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So i was having some unexplained stuttering so i disabled nearly all of my mods to no avail so i decided to try deleting my ini files and replacing them with default ones... and when i tried to launch F4SE the game just instantly crashed so i just put the old ones back and it still won't start without crashing instantly. Also this is with mod organizer and even when launch normal fallout it still crashes somehow
So i dunno if this is technically a Fallout 4 issue but it only happens with Fallouot 4 but i have a strange issue where my desktop display appears to be ever so slightly blurred after i exit Fallout 4. It's not terribly blurry but it appears as if the sharpness is turned down by like 2% or something and putting the computer on sleep mode then waking it back up fixes the issue which i also do not understand... I am wondering if its somehow linked to the ENB and when i press print screen the screenshot doesn't capture the blur effect so I can't exactly show the issue
So, I usually have a stable 60 FPS and the game recently started freezing for at least 3 seconds when loading new objects in while i am exploring... the only thing i did was install Snappy HouseKit then i uninstalled it and now the stuttering happens...i'm not sure if it's related to that mod but it didn't happen prior to that. I am on a GTX1080 and i play on an HDD and I've never actually had stuttering issues with Fallout 4 before this.. I'm not sure if anyone will be able to help but other than me just reinstalling the game i dunno what else to do Also, My load order: 0 0 Fallout4.esm 254 FE 0 ccbgsfo4006-pipboy(chrome).esl 254 FE 1 ccgcafo4023-factionas12army.esl 1 1 ArmorKeywords.esm 2 2 TrueStormsFO4.esm 3 3 HUDFramework.esm 4 4 SimSettlements.esm 5 5 Homemaker.esm 6 6 Snap'n Build.esm 7 7 Famas.esp 8 8 pipeshotty.esp 9 9 RemoteExplosives.esp 10 a HaxRPG7.esp 11 b RRTV_MyFirstInfirmary.esp 12 c ReconPack.esp 13 d Tracers - Light em up.esp 14 e WestTekTacticalOptics.esp 15 f WM Heavy Machine Gun - Standalone.esp 16 10 Mauser.esp 17 11 Lots More Male Hairstyles.esp 18 12 SilentProtagonist.esp 19 13 McMillanCS5.esp 20 14 M9.esp 21 15 Campsite.esp 22 16 Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp 23 17 CROSS_RugerMkV.esp 24 18 console.esp 25 19 LooksMirror.esp 26 1a Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp 27 1b 3dscopes.esp 28 1c 3dscopes-AddToSpawnList.esp 29 1d 3dscopes-framework.esp 3dscopes-m2216addon.esp 30 1e AllSetsExtended.esp 31 1f DCGlory Exp1.esp 32 20 subwayrunnnerdynamiclighting.esp 33 21 Boston State Prison.esp 34 22 MikeMooresMCAM.esp 35 23 Wastelanders XM2076 by giggity12345.esp 36 24 DOOMMerged.esp 37 25 GreaseGunSMG.esp 38 26 R91M.esp 39 27 DOOMSCARLK.esp 40 28 def_inv_scrap_en.esp 41 29 3dscopes-r91maddon.esp 3dscopes-lk05addon.esp 42 2a 3dscopes-reconpackaddon.esp 43 2b Vivid Fallout - All in One - 4k.esp 44 2c DarkerNights.esp 45 2d DarkerNightsDetection.esp 46 2e SettlementMenuManager.esp 47 2f BioshockInspiredPowerArmor.esp 48 30 ChinaLakeandHolorifle.esp 49 31 ClassicSniper.esp 50 32 WM Chinese Assault Rifle - Standalone.esp 51 33 P90.esp 52 34 P90NPC.esp 53 35 ClassicSniperSounds.esp 54 36 OTs-02 Kiparis.esp 55 37 MP40.esp 56 38 VarmintRifle.esp 57 39 VarmintRifle - AWKCR.esp 58 3a ClassicSniperCombatScopes.esp 