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About ssccrab

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    United States

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  1. Thank you for the help. I seem to have found the problem. My UAC had somehow become re-activated on my account, and right after turning it completely off and rebooting, everything works just as it should running the game as admin. =) I'm happy I don't have to start over or something, lol.
  2. When I load up Skyrim as default, I keep getting SkyUI and SKSE errors about it not running, even though all of the most current patches for everything are installed. My game works fine otherwise and I've got a ton of mods and I'm already pretty far into the game and really don't want to start over. So it seems the only way to get SKSE to run properly is to run Skyrim "As Administrator". I've played through the first quest as a test and it works fine. Usually I open NMM, which is ran as admin, then start SKSE from there. The game opens fine, but it's as if I've literally just installed a clean copy of the game. There are no saves and no mods. Can anyone tell me just how I might be able to use my saves and mods while running as admin? Thanks!
  3. Back in my days of playing Oblivion, I had this wonderful mod installed called Lamps of Oblivion. You could set down these colored crystal balls and they would stay lit. Very useful for lighting up dark areas. They could be whatever color you wanted. I used to be a modding mogul for Oblivion... Not so for Skyrim. We don't have anything like this in Skyrim (I don't think), and I'm honestly not very good with modding for Skyrim, so I thought I would see if anyone here might be able to port it over? It's not a very complicated mod at all. Thanks!
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