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About ScenicGaming

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    Skyrim SE, Fallout 4, DA:I

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  1. Not my cup of tea, but good luck to those that enter!
  2. In response to post #43595330. #43598015, #43602180, #43602340, #43602420, #43604900, #43605185, #43605330, #43605700, #43605730 are all replies on the same post. MO/MO2 has for the moment been shelved as Tannin is now working with the team on developing NMM. That can only be a good thing if Tannin is able to bring some of the awesome features of MO to NMM, but only time will tell if that is the case. The same applies to whether or not Tannin will be able to devote time to developing MO2 again. There is no reason to not try NMM for Skyrim SE while still having MO installed. You will have to install mods separately for the new 64 bit Skyrim anyway, in a separate folder to the old Skyrim allowing you to keep mods separate.
  3. Thanks for all the advice so far. xx Okay so I've decided to order the i5. In the end I think your right that i5 wins against the AMD - Comparison.
  4. So after years of coping on my aged laptop potato, I have finally managed to buy parts for building myself a new gaming rig. Nothing spectacular as I haven't the money. But hopefully decent? CPU: AMD FX-4350 4.2GHz Quad-Core ProcessorMotherboard: Asus M5A99FX PRO R2.0 ATX AM3+ Motherboard Memory: Corsair Vengeance Pro 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-2400 Memory Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 960 4GB SuperSC ACX 2.0+ Video Card Anything not mentioned above (like monitors, fans, etc) I'll be salvaging from my old build into the new rig. Further down the line I hope to buy a second graphics card and SLI. Will probably install my old windows 7 pro, but may upgrade to 10. So I'd love some advice. Hopefully there are a few others with similar builds that can give me some pro tips. How well do you think this set up will run Skyrim ? I've heard folks saying the thermal paste that comes pre-applied on the boards is rubbish and should be swapped out for something more decent. Is that true? Or should I just wait and see what my temps are? Should I try overclocking? TIA x
  5. Okay, so I've been digging around with this one to find a real world reference and it looks like this dress is based of Medieval/Renaissance peasant and noble gowns for the shape. Pretty interesting. But hard to get ideas that fit the overall mesh shape. Now have a better understanding of normal maps, so going to a whole fresh look (texture) for the mesh. Working on it now. Will be completely different to the previous image example I posted.
  6. Well I decided to sit down and have a read through how to do it myself. Although it will probably take an age as I'm a noob. This is one I've been playing with in GIMP. But need to work on a lot more to make it usable. Haven't touched the normals yet. Still trying to get my head around how to do it properly. This is the first farming female clothing dress. If I can get my head around it, I'll try and do more, and males as well. Not sure if I'll get the chance to get that far. I think it's going too noble. Hmmm. Might have to change the red to something else. I do like this one though. Anyhoo. What do you think? http://i435.photobucket.com/albums/qq78/GamerAmelli/Skyrim/Farm%20Clothing%20Redux/6ddb14cb-e66e-474c-9a04-1159c9f92553_zpsahuvjlsp.jpg http://i435.photobucket.com/albums/qq78/GamerAmelli/Skyrim/Farm%20Clothing%20Redux/2015-08-21_00006_zpsqtp2ufx4.jpg http://i435.photobucket.com/albums/qq78/GamerAmelli/Skyrim/Farm%20Clothing%20Redux/2015-08-21_00005_zpssdsgflmr.jpg http://i435.photobucket.com/albums/qq78/GamerAmelli/Skyrim/Farm%20Clothing%20Redux/2015-08-21_00002_zpsog57djrp.jpg
  7. Thankyou for the links. I already looked at those and they aren't what I'm searching for. The latter is more for noble, not common dresses. Theoretically speaking, Beth based the imperial clothing from a very toned down version of the roman attire, and the nord is based off the viking/norse and medieval attire. So dyes can easily be made from plants and other sources, just like they can in real life, so I don't think they would be as scarce as you think. Elaborately weaved textiles, lots of layers and lace etc would be for the wealthy only, but the poor could easily dye fabrics rich colours and embroider patterns and add basic jewelry to them.
  8. I've been looking everywhere, but just can't seem to find any vanilla common dress replacers. Any I have found have been for body replacers, and not vanilla body or lore friendly either. Commoner clothing is just SO DRAB. I would love it if someone was able to make the common/peasant clothing a bit less boring. Specifically the dresses. I know, I know, it's meant to be drab as it's common clothing, but even if the commoners where poor, they would find a way to jazz things up with dyes and patterns surely, rather then the dishcloth and sacks that Beth thought would look good on our poor skyrim citizens. I would like something at least pretty to look at, whilst remaining functional and non slutteh. And ideally a replacer with maybe some variations. I like these styles. EDIT: Added textile pattern ideas. Not sure what anyone else thinks, if anyone even cares. Or more importantly if anyone has the energy to give this a go? But there's no harm asking. TIA
  9. I have a suggestion for modders, for another way to help them earn money. Have you considered patreon? There seem to only be a few who have discovered this great site. I have seen a lot of my favourite podcasts earn a pretty penny using patreon. I think modders could utilise this too. I know it's still at the mercy of the consumer, but it may provide more incentive for both the modder and user to contribute? Obviously it would probably be for those modders who expect to mod quite regularly to maintain the subbers, but I think it would be worthwhile for many. You would just have to make sure you link it on your mods and profile. Or maybe Dark0ne could offer options to add it as a link that can appear (like the profile button) with the patreon icon so users recognise it. (On a similar note I think it would be good for Dark0ne to add the ability to show more link/icon options for things like twitter and facebook, reddit, tumlbr etc, to help modders advertise their mods.)
