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Everything posted by lordanestis

  1. They look very nice,i will wait and see the next results.But the whole point is to make the armors as a reward and not craftable cause to say the truth man that steel category is gonna blow up!
  2. Yeah the Thane Weapons Improved is amazing i like the enchantments.Well about the armors,i think you all have seen the Stormlord armor right? It would be nice if Ulfric will give you this armor for your deeds and if the guy who made this armor would make one for each hold cause he really got a talent for armors as he made another one for General Tulius.Well if we can persuade him to do that...in the end what we need after all? 9 armors 9 weapons and thats all! After that maybe we can request 9 very small forts! ;)
  3. That would be a lot of work but its awesome,if someone will ever do that then it will be one of the top mods ever! And yes Thane is like a Knight or a Baron,Count,Duke i dont know but he is a very high ranking officer in the court of Jarl.
  4. I would like to see something more,like a unique armor from each Jarl with the crest of each hold on the armor.Also about the weapons i think its easy cause if you see there a bunch of weapon mods, surely someone can make unique Thane weapons.
  5. Guys have you seen those programs tha scan your photo and tell you witch celebrity you look alike? What if someone could make a program that will scan your photo and as a result give you some presets? But i think it will be very hard to do this,but also i think if someone will manage to do that it will be the top mod ever!
  6. Hello friends there is a small problem with my Skyrim,its about Krev the Skinner and Warlord Gathrik.Well they don't appear instead of Krev i killed a high ranked Silver Hand and instead of Gathrik i killed a Draugr Overlord,they are not on the console list either.I searched the wikia about the IDs used the console to place Krev and again a Silver Hand dude appeared.Now i don't know what is going on aren't they unique NPCs? Or just Skyrim renames them randomly,i also disabled all my mods,started a new game nothing,verified the catch nothing at all.If someone could tell me what in the name of Talos is happening i will appreciate it,thanks!
  7. I hope someone with serious skills will do it.
  8. Thanks for the pics dude i didnt had time to add one cause i was at work and then forgot to add one when i get back home.
  9. Please i would love to have this armor!
  10. How about adding a forge somewhere in Skyrim so all the mod weapons and armor are added there? Cause my steel smithing list have 100+ items in it and im sure most people have the same problem.
  11. Is that possible to make skeletons for each dragon? For example a Frost or a Blood dragon to have there own skeleton and not tha same?
  12. Well whatever is possible i just gave the idea and whoever wants to make the mod just go ahead!
  13. Well lets be a bit lore friendly just the cats the warcry and the sword will be ok!
  14. Anyone remember those Thundercats? How about making some Thundercats-Khajiit followers?
  15. Oh man i wish they could add some more food you know a sandwich some water some Akaviri food!
  16. Yes i already found that but it adds to many weapons i just wanted to you know the missing weapons to be used by Draugr,Forsworn,Falmer etc.
  17. Hello friends can anyone make Red Hare? Its the horse of a mighty Chinese warrior named Lu Bu,i know there is a mod that adds Lu Bu as follower and i think its time to give him his horse! Now about the horse,it has a dark red color it is slightly bigger than other horses and its a bit faster.About the armor well if its to hard to make it then just make the horse and thats all we will find it something from other mods. you can also see some pictures on google for more details just type Red hare Dynasty Warriors. NOTE that the Name of the Horse is Red Hare (red rabbit) not hair you know....hair!
  18. There is a mod called Your Maket Stall. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35305//?
  19. Yeah to bad there so few i also forgot about the Falmer weapons! :P
  20. How about an Akaviri Castle you know Japanese style castle?
  21. Ancient Nord Shield to complete the set. Also Forsworn Daggers Maces etc and Shield and Silver weapons set.
  22. Can someone please make a simple house and a Housecarl in Winterhold? I would like the house to have a couple of mannequins too.
  23. You know the one that wears the Gray Fox when you find the his bust,is it possible to make one?
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