59 3b SettlementPrivacy.esp 60 3c Homemaker - Greenhouse and Bunker Disabler.esp 61 3d Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp 62 3e SurvivalOptions.esp 63 3f BF1 Animations - Hunting Rifle v1.3.esp 64 40 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp 65 41 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - No Crafting Perks.esp 66 42 Armorsmith Extended.esp 67 43 LargerMoon.esp 68 44 GunmetalArmorSkins.esp 69 45 AWCKR-ArmorPaintPatch.esp 70 46 HandmadeRevolver.esp 71 47 HandmadeRevolver - AWKCR.esp 72 48 Scrap Everything - Core.esp 73 49 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp 74 4a RAW INPUT.esp 75 4b Z_Architect.esp 76 4c Z_Horizon.esp 77 4d SCAR-L.esp 78 4e AK74M.esp 79 4f DPAssaultCarbine.esp 80 50 AUG-A1.esp 81 51 HuntingShotgun.esp 82 52 SVT40.esp 83 53 SVT40-AWKCR.esp 84 54 RU556.esp 85 55 RU556AWKCR.esp 86 56 9x39Project.esp 87 57 Z_Horizon_Patch_SimSettlements.esp 88 58 Z_Horizon_Patch_Architect.esp 89 59 Z_Horizon_Timescale.esp 90 5a Z_Horizon_DEFUI.esp 91 5b Z_Horizon_Patch_ArmorsmithExtended.esp 92 5c Z_Horizon_Patch_Homemaker.esp 93 5d Z_BlurRemoval.esp 94 5e Z_CameraAddon.esp 95 5f Immersive Fallout - Standard Edition.esp
Are Mods Non-Commercial?
FurAfterDark replied to FurAfterDark's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Well, like with Mari, it says "This CANNOT be used to create content where a fee is charged" and "this cannot be used for video tutorials" but I can't ever find where it expressly says NOT to use it for a free mod or for free content -
Are Mods Non-Commercial?
FurAfterDark replied to FurAfterDark's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
I wonder if using the student version of 3ds max for mods is ok...or maybe i should just stick with blender -
Are Mods Non-Commercial?
FurAfterDark replied to FurAfterDark's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
But those don't have free non-commercial versions, do they? -
Are Mods Non-Commercial?
FurAfterDark replied to FurAfterDark's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Ah, So it would be okay to use a non commercial program for modding? -
I was going to get the non-commercial version of Mari to learn how to texture ..So i googled what it means but it says that MOST of the time, non-commercial means that you aren't selling/making money off of what you make but i am wondering if a mod counts as commercial use or if this site counts mods as commercial use.
I appear to have an issue with the game instantly crashing upon searching enemies in the Dragonborn DLC... I've Googled around and haven't found anything about crashing when you search surprisingly
Will reinstalling Fallout 4 cause my mods to all have to be reinstalled? or is it like Skyrim where they are still as they were?
I have an issue now whereby my character will stop walking, the HUD disappears and then i just can't move anymore and enableplayercontrols just makes the HUD come back, i think perhaps i am exceeding the mod limit? Also load order: 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esm 3 3 SkyMoMod.esm 4 4 Campfire.esm 5 5 Apachii_DivineEleganceStore.esm 6 6 ClimatesOfTamriel.esm 7 7 Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp 8 8 Improved Eyes Skyrim.esp 9 9 RaceMenu.esp 10 a RaceMenuPlugin.esp 11 b Chesko_WearableLantern.esp 12 c