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About jfisha

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  1. Frostfall and Campfire are an essential part of Skyrim. I can't imagine a play through without those mods. Great interview. Chesko is one of the top modders out there and one of my favorite.
  2. I, for one, am personally so happy to hear this news. M.O. is a great tool, and still what I use for my Skyrim modding needs. I use NMM for Fallout 4. I can understand the casual modders worries about M.O. At first glance, it does look very intimidating, but with people like Gopher making very informative and detailed videos on how to use it, this 40 year old man is now very comfortable with it. I know you young guys will have no problems. Can't wait to see what you guys release. If M.O. is what Tannin can do during his free time, it's going to be awesome to see what he can develop as a full time project. Best of luck, guys. Excited
  3. In response to post #39594210. You're acting like console players are entitled to mods. They're not. A mod author has every right to make sure their mod stays for PC only. The authors that are releasing them for consoles are doing you guys a solid, even if it only causes them more work. You're acting entitled and then claiming you're part of the community, but if you actually were, you would know it doesn't work that way
  4. First of all, what the hell happened to my community? I can't believe that Dark0ne is talking about people being proud of their gaming medium and believing it to be superior, and comparing us to "bigots", as if console players are somehow a victimized minority. We used to be a proud people. Now, saying that, I don't care about mods on console and I'll be damned if I ever think I have the right to tell a mod author where he/she can release their mods. It's their mods. If they want to give it to the kiddos, that's their business. However, it irks me when I hear my console friends asking me why this or this mod isn't released on Bethesda.net. Why a mod they really want is tied to F4SE. "Why can't we have everything we want!?!?" I haven't commented on this whole issue since it began so I wanted to get that in before people started screaming, "You're one of those douche bags Dark0ne is talking about!" I haven't commented here or on any other platform. Perhaps I'm taking this all wrong? I don't know, but hearing a person whom I look up to like Dark0ne spend half of his article talking about how people who think the PC is superior are (and here's where it got me) "bigots"? Just couldn't let that go. It's just a fun little tribal rivalry that goes back more then a decade, yet I see a bunch of people on the Nexus acting as if they're standing up against injustice like they're MLK. Don't worry, folks. There's not going to be a knife fight between console and PC players in the back alley if you admit that you think PC's are a better platform.
  5. You guys are simply the best. Thanks for the hard work. It doesn't go unnoticed.
  6. Fantastic site and I'm glad to be a part of it. Thanks Dark0ne for always keeping the community first. To think, this whole thing started from an idea inside a 14 year old's brain? At 14, I could barely figure out anything, you were building a website! Truly an inspiration, my friend
  7. In response to post #24748904. #24762514 is also a reply to the same post. @Teruke I've wondered the same thing myself. Why can't they do it like youtube does it. Those guys/girls get paid without any expense coming from the consumer themselves. Couldn't that at least be an option on the table when further discussing how to compensate our better mod authors? Hell, while I'm waiting on a download, I'll watch a couple of Toyota commercials if it means that the mod author is getting a little bit of a kick back
  8. I'll make a concession to start off. Yes, those a holes who terrorized some of the mod authors who decided to compensate off their mod should be tarred and feathered, in my opinion. I myself, had a ton of concerns about the implementation of the paid mods on Steam Workshop, but I never faulted anyone who tried it out. Hell, as a non mod author, it's hard for me to say I wouldn't of done the same. However, for a small minority of mod authors (most of them have been absolutely superb), the hypocrisy has been pretty bad. For example, for the last four years or so, this community has been chugging a long. The mod authors I talked to usually would tell me that I could donate if I wanted to, but they never wanted me to feel as if I had too. They just really appreciated my endorsement and a kind word or two in the comments. Up until four days ago, no one here even though about the idea of paid mods. Four days ago, this all changed. These four years that I thought I was participating in a community, apparently I've just been sucking the life out of some mod authors. I've (not particularly me but people who didn't feel the steam workshop rollout was good for the community) been called horrible names by some mod authors. Four years, not a peep. Four days, and apparently we're all self entitled little brats who did something horrible like download a mod a mod author provided. tl;dr: You guys can't talk about those horrible people who left comments on steam and other places, but feel that just because you released some content, that you can be equally as bad and say horrible things about others.
