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Everything posted by AG97

  1. Thanks, that clears things up a bit
  2. So a few questions about the role of knights in the TES games, mainly out of curiosity and for RP purposes. If you can't be bothered to read all the text below, a summary of their place int the lore would also be great. As a playable class, the knight behaves in pretty much the same way you'd expect the stereotypical image of knights in history to behave (e.g. chivalry, proficiency with weapons etc.) as seen here: http://elderscrolls .wikia.com/wiki/Knight However, this doesn't tell you much about their place in the lore. There are two races that have knights as far as I'm aware: the Bretons and the Imperials. This makes sense for the Bretons, since they're a feudal culture based on medieval France/England. There's not much in the lore about the knights of High Rock, but I'd assume they're a key component of Breton armies and are of the middling nobility in terms of status. I'm a bit more confused about the Imperials. I recall two knightly orders in Oblivion. You could become a knight-errant of the Knights of the White Stallion in service to the Count of Leyawiin, and then of course there were the Knights of the Nine. So there are knights sworn to serve a member of the nobility and there are holy orders, like the Crusaders. But where do these knights fit in with the Imperial Legion? There's not really any mention of knights fighting in actual wars that I know of. How would a knight stack up in rank to say, a legate of the Imperial Legion? Heck, do any of the knightly orders even fight for the Empire? It just seems a bit odd that there are traditionally medieval martial positions in Cyrodil, (man at arms and knight) who are in service directly to counts, that coexist with the Imperial Legion, the official army of the state - based on the Roman army - in service to the Emperor.
  3. Beyond Skyrim is currently in development. They have multiple teams working on adding the different provinces of Tamriel to the game. No idea when it's set to release though and I'm pretty sure it's been in development for quite a while already. http://www.darkcreations.org/forums/forum/119-beyond-skyrim/
  4. I'd appreciate a mod like this as well. As someone who boxes, I'm always mildly amused by the horrendous punching animations.
  5. Why stop at one? It would be great to see a whole bunch of the Witcher 3 hairstyles in Skyrim if there's a modder out there willing to do it. I quite like the swept back look http://static.gosunoob.com/img/1/2015/05/witcher-3-elven-rebel-cut-300x300.jpg
  6. Something like the upcoming Kingdom Come Deliverance's layering system for armour would be very cool indeed, e.g. you have a chainmail hauberk, over that a cuirass etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4f50M3axdSE
  7. Agreed, Witcher 3 armour would be great
  8. It would be nice to see some more authentic looking armours instead of the typical scantilly clad bewbz bikini battle armours that plague the nexus... (and just about every other modding website ever) :laugh: Here's some medieval Russian armour for inspiration: http://kachi-snimka.info/images/bfi1291590435q.jpg http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/x/knights-armor-shields-festival-early-middle-ages-first-capital-russia-36359859.jpg http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d169/-aaabbb-/warice09.jpg
  9. A mod like this is long overdue in my opinion. The major positions in Skyrim hardly give the player any responsibility or power. After becoming a faction leader it never feels like you're actually in charge of anything. Similarly, being a Thane is worth bugger all and neither Ulfric nor Tulius grant the player any power, despite the fact that the dragonborn is basically the hero of the war. Hopefully someone picks up this request because it would make an awesome mod.
  10. AG97


    As far as I'm aware it only works for followers, but there must be a way of applying a similar system to NPCs. Well, a Thane doesn't necessarily have to govern over a settlement and there is only so much land the jarls have to give away, which could be explained in dialogue. Also, the more trusted thanes are gonna get the land. Just got to make sure the player is aware that each hold has more than one thane.
  11. AG97


    I think the title of thane actually makes more sense than earl for the smaller settlements within a hold. For example, the jarl of Whiterun might appoint a thane to govern Riverwood. Historically, a thane was originally associated with the military, but later thanes took on many responsibilities, including tax collection, governing of a small settlement and local administration. Some certainly would have owned land, whereas others would have lived in a capital and acted as retainers to a king/jarl or took part in government. When the Normans conquered England, they replaced the Saxon thanes (thegns) with barons and knights which gives you an idea of their status. Skyrim's interpretation of thanes is a bit vague. The player gets bugger all for being a thane, apart from a one time "get out of jail free card! and a housecarl. I think there is more than one thane at the Blue Palace in Solitude, which suggests that they have a role in government. The former jarl of Falkreath has been demoted to thane and can become jarl if the Stormcloaks take over, which again suggests that the thanes have some kind of actual authority - rather than just an honoury title. Anyway, ramble over! :laugh: Convenient horses does have a feature that allows followers to fight on horseback. I think it works by assigning them a special weapon for mounted combat, but you'd have to ask someone with knowledge about modding for the technicalities.
  12. AG97