UnreadBooksGlow.esp 13 d TKDodge.esp 14 e WWW.esp 15 f Prometheus_No_snow_Under_the_roof.esp 16 10 RealisticWaterTwo.esp 17 11 Osare Food.esp 18 12 Scarves! Skyrim Edition!.esp 19 13 Monster Wars.esp 20 14 TheEvilMansionFE.esp 21 15 Run For Your Lives.esp 22 16 SkyMoMod Extras Collectables.esp 23 17 KS Hairdos - HDT.esp 24 18 Immersive NPC in the dark.esp 25 19 vImmersiveBeds.esp 26 1a HDTTESTEarring.esp 27 1b Lore Weapon Expansion.esp 28 1c Convenient Horses.esp 29 1d Cloaks.esp 30 1e RiversideLodge.esp 31 1f SMIM-Merged-NoDragonborn.esp 32 20 NewMerge1.esp SneakModsANDBowMods.esp 33 21 RBB Large Boats.esp 34 22 Frostfall.esp 35 23 ScopedBows.esp 36 24 ScopedBows_ArrowTweaks.esp 37 25 ScopedBows_EagleEyeTweak.esp 38 26 DF127CaranthirTowerMod.esp 39 27 Sneak Tools.esp 40 28 Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp 41 29 Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp 42 2a Apachii_DivineEleganceStore_Patch.esp 43 2b iNeed.esp 44 2c RBB Row Boats - NSUtR.esp 45 2d ValkyrieSwordShield.esp 46 2e ApachiiHelmetWigs.esp 47 2f AMatterOfTime.esp 48 30 DragonCarvedArmorSet.esp 49 31 SkyUI.esp 50 32 HDTPhysicsWeaponSling.esp 51 33 monster_hunter.esp 52 34 Real Clouds.esp 53 35 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp 54 36 dD-SkyrimMonsterMod EBT Patch v4.esp 55 37 dD-Larger Splatter Size.esp 56 38 ClimatesOfTamriel-Nights-Level-3.esp 57 39 DeadlyMutilation.esp 58 3a FNIS.esp
Fire particles are missing, smoke is there but no fire. I have Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB but that's not doing anything.. :o Load Order: 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp 3 3 SkyMoMod.esm 4 4 SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esm 5 5 ClimatesOfTamriel.esm 6 6 Campfire.esm 7 7 ClimatesOfTamriel-Nights-Level-3.esp 8 8 AMatterOfTime.esp 9 9 Prometheus_No_snow_Under_the_roof.esp 10 a RealisticWaterTwo.esp 11 b Monster Wars.esp 12 c TheEvilMansionFE.esp 13 d Cloaks.esp 14 e Run For Your Lives.esp 15 f SMIM-Merged-NoDragonborn.esp 16 10 RBB Large Boats.esp 17 11 Lore Weapon Expansion.esp 18 12 SneakModsANDBowMods.esp 19 13 lilithstools.esp 20 14 iNeed.esp 21 15 RBB Row Boats - NSUtR.esp 22 16 ApachiiHelmetWigs.esp 23 17 Convenient Horses.esp 24 18 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp 25 19 dD-SkyrimMonsterMod EBT Patch v4.esp 26 1a dD-Larger Splatter Size.esp 27 1b FNIS.esp 28 1c HDTPhysicsWeaponSling.esp 29 1d HDTTESTEarring.esp 30 1e vImmersiveBeds.esp 31 1f Immersive NPC in the dark.esp 32 20 KS Hairdos - HDT.esp 33 21 Scarves! Skyrim Edition!.esp 34 22 Osare Food.esp 35 23 WWW.esp 36 24 TKDodge.esp 37 25 UnreadBooksGlow.esp 38 26 Chesko_WearableLantern.esp 39 27 SkyMoMod Extras Collectables.esp 40 28 ValkyrieSwordShield.esp 41 29 Real Clouds.esp 42 2a RaceMenu.esp 43 2b RaceMenuPlugin.esp 44 2c SkyUI.esp 45 2d DeadlyMutilation.esp 46 2e Improved Eyes Skyrim.esp 47 2f Frostfall.esp 48 30 Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB - Flame Atronach Fix.esp
