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  1. My apologies thandal this is the first time I have actually requested help in a forum. I will pay more attention in the future
  2. hello I am having issue with the dragon age inquisition mods specifically the more influence and skinquisition mods unfortunately I have patch 7 which is out and have looked everywhere and tried every known work around that I think is humanly possible if someone is kind enough shoot me an email and maybe point me in the correct direction it would be much appreciated.
  3. OK so to answer your question because I had the same problem and after a little research I figured it out. Below you will find a step by step that I hope helps you correct the issue of certain mods not registering with FNIS. 1. make sure you uninstall any fnis mod in nexus before proceeding 2. Download the newest FNIS 5.11 (which installed for some reason shows 5.1.1. 3. Extract all files to your Steamapps/common/Skyrim/data/tools Once this is done re open nexus so the FNIS registers in the mod manager double click it and let it install. ****Important say no when asked if you want to upgrade*** 4. Go to the data/tools/FNIS Behavior 5.1.1/data/tools/Generate FNIS for users let it run ****if done correctly you will see the mods that require FNIS load up in the window. Exit out and place shortcut on desktop when asked and run game using skse. This should fix your issue if not then you did something wrong. I should mentioned that after I loaded the fnis in nexus I ran Wyre bash installers to ensure everything was loaded properly then I ran FNIS before starting the game. I hope this helps anyone else having the issue.
  4. OK so to answer your question because I had the same problem and after a little research I figured it out. Below you will find a step by step that I hope helps you correct the issue of certain mods not registering with FNIS. 1. make sure you uninstall any fnis mod in nexus before proceeding. 2. Download the newest FNIS 5.11 (which installed for some reason shows 5.1.1. 3. Extract all files to your Steamapps/common/Skyrim/data/tools Once this is done re open nexus so the FNIS registers in the mod manager double click it and let it install. ****Important say no when asked if you want to upgrade*** 4. Go to the data/tools/FNIS Behavior 5.1.1/data/tools/Generate FNIS for users let it run ****if done correctly you will see the mods that require FNIS load up in the window. exit out and place shortcut on desktop when asked and run game usung skse. This should fix your issue if not then you did something wrong. I should mentioned that after I loaded the fnis in nexus I ran Wyr bash installers to ensure everything was loaded properly then I ran FNIS before starting the game. I hope this helps anyone else having the issue.
  5. Guys I love your extra input. Now I am wishing I knew how to do all this via modding this would be a totally great immersive mod. I do have one question if it randomly generated parents would the generator also be able to share some of the facial and hair textures you choose in the creation of your character? Or am I getting to carried away with the thought of how this could very well be possible. I do like the random question portion and if that was some how tied into live another life mod somehow when asking where you live it would ask who are your parents and so forth.
  6. I have searched through the forums seeing if I could find why this is happening, and couldn't find the answer. So I used a tutorial to create a follower mod followed it to the letter T reading everything however when testing I end up with a partially red head not sure why or I end up with the vex lines running down the forehead I am using vanilla everything until I get permissions to use certain hair and face textures. I guess I am trying to figure out why it does this and is there a fix attached below is a photo of follower in game.
  7. Thank you for your help I will try to see if this fixes my issue and if it does then I can continue working on a chain quest mod.
  8. Ok confusion I read 3 different follower creation tutorials and this forum was the first to kind of answer my question however when clicking the mods needed for the follow I double check to make sure my mod is active which it is and get multiple master files cannot be loaded am I doing this wrong. Is there a place to be pointed that fully explains this process I have scoured and my eyes are crossed now I think I am missing it. *I think this is why my follower is coming out vanilla and not like I had saved in the spf when using the character generator at start of game.
  9. Check out CBBE which is compatible with SevenBase for face Better looking Females or Pretty face. They also have recommended mods and so forth on the mod description.
  10. Looking for a mod that would allow more realistic immersion into the game. Adding a family tree with npc's that can act as family for the dovakiin. Was thinking of this when serana asked if I knew my family and answered in the basic I don't know who my family were, however I noticed other options of I can't wait to see them again and so forth. I am sure it can be done and if I was a modder or knew anything of modding. I would make it so a random generator would create parents and brother or sisters and the start of a game or if your using alternate start allowing you to pick just parents or a full family. It just seems the game is missing this aspect of the game.
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