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About TheGuyWithDeadEyes

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  1. And why some chenese guy is the only one making mods for RON? Mods that everyone on Nexus steal and upload under their own names, by the way, which is disgusting!
  2. Hi. I wanted to know if there are mods that make first person hands nicer. Not the hands themselfs, but the textures of various armors and clothes in high resolution. All mods I know of make changes to "world model", but I really tired of seeing those blurry, low-res textures in first person.
  3. I've searched whole internet looking for a solution, but came up empty-handed. I really do hope someone here are able to help me. Trouble is, in-game I have blurry low resolution textures on some items in first person. Examples are: reather bracer, vault 111 jumpsuit (only the 'new' one). It really bothers me. The problem persists regardless of using or not texture mods, ENBs, setting videomemory in enblocal.ini, changing settings in the launcher and even reinstalling the game itself. I do not know exactly when I began to experience this issue, but I do know it was not present until recent time. Edit: Interestingly enough, previously mentioned textures sometimes get properly loaded in tiny interior cells (like Root Sellar back in Sanctuary).
  4. Yep, I was able to do this, thanks. Copied some other nice features along the way, too. :smile: Oh, and here is your Kudos (whatever it is), pal.
  5. I really like one particular feature from Frost Survival — perk-based accuracy of various guns. Perks such as Gunslinger or Commando no longer provide damage buff but instead narrows bullet spread of related weapons. It sounds logical, isn't it? Your bullet won't get more energy just because you know how to use a gun. I'd like to see this interesting and realistic feature in stand alone mod, it shouldn't be very hard to implement.
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