when I set the graphics to low, it will make no difference in performance. I can't blame you guys, but there has to be someone that have also the same/more experience of Morrowind problems.
  10. I did turn off the fog and hardware shader, but it still lags as hell!! Even when I set the Textures/Meshes to Vey Low :confused:
  11. Yes, I did the Land Textures and Meshes at low, but if I set it higher then it would take around 50 minutes to finish the loading in MGE. It takes a ridiculously long time to finish the hole MGE "Distant Land File Creation Wizard" process!
  12. Here is a video ingame, looks terrible but if I set the grapgics higher, then I would have a huge fraps hit. Morrowind ingame
  13. It's late, I'm going to sleep now. I will make a video tomorrow, how my Morrowind looks like ingame...
  14. Nobody has an answer to this problem? :confused:
  15. Yeah, that's also a problem. This is the only version that I can play with. The latest version don't work wich also includes MGE XE. If I install the latest version of MGE, then a message comes; "MGE doesn't work properly" And if I try to play Morrowind without touching MGE, then it says "Please configure MGE first before playing" It's like a circle that never ends :wallbash: EDIT: The texture/mesh quality are 2048x2048 and the "Distant Minimum Statics Size" are 50 Due the Texture loading this error suddenly appear:
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