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  1. In response to post #25912655. #25912699, #25913439 are all replies on the same post. Yeah, when Skyrim came out, my copy was delayed in the post (Xbox at the time) so I bought pretty much everything for Oblivion and played it straight till the postman came haha.
  2. Thank you everyone for the responses, most helpful! Mattiewagg - how are those created in an exterior cell? My work with exteriors is none, so when creating one it came as quite a surprise to find a layer of land AND above that a layer of water.. how does one go about essentially removing these? Like I said in my original comment, I'm a newb. Thanks!
  3. Hi guys, Firstly, I feel as though I need to clarify that I am indeed aware that there are a lot of tutorials guiding users through the steps I am about to ask for assistance with however, they are of limited use to me as I do not know the name of the process I am trying to do (therefore do not know what to search for). With that out of the way, I am fairly new to modding though I seem to get by when it comes to some of the basics. That said, my most recent creation calls for the use of a modders resource and I am slightly stuck. I believe to use the resource for myself requires that I install it similarly to a normal mod (dragging the extracting archive to data, making sure the meshes end up in skyrim/data/meshes etc) but how do I go about making it so that should I release the mod, the resource is included with it? So it is all nicely packaged? As I said, I don't know the name for this process so I'm not sure what I should be looking for in tutorials - anything to point me in the right direction would be a great help. I'm also wondering if there is a way to view every edit an .esp makes to the game? For instance, if while I've been searching through some of the cells of the game I accidentally moved something that is not intended to be part of the mod I am working on (a separate interior cell - nothing else) is there a way to find this accidental change and rectify/delete it? Finally, and this is probably a complicated step, my mod is an interior cell as I have said before however, it is to look like an exterior cell, a floating island to be precise (cliche I know). I've added the sky to the cell yet the 'void' space is extremely dark/black, not sure how to change this. Also the sky is ridiculously bright with the ENB I currently use (its fine everywhere else) and the actual land is also dark but I think that is because I haven't specified a light source or anything yet. If, in your opinion, I should have started this project as an exterior cell, is it possible to change what I've already done in an interior to an exterior? Sorry for all the questions and thank you for any responses.
  4. Success! I've managed to get the CK to use my texture and render it correctly in game! (not sure why it works now and not before though). I'm still using the default normal (height map?) so that is just about visible in game and I'm not sure how to edit that in paint.net Also does anyone know how to select what I've created for the inventory art so it matches what is visible in game? Thanks for any help.
  5. Hello everyone, First of all, I would like to say that I am aware that there are many tutorials and threads that most likely relate to what I am about to ask however, I have no idea what my problem actually is (because I'm completely new to modding) so, I don't know what to look for to get the answers I need. What I am trying to do: Create a new book for Skyrim that uses the mesh from DanielCoffey and doccdr's Book Covers Skyrim and an edited version of one of the cover textures from the same mod. What I did: - First of all I downloaded the modders resources for book covers and meshes provided by DanielCoffey. - I then extracted the zip folders to a folder on my desktop that contains files for the mod I am working on. - I opened one of the psd files in paint.net and edited it. - Saved the file as a dds (dxt1 though I'm not sure what other options need to be checked) in my mod work folder. - Open nifskope and load the standard book mesh (from DanielCoffey) - Open 34 BSSTextureSet,click the drop down menu at the bottom and change textures\clutter\books\BBM_BookTemplate.dds to the location of my edited .dds file - Change the file name and save the .nif in my mod work folder - Copy and paste the .nif to skyrim folder\data\meshes\clutter\books - Open CK, find an existing book, change world art to my .nif and get the following. The Errors; Texture Set missing texture - my texture (location of dds in working mod folder) Texture Set missing texture - textures\clutter\books\BBM_BookTemplate_n.dds (This is the file default in Nifskope.. I know this should be the normal map but I don't know what this is or how to edit it or anything) BASE - (location of my .nif in skyrim data folder): Cover is missing a diffuse map. (A what?) BASE - (location of my .nif in skyrim data folder): Cover is missing a normal map. (Why?) The Result: A book in the CK with a purple cover (I know this is the colour of missing textures) however, the paper textures work work fine. Conclusion Other than being completely useless at modding and completely confused by it, I think my problem lies with the file location of where I'm saving stuff. I've tried moving a few things about but I have still not succeeded. Assistance would be greatly appreciated, even if I am being intolerably dense.
