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  1. What? The middle of Germany? Me, too! So why can't I create hair like this? Hm, must be more to it :D Thank you for all your ( and your companion's ) work. Made our games so much more beautiful. Habt ihr gut gemacht! Vielen Dank dafür
  2. In response to post #64265476. Well spoken. :)
  3. Congratulations!!!! Wish everyone involved the best of luck. Best regards!
  4. In response to post #64027966. I guess that‘s why they brought in that „Donate“ thingy. Somestimes it‘s really the only way out of my bad conscience. IF the author lets you....;-)
  5. In response to post #64020936. #64026326, #64046171 are all replies on the same post. There is already a fix on the nexus for that, afaik.
  6. Thank you guys from the Nexus Team. You make it so much more fun to play. So much easier for Veteran noobs like me to find solutions. Great Job!
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