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I had a similar problem where I needed to run a script only when the player goes to jail. To my chagrin, Actor.IsArrested() does not seem to work on the player. This thread was useful in helping me come up with the following work-around: ; Script attached to the player alias in a quest. ScriptName MyModPlayerAliasScript extends ReferenceAlias ; Returns true if the player is currently arrested. bool Function IsPlayerArrested() global Quest JailQuest = Quest.GetQuest("JailQuest") return JailQuest.IsRunning() && JailQuest.GetStage() != 100 EndFunction Event OnLocationChange(Location akOldLoc, Location akNewLoc) ; Fires when the player is moved to jail and again when the player is released or breaks out. if IsPlayerArrested() ; do stuff endIf EndEvent
Hey there, I haven't been modding for the past few months, but I may get back into it soon. Anyway, to your question/request/idea dump - my first thought is that you need to scale back your goal drastically and start on just one aspect of what you want to do and then prove to yourself that you can do that, then reasess and move on to the rest of your ideas later. Brainstorming your ideas and forumlating a possible plan is a good start, but now that you've done that you need to see what actually can be done within the limitations of Skyrim's engine before moving forward with your design. So your idea is a stat overhaul - have you looked at other stat overhauls and studied how they are designed? If not, then I would recommend doing this as your next step. Even if other stat overhauls don't do what yours does, chances are they need to solve a lot of the same problems that you will need to solve - like how to apply the stat changes quickly, efficiently, appropriately, and without causing bugs. This process will help you understand what can be done in Skyrim's engine and how to do it. But, again, start small with a proof of concept. You can easily get lost designing a massive stat overhaul with a bazillion features and never actually get anything done. Instead, focus on implementing a small piece of what you want so you can understand how that piece might fit into your mod later on. Once place to start might be with a simple mod that does nothing but edit how an existing perk works. Perks are one way to semi-permanently modify stats on the player and on NPCs as well, so this piece will probably be valuable in your learning/design process. Take one of mine for example and open it up in TES5Edit to see what I changed: Balanced Necromage Fix: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76019/? TES5Edit: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859/? Afterward, you can move on to learning ways to apply perks with activation triggers, scripting, magic effects and so on.
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- mod creation & brainstorming
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SkyrimCustom.ini file -- Does it work?
sevencardz replied to IsharaMeradin's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Necro-Update: SkyrimCustom.ini finally works now... for Skyrim Special Edition. The saveini command is still broken and still arbitrarily names itself after whatever plugin loaded last and then dumps all of the game's Skyrim.ini settings into it, overwriting the existing INI file if there is one (in the Data folder). If you have no plugins loaded (except for DLC), then you get a SkyrimCustom.ini file in the proper Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition location. The game will actually use the settings in that SkyrimCustom.ini file now, but you'll get a red logo if you use the generated one, so best to edit it yourself. -
I was actually bored enough to read your wall of text and I'm glad I did because you gave me a great idea. I want to add support for other languages to my mod, but of course I don't speak 9 different languages, but you know who does? Google. Google currently speaks 98 different languages. https://translate.google.com/?tr=f&hl=en The translation feature seems to ignore the '$' prefixed strings because it doesn't recognize them as words of any kind, which is great. Now, it doesn't seem to transfer capitalization correctly, but that's easy to go back and fix manually. Also, for some strange reason, it switches the key and the value text sometimes? Seems Google's translation code needs a little work, but hey, it's free. Here's part of my ENGLISH localization file: $IHO_UpdateComplete Immersive Horses 2.1 update complete. $IHO_PageTitleOptions Options $IHO_PageTitleHotkeys Hotkeys $IHO_HeaderTitleGeneral General $IHO_HeaderTitleHorses Horses $IHO_HeaderTitleActivation Activation $IHO_HeaderTitleMounted Mounted $IHO_HeaderTitleMyHorse My Horse $IHO_HeaderTitleMyHerd My Herd $IHO_HeaderTitleDismounts DismountsAnd here's Google's raw translation to Spanish: $ IHO_UpdateComplete Immersive Caballos 2.1 actualización completa. $ Opciones IHO_PageTitleOptions $ IHO_PageTitleHotkeys teclas de acceso rápido $ IHO_HeaderTitleGeneral general $ IHO_HeaderTitleHorses Caballos Activación $ IHO_HeaderTitleActivation $ IHO_HeaderTitleMounted Montada $ IHO_HeaderTitleMyHorse Mi caballo $ IHO_HeaderTitleMyHerd Mi Rebaño $ IHO_HeaderTitleDismounts desmontaSee how it juxtaposed the 'Activation' string? And it forgot to capitalize some strings that were originally capitalized? Oh well, better than I can do myself. :smile: EDIT: It's also putting spaces after each '$'? Haha, easily fixed with Notepad++.
Announcing our newest staff member, Jim, aka Terrorfox1234
sevencardz replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
Serious lack of kudos for Terrorfox1234. Blasphemy. Number 13 incoming. -
Disabling the horse while the player is mounted would probably crash the game, but you can trigger a dismount in Papyrus: if PlayerRef.IsOnMount() PlayerRef.Dismount() endIf Unfortunately, that doesn't guarantee a dismount will happen. If anything is blocking the player's dismount area, it'll fail silently. I'm not sure how to get the player and the horse through a load door while the player is mounted. Many cave entrances just aren't big enough to get a horse and rider through in vanilla and load doors like the Whiterun gate require activating the door itself and I haven't found a dynamic way to do that while on horseback, but I'd be interested to find a solution.