  10. In response to post #24748294. #24748909, #24748959, #24749014, #24749054, #24749074, #24749089, #24749114, #24749169, #24749269, #24749289, #24749409, #24749439, #24749529, #24749564, #24749574, #24749674, #24749709, #24749814, #24749884, #24749889, #24749954, #24750114, #24750204, #24750249, #24750254, #24750279, #24750544, #24750564, #24750709, #24750814, #24750904, #24751449, #24751489, #24751899, #24751974 are all replies on the same post. Manny, don't get me wrong I love you as a modder. You've made spectacular mods. It's the way you worded your post... That makes you sound like your sounding out the community as being wholly ungrateful. And that's what upsets me. Perhaps rather then nitpick, we need to put our heads together and come up with some suggestions to Dark0ne to make nexus even easier to use and make some 'idiots guides' to everything nexus and have these very obvious on the main pages of nexus. That way the community is reminded of the great assets the nexus provides. The modders being one of those. Only by working together can we make this community thrive again and heal these festering wounds.
  11. In response to post #24748294. #24748909, #24748959, #24749014, #24749054, #24749074, #24749089, #24749114, #24749169, #24749269, #24749289, #24749409, #24749439, #24749529, #24749564, #24749574, #24749674, #24749709, #24749814, #24749884, #24749889, #24749954, #24750114, #24750204, #24750249, #24750254, #24750279, #24750544, #24750564, #24750709, #24750814 are all replies on the same post. @Sakorona Well at least this week I have the time to catch up on nexus mods. I'm stuck at home cos my darling three yo gave me conjunctivitis, I have a full blown cold, and I'm most likely going to be made redundant in the next week, so my stress levels are a tad high right now. Then all this just when I was waiting for all the great new updated mods like Frostfall 3.0 to come out to cheer me up. Ah well. I'd donate if I could, but looks like I won't be able to spare any change to do so. @Dark0ne Might be good to have some site tutorials (forgive me if there are already) on the features on nexus, where to find them and what they mean, and highlight that in the news every month to remind old and new users alike. As it seems a lot of users don't know how to use or where a lot of features of the nexus are.
  12. In response to post #24748294. #24748909, #24748959, #24749014, #24749054, #24749074, #24749089, #24749114, #24749169, #24749269, #24749289, #24749409, #24749439, #24749529, #24749564, #24749574, #24749674, #24749709, #24749814, #24749884, #24749889, #24749954, #24750114, #24750204, #24750249, #24750254, #24750279, #24750544, #24750709, #24750814, #24750904, #24751449, #24751489, #24751899, #24751974, #24752079 are all replies on the same post. I don't think it's fair to call the users ungrateful just because they haven't hit the endorse button. That's very petty imo. I for one know I haven't endorsed nearly as many mods as I should have, why? Several reasons 1. The main one being I have a life that is very busy and doesn't 100% revolve around Skyrim. 2. When I do come back to Skyrim in my very limited free time, I'm a mod hoarder, and spend more time messing around in MO trying to settle on a mod list I'm happy to play with and testing all those mods out in game, whilst figuring out why my game CTDs, which mod did it or which mods don't pal up together nicely, then I actually spend time playing the game. 3. To endorse I have to have downloaded a mod. To endorse I have to have spent time testing that mod. As endorsing certifies I've tested and I am happy with that mod. That's it's something special. Some mods take longer to test then others. 4. My mind isn't what it used to be and I can easily forget after all those other points that I need to return to the nexus and endorse my mods without getting distracted by yet another uber awesome mod on the nexus front page. That advertising doing its job right after all right? 5. After a few months I find my way out of the mire and realise I haven't endorsed still. So when I see an update for a mod I love and realise I haven't endorsed, I kick myself and hit the endorse button. Should I feel I'm ungrateful for not endorsing? NO. Should feel upset at MannyG's words? YES. I'm not able to speak for all users. But I'm sure there are many like me who would feel very pissed off at being called ungrateful. And yes I can understand that there may be some out there who just download and don't give a toss, but I can bet you that the majority of us do give a toss, we just have very busy lives, and we sometimes don't realise what the nagging thing we need to do at the back of our minds is trying to tell us....umm what is that thing I had to do?....Oh yes, frickin endorse. It's not that I'm ungrateful. It's just that when I endorse, it's in between the few moments of free time I have to actually relax and have some me time. What would I rather be doing with that time? If a modder doesn't feel they are being shown enough respect or endorsements all they have to do is hide their mod. That's their choice that they are entitled to. But users aren't forced to say boo to anything, just like modders aren't forced to Mod.
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