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About Bouitaz

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  1. Thank you for at least testing and confirming the issue. However, it's not up to browsers to always chase the latest google shiny experimental trends. That's still a google monopoly and bad development policies. It used to be that good sites had fallback code and tested their sites to confirm working on just more than 1 & ½ browser engines. I don't know if you remember the Internet Explorer days, and what happened to them vis a vis Anti-Trust. The same thing that's now happening to google..
  2. Nope. I've also tested with a clean profile. Same thing. Button doesn't work. The PureURL addon affected one (premium download) worked both times. But I'm not a premium member, and will likely never be at this rate.. It also wouldn't affect the page number buttons, so that doesn't explain it all.
  3. Still an issue. Can click on many image links and drop-down menus, but can't click on page numbers, apply filter, or slow download.
  4. It used to be that sites had fallback code to stable standards (W3C, not unstable google WHATWG) and for other browser engines, but as site devs continue to use almost exclusively google site frameworks one is forced into a monopoly of google chromium (and Rebuilds. And google dependent Firefox and Rebuilds. Those are the only two engines that sites even look at). I'm using the latest versions of Pale Moon and Basilisk browsers myself. Since they're not dependent on google, they suffer a lot of false information being spread about it sadly.
  5. Doesn't work for me either. Button doesn't even respond. If your site requires accepting malware injections to work then it has become complete trash. https://themarkup.org/blacklight?url=www.nexusmods.com%2Fageofwonders4%2Fmods%2F90%3Ftab%3Dfiles%26file_id%3D169&device=desktop&location=us&force=true It worked without it back then, and it still can now. Don't dump your greedy and privacy violating excuses onto users when it's you who changed the backend. Don't let your site-devs chase the never-ending latest newfangled standards from the google monopoly.
  6. I'd quite like that too. Radar and speedometer.
  7. Another assumption about me. Last reply to what is now obvious.
  8. A defeatist attitude and accepting everything as it is don't lead down good paths. Principles are a thing. You're also assuming that Chrome wasn't an outlier at one point, and that I'm careless about my PI. If life is life, and it is as it is..why even complain? Just keep using Big Tech's privacy-breaching, mass-surveillance, data-gathering, monopsonistic browser. I guess it's the easier way for some.
  9. Yay, it's working again! Thanks!     You only officially support Blink, almost-Blink, and Blink you mean? Pale Moon is not an outdated browser, it's kept just as up to date as any other modern browser. What it doesn't do is follow the Blink engine mono-trend slavishly though. It's also not a fork. It's been entirely re-written to use the Goanna engine, and not old Firefox's Gecko. I can see how only accommodating one browser engine would be easier though..
  10. Site broken for me too. Couldn't agree more. Everything is Blink-engine only today. I refuse it on privacy and monopoly grounds. Edge is Blink, Vivaldi is blink, Brave is blink, Chrome is blink... Firefox soon to be blink too probably. Thankfully I use Pale Moon.
  11. Thank you for the quick response! I'm not using Vortex, just a simple download. That help page isn't really much of a help, sadly. Those are add-ons everyone uses, and I used them just fine up until today.
  12. They worked yesterday, and today they don't. I tried to download a mod, and got as far as the Slow download button. Clicked it. Nothing happened. At all. Went up to the top to try and check if I could download an old mod file through my history. Found out none of the top button links works either. I haven't changed anything on my side. Same browser, no new add-ons.
  13. I hate having to be registered just to download mods, and the option for paying is almost an insult.. That isn't what brought me here to this thread though. It's about the new password change. I didn't remember having an account here, but checked anyway, and it turns out I did. I couldn't log in though, since my usual password didn't work. I had to make a new one. And lo and behold, I now have to create a password within a very confined and restricted way that totally messes with how I usually apply my adaptive and site-unique ones. Making it that much harder to remember. My original password is Very strong. But it didn't comply with all the criteria. Advise people, then let them make their own mistakes.
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