LE MCM Automatic Default Page Selection
sevencardz replied to sevencardz's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Ah yes, that makes sense now. SetTitleText is a good solution too, so thanks for that. At least the title will be consistent. :) -
LE MCM Automatic Default Page Selection
sevencardz replied to sevencardz's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Well that's a rather deviously clever find there, Ishara. :) Unfortunately, it seems I can't call that function from my MCM script as the compiler tells me it doesn't exist. I also noticed in the decompiled version of SKI_ConfigBase that the CurrentPage property actually returns an internal _currentPage variable rather than a blank string. It seems the SkyUI guys have devised some way to make private functions in Papyrus by somehow having a script act entirely differently internally than it does externally to any other script. I also tried this, but no dice: (self as SKI_ConfigBase).SetPage("Options", 0) Well played, SkyUI. Well played. -
LE Script Not Adding to Factions
sevencardz replied to GreatSilentOne's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
I've noticed really weird behavior when using SetFactionRank. It seems to fail silently if the faction was originally set in Skyrim.esm or by the ESP of some other mod. I ended up writing something like this to 'fix' the problem: Function JoinFaction(Actor actorRef, Faction factionRef, int factionRank) global actorRef.RemoveFromFaction(factionRef) actorRef.SetFactionRank(factionRef, factionRank) EndFunction -
LE MCM Automatic Default Page Selection
sevencardz replied to sevencardz's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
I appreciate the suggestion lofgren, but that's just a different way to write my original solution. With that solution, here's what the user sees upon first entering the MCM menu: http://i.imgur.com/16JsDq0.jpg Instead of that, what I want to see is the "Options" page selected and the "Options" title to appear on that page. Basically, I want it to look like this instead: http://i.imgur.com/rxYQWon.jpg Of course, when the user actually selects the "Options" page, that's what they will see, but I want that to happen by default. Guess I could chalk it up to first world problems, but it'd be nice to just have the script select a page for the user by default and have it actually appear to be selected. -
You'd actually need to do both - uncheck the flag for Can't Open Doors on HorseRace and add your cave to RidableWorldSpaces. I'm not as familiar with markers, but a good example might be the Whiterun main gate. I know horses will follow the player through there if Immersive Horse's options are set to do so. Also, check out Immersive Amazing Follower Tweaks. Claims to be compatible with my mod. EDIT: Also make sure to check the horse's AI packages to make sure they aren't being blocked from following the player into interiors or for some other reason.
LE MCM Automatic Default Page Selection
sevencardz replied to sevencardz's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
I actually want to cut out the title page entirely and forward the user directly to the first options page instead. I don't want to have a title page, but I still want to be able to organize the options for my mod into multiple pages. To your point, it seems that I am fighting against the intended MCM design here. My pages are setup like this: Pages[0] = "Options" Pages[1] = "Hotkeys" Pages[2] = "Advanced" -
LE MCM Automatic Default Page Selection
sevencardz replied to sevencardz's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Right, I could do that, but then there's no way for the user to select the empty/default page after the user has selected another page. User has to back out of the mod's MCM and then go back into it just to switch back to the first page. Honestly, I'd rather just keep the current functionality where the title on the page mysteriously changes than create a situation where the user can't find the first page because it's hidden under the blank page option that can't be selected (unless I add a blank page option which is asinine). There really should be a way to set the default page in OnConfigInit. Why the CurrentPage value is set to "" and can't be changed baffles me. It would seem to be a rather simple solution to just let the implementing class set that to "Options" or whatever default page you want it to go to instead. -
LE MCM Automatic Default Page Selection
sevencardz posted a topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Hi there, I'm trying to set up an MCM menu with pages where the menu automatically loads the first page when you open it, rather than the standard functionality where it loads a blank page or a graphic. For example, I have this: event OnPageReset(string a_page) if a_page == "" OnPageReset("Options") elseIf a_page == "Options" ; show the options page This sort-of works as it shows all the correct options on the "Options" page, however, the "Options" page itself is not automatically selected. Instead, the MCM still 'thinks' that it's on the default blank page, so the title shows the mod name, rather than the page name and the "Options" page is not shown as selected, unless the user actually selects it. I've read all the documentation and been through the source code, but there seems to be no way to programmatically select an MCM page? SKI_ConfigBase has a CurrentPage property, but it's read only and always returns ""? What? I guess they are forcibly injecting the CurrentPage value into the script via SKSE magic somehow? Have I completely missed something obvious or did the SkyUI guys really just totally leave out the option to set a default MCM page? Thank you for reading and/or responding! :) -
LE Thanks to Modders who Share Their Knowledge!
sevencardz replied to ElioraArin's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Also, a big thanks to modders who put out re-usable frameworks, patches, resources, and modding tools. I would have quit years ago if we did not have SKSE, USLEEP, Mod Organizer, TES5Edit, and Sheson's Mem Patch. I've also donated to all of them at least once.