  6. Right, I've been having some fun with paint.net and so far I have edited the image found here (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54043/?) and changed it to the attached. The version I want is actually an inverted version of this but white on a white background doesn't work too well. So how on earth do I stick this onto the front of my book? I image I'm going about this all wrong and it'll end up looking pretty bad.. Also no.. BSA extraction tool? Like I said I'm VERY new to all this :tongue: Edit: Also the image I have edited doesnt have a white background, its the checkered one in the editor meanign that it doesn't have a background but white shows up on this anyway
  7. Hmph. I wrote out a fairly lengthy reply but I somehow managed to not post it, Great. Anyway, Shadowjin, thanks! I shall look into using this tool. No, I'm not familiar with nifscope in the slightest. Also I didn't mean the actual skull on the necromancer robes, I was trying to explain it as like a flat image or drawing on the book and not a 3d skull glued onto the cover. My poor explanation! I don't have any photo editing software beyond MS paint installed.. is GIMP a substitute for that or for paint.net or both? Thanks again
  8. First off, Thanks for the reply! Will this paint.net tool simply involve drawing said skull and that being it? I'm too no0b to know what a normal map is if I'm honest. Do I need photoshop too? Try talking to me as if I was someone's grandma (*Internet grandma meme here*). Maybe not that bad but still, my skills and knowledge are limited. Having thought about it a little more, I agree with learning how to do that sort of stuff myself, it'll be better in the long run :smile: Thanks again! Edit: p.s OP Daedric sword coming soon.. ;)
  9. Hi everyone, I'm looking for a little help with my modding. I'm currently working on a small necromancy mod (my first mod woo) and I was wondering if someone would be able to create a new book cover for me. I'm only just coming to grips with the creation kit and I don't have any visual editing software installed. My request is fairly simple - start with DLC1LD_KatriaJournal (or whatever ID is the same render) and place a skull on the cover (similar to how necromancers robes have a skull). I've no idea how to do this myself and I'll probably need instructions on how to load this file into the CK without it becoming a new master file for my .esp. Also any modders resources relating to (or potentially) necromancy that I should check out, let me know :) Again I don't know how to use them without loading them as an .esm, so help on that front would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance and, of course, any assistance will be credited should the mod ever be released on the Nexus.
  10. I wish all businesses and companies were this forthcoming and customer/user friendly
  11. It's so nice to watch this program gradually mature into a brilliant mod tool. Especially as a Premium Member, knowing that I helped to fund it. Brilliant work!
  12. Just wondering if it is at all possible to introduce TRESSFX hair into the Creation Engine and therefore the Skyrim world. I understand it would take very powerful GPUs to deal with the usual skyrim + HD textures + various mods + ENB and TRESSFX so for the purpose of my GPU (MSI GTX 660 OC which handles the mods, textures and ENB surprisingly well) TRESSFX would just be too much. Anyway, to the point, is it even vaguely possible to implement TRESSFX and if not why not (Card requirements excluded)?
  13. Just looking for a bit of TES specific advice here.. I currently have a MSI GTX 660 OC that is just about coping with ENB (Project ENB), texture mods (high res DLC, Book if silence and a few others), CoT, Laterns of Skyrim (these are the ones that I can think of that will impact FPS) though i can no longer use civil unrest as my 660 cannot cope with making the game look that good and the high number of NPCs (it actually struggled with the two close and large battles in the Whiterun plains area without ENB). Its a big sacrifice to make having used the mod since I had a gaming rig and how awesome it made the civil war quest lines (any similar mods but with lower performance requirements?). I have configured by .INI files as per S.T.E.P and am running on Very High (not Ultra - difference with ENB is negligible IMO). My monitor is 1980 x 1080 and 24 inch. I am delighted that my card can actually perform at the levels I am asking it to but as I am human I WANT MORE. Anyway I'm wondering what you guys think to getting a 670/ 680 4gb? With the amount of high res textures and things I use I think the extra VRAM will come in useful, though I know its overkill for virtually every other game. The price difference between a 4Gb 670 and 4Gb 680 is quite large though I am thinking that an investment in a 4Gb 680 would include a decent amount of 'future proofing' if such a thing exists (already I am thinking about TES: VI and I imagine a 4GB 680 would be more than enough since I have heard people running Skyrim on pre 400 series cards). But the 670 4Gb would also offer a huge improvement over my card anyway. Also consider that Crysis 3 needs at least a 680 or higher to play on ultra (not that I even have any of the series but perhaps this could be used as an indicator as to what the future holds?) Anyway I am wondering what you guys think to all this.. Keep in mind my MSI GTX660 OC will run what I am asking it to currently though any more visually intense mods will likely push my fps to low to be playable.
  14. Is there a way to arrange folders/files in the Skyrim directory to allow me to quickly changes between ENB presets for ease of comparison? If there is can someone please provide an in depth tutorial of how to do this as I would find it extremely useful! Many thanks
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