  9. In response to post #24742594. #24742759, #24742849, #24742924, #24742934, #24743009, #24743059, #24743149, #24743254, #24743299, #24743359, #24743449, #24743474, #24743514, #24743524, #24743584, #24743604, #24743624, #24743724, #24743739, #24743769, #24743774, #24743884, #24743929, #24743984, #24744049, #24744139, #24744159, #24744279, #24744479, #24744519, #24744574, #24744719, #24744789, #24744794, #24744929, #24744964, #24744989, #24745004, #24745054, #24745174, #24745279, #24745339 are all replies on the same post. ChizFoShiz This thread is not nearly as long as some of the others. You can do what you want, man. I can understand why you're pissed and if you feel that the community at large needs to be your punching bag, then do what you need to do. A ton of people were all for you guys doing what you wanted, some of us were supportive of you guys but didn't support your decision. If you feel the whole community at large deserves your hatred because you didn't get your way, so be it
  10. In response to post #24742594. #24742759, #24742849, #24742924, #24742934, #24743009, #24743059, #24743149, #24743254, #24743299, #24743359, #24743449, #24743474, #24743514, #24743524, #24743584, #24743604, #24743624, #24743724, #24743739, #24743769, #24743774, #24743884, #24743929, #24743984, #24744049, #24744139, #24744159, #24744279, #24744479, #24744519, #24744574, #24744719, #24744789, #24744794, #24744929, #24744964, #24744989, #24745004, #24745054, #24745174 are all replies on the same post. ValtielCurse Let's not forget those poor souls who are scared away from sites like the Nexus just because they might have to do something other then hit "subscribe" to get a mod. Even if there's awesome free armor that blows away anything on Steam Workshop for 2 bucks, they'll still blindly pay it. I guess that's not really much of an argument against it. Maybe those poor saps should be taken advantage of
  11. In response to post #24745044. Did you not read any comments that were in support? Did those get deleted or something?
  12. In response to post #24744804. Very nice post. Let me say that I'm an optimist at heart. I think what we're seeing is only a small part of the community and for the most part, I think the community at large is willing to let sleeping dogs lay and come back together
  13. In response to post #24742594. #24742759, #24742849, #24742924, #24742934, #24743009, #24743059, #24743149, #24743254, #24743299, #24743359, #24743449, #24743474, #24743514, #24743524, #24743584, #24743604, #24743624, #24743724, #24743739, #24743769, #24743774, #24743884, #24743929, #24743984, #24744049, #24744139, #24744159, #24744279, #24744479, #24744519, #24744574, #24744719, #24744789 are all replies on the same post. "You're damn straight its a mod-user vs mod-author argument." I'll keep reiterating this until I turn blue in the face. No, it is not. Why, you ask? Because there's some mod user's that agree with you, there's some that don't. There's some mod authors that agree with you, some that don't. There are three sides to this argument. People who think mods should always remain free (includes mod authors and mod users) People who think mod authors should be allowed to make money (includes mod authors and mod users) People who will pay for good mods, but think Valve just implemented a crappy system (includes mod authors and mod users)
  14. In response to post #24744174. #24744334, #24744489, #24744579, #24744614 are all replies on the same post. I'd have to agree. For people who so badly want to open up their product to a free market system, some of them seem incredibly thin skinned
  15. In response to post #24742594. #24742759, #24742849, #24742924, #24742934, #24743009, #24743059, #24743149, #24743254, #24743299, #24743359, #24743449, #24743474, #24743514, #24743524, #24743584, #24743604, #24743624, #24743724 are all replies on the same post. I disagree, Orgaya. We were given the content. That's not a feeling of entitlement. If you and I were hanging out and I gave you one of my beers, I can't tell the rest of my friends that you're an entitled piece of crap because you took it. Let's not forget that up until three days ago, most of us here thought all the mod authors were perfectly fine with the way things were going. We've been thriving for four years, for Christ's sake. I don't think that point gets brought up enough
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