I cannot use the scroll wheel to go into 3rd person but it still works for scrolling in the pipboy and i cannot use any weapon hotkeys or the favorites menu for no reason as far as i can tell. If i load it to an older save, I can do all of that stuff again but right now i don't really know what would cause a glitch like this Load Order: 0 0 Fallout4.esm DLCUltraHighResolution.esm 1 1 ArmorKeywords.esm 2 2 TrueStormsFO4.esm 3 3 Homemaker.esm 4 4 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp 5 5 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp 6 6 Z_Horizon.esp 7 7 Armorsmith Extended.esp 8 8 OTs33Pernach.esp 9 9 subwayrunnnerdynamiclighting.esp 10 a Boston State Prison.esp 11 b MikeMooresMCAM.esp 12 c Crossbow.esp 13 d SCAR-L.esp 14 e DarkerNights.esp 15 f DarkerNightsDetection.esp 16 10 RRTV_MyFirstInfirmary.esp 17 11 OTs-02 Kiparis.esp 18 12 Mercenary.esp 19 13 Wastelanders XM2076 by giggity12345.esp 20 14 AK74_FO4.esp 21 15 Z_Horizon_Patch_Homemaker.esp 22 16 Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp 23 17 Lots More Male Hairstyles.esp 24 18 MMsLaserRCW.esp 25 19 LooksMirror.esp 26 1a AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp 27 1b AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - AWKCR.esp 28 1c CUTE.esp 29 1d AN94.esp 30 1e SurvivalOptions.esp 31 1f PowerArmorDelivery.esp 32 20 Splinterz.esp 33 21 Tracers - Light em up.esp 34 22 Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp 35 23 BioshockInspiredPowerArmor.esp 36 24 CorvalhoWidowShotgun.esp 37 25 ChinaLakeandHolorifle.esp 38 26 mk14.esp 39 27 mk14-awkcr.esp 40 28 DOOMMerged.esp 41 29 Remington 1858.esp 42 2a Fireaxe.esp 43 2b ClassicSniper.esp 44 2c Rangergearnew.esp 45 2d M1Garand.esp 46 2e Skibs-IF88Redux.esp 47 2f M1Garand - AWKCR.esp 48 30 VarmintRifle.esp 49 31 VarmintRifle - AWKCR.esp 50 32 Makeshift-Anti Materiel Rifle.esp 51 33 Skibs-WH77Redux.esp 52 34 CrudeBlowback.esp 53 35 CrudeBlowback - AWKCR.esp 54 36 ClassicSniperCombatScopes.esp 55 37 mk14reload.esp 56 38 Family Mauser.esp 57 39 WO-L96.esp 58 3a WO-M82.esp 59 3b SVT40.esp 60 3c P220.esp 61 3d Colt Python.esp 62 3e 870.esp 63 3f HandmadeRevolver.esp 64 40 WM Chinese Assault Rifle - Standalone.esp 65 41 HandmadeRevolver - AWKCR.esp 66 42 StG44.esp 67 43 Skibs-223PistolRedux.esp 68 44 Yona_Weapon_DefenseGun.esp 69 45 M9.esp 70 46 CROSS_Jetpack.esp 71 47 PipeShotgun.esp 72 48 PipeShotgun-AWKCR.esp 73 49 Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp 74 4a WestTekTacticalOptics.esp 75 4b R91M.esp 76 4c M14.esp 77 4d MP153.esp 78 4e WO-ScarH.esp 79 4f WO-G3.esp 80 50 WO-USAS.esp 81 51 WO-AK47.esp 82 52 WO-G20.esp 83 53 Wasteland Ordnance Merged.esp 84 54 M2216.esp 85 55 9x39Project.esp 86 56 WM Heavy Machine Gun - Standalone.esp 87 57 pipeshotty.esp 88 58 ChineseStealthSuit.esp 89 59 3dscopes-replacer.esp 90 5a 3dscopes-replacer-addtospawn.esp 91 5b 3dscopes-framework.esp 92 5c 3dscopes-replacer-m2216addon.esp 93 5d 3dscopes-replacer-r91maddon.esp 94 5e 3dscopes-replacer-m14addon.esp 95 5f 3dscopes-replacer-Crossbowaddon.esp 96 60 3dscopes-lk05addon.esp 97 61 3dscopes-m9addon.esp 98 62 BostonJacketFatiguesMod.esp 99 63 Z_Horizon_Patch_ArmorsmithExtended.esp 100 64 Z_Horizon_Tags.esp 101 65 Z_BlurRemoval.esp 102 66 Z_Horizon_Patch_Crossbow.esp 103 67 AK74M.esp 104 68 SVT40-AWKCR.esp 105 69 PIP-Pad.esp 106 6a PIP-Pad_Pip-BoyFlashlight.esp 107 6b GreaseGunSMG.esp
Announcing our newest staff member, Jim, aka Terrorfox1234
FurAfterDark replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
ok lol -
In response to post #37622915. #37623255, #37623405, #37623630 are all replies on the same post. Yeeeah, that REALLY makes me wanna disable ad-block lol