    Very impressive! This is easily one of the most promising mods in development in my humble opinion. I especially like your work on Dwanstar, Winterhold and Falkreath since the vanilla versions are so boring. You've managed to give all the towns/cities/villages a unique look in a way that still fits in with the game's lore and style. Unfortunately my modding skills are limited to making the occasional NPC, so I can't help you there. However, if you want a hand coming up with quest story lines I'd be happy to help, Just drop me a PM if you don't want to post the stories here to avoid spoilers. Finally, I don't think people will have a problem with you uploading the mod without the quests and other features implemented. Just make it clear in the mod description that updates will follow with said features. Overall, I'm really looking forward to the release.
  13. Just get the Realistic Needs and Diseases mod and disable all the needs.
  14. Great idea. The main problem is this would require a decent mod team and a lot of time and effort. A mod based in one area would be more realistic, but would still require a hell of a lot of work. Personally I'd like to see ancient Greece or Rome. If you like RTS games I recommend the Total War series. You can play as a load of different historical empires/factions.
  15. Sorry it took me a while to get back to this post. Thanks for the links guys, although I'm already aware of those mods (and have downloaded some of them. There a few good Norse/Viking style armour mods on the nexus, but a few more can't hurt, right? :D Hopefully someone will come along and give these armours a shot.
  16. I just saw these two pictures on DeviantArt and thought they would make great armours that fit well with the lore and style of Skyrim. Here are the pics if any modders are willing to give it a try: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/176/1/1/pzo1125_chapter3_honor_viking_web_by_akeiron-d6akw6h.jpg http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/290/6/a/asvig_by_akeiron-d4d3kpq.jpg
  17. This would be a great mod and I would definitely download it. Personally I wouldn't bother with the Draugr assassins because according to the lore (as far as I know) they're only interested in protecting their own tombs/dungeons. But that's just my personal preference. It might be worth looking at Shadow of Mordor which has a similar-ish system to the one you described.
  18. The diplomacy would be quite a bit of work, but it would definitely be worth it in my opinion. New NPCs with voice actors would add to the immersion a lot. It would be great to see the results of diplomacy have some sort of effect in game as well. For example, if you're the Thane of Solitude and you successfully set up trade with the Bretons, it would be cool to see Breton markets set up in town. I'm guessing this would be too difficult, but maybe a Thane could fight the civil war through his/her hold's perspective. Let's say you're the Thane of Riften (who are allied with the Stormcloaks) - you would still fight on the Stormcloak side, but you would lead Riften's forces as a part of the larger Stormcloak army. If you are the Thane of Whiterun maybe you could influence the Jarl there into fighting for one side or the other, since he makes that decision early in the civial war questline. I suspect I'm pushing it a bit with this suggestion though haha.
  19. Yeah, as the Thane it would make sense to lead troops into battle. I think some of the Thanes in England lived in villages and were responsible for raising a band of warriors in times of war. I guess in Skyrim, a Thane of Whiterun could act as the chief authority in Riverwood and report back to the Jarl. Diplomacy would set a mod like this apart, since there are already loads of mods based on fighting. Links could be made to the civil war and other events around Skyrim/Tamriel. Organising a hunting party also sounds like a cool idea.
  20. The thanes are a really cool idea on Bethesda's part, but unfortunately you don't get much for being a thane other than a one off "get out of jail free card" and a housecarl. It also seems strange that given your new title, you have no responsibilities to your hold. If any modders reckon a thane overhaul mod is a good idea, here are a few suggestions: - The Jarl could send you out on quests to defend the hold, e.g kill bandits, giants, wild animals.... - Organise events in the hold, like banquets, festivals etc. (bit like the burning king quest for the bard's college) - Diplomatic missions, e.g. establish trade with other holds, talk to foreign diplomats etc. Rewards and progression would also be a good idea. This could include things like a large estate somewhere outside of the hold's capital with your own retainers. Better pay is another obvious reward and the player could gain greater power in the hold as they progress . It might also be worth having a look at the historical roles of thanes/thegns in Scandinavia and Anglo-Saxon England for some ideas: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thegn
  21. Total War: Rome 2 has some very good unit models. This is from a Rome 2 Spartan retexture mod: http://s14.postimg.org/jnsacuwfl/image.jpg It would be cool to see armour packs for other Greek factions as well, like the Macedonians, Seleucids, Athenians etc.
  22. There was a similar request to this a while back. There was plenty of interest, but unfortunately the one person who decided to take it on disappeared for some reason. In the meantime I would suggest searching the nexus. There are already some very good viking armour/weapon mods, just not enough of them in my opinion.
  23. Yeah the Serana mod handled the dialogue very well. The actor who voiced Ulfric also played a viking in 13th warrior, lines could be taken from that. However, as you said it would be a long awkward process. Tbh it probably wouldn't be that bad to find voice actors who could do decent impressions and add the dialogue in that way. Would be better than nothing. A cast of new characters would also be a good idea. That way the mod would be more interesting and you would have to rely less on the vaniila characters which raises complications with voice acting. I think a mod like this would cater more for second or third playthrougs so getting to know the factions wouldn't be that important. Avoiding a defection would be nice so that the player doesn't end up being a traitor. I agree that the Jagged Crown should play a part. It would give the Dragonborn a bold entrance as a new force in the war for control over Skyrim.
  24. Echoing what others have already said, I think the best option for a third faction in the civil war is one led by the Dragonborn. The Dragonborn has a good claim to be High King/Queen. I remember reading somewhere that when the joint Breton and Nord army went to face Talos; the Nords defected to Talos after hearing his thum. Considering the Dragonborn beat Alduin and pretty much saved the world, I don't think he/she would struggle to attract followers. Plus there are the dragons loyal to the player, the Greybeards who hold a lot of influence and any guilds the player leads. During the civil war the player could have diplomatic options with the Imperials or the Stromcloaks as well as factions like the Forsworn. At the end of the civil war the player could decide on leading Skyrim as an Imperial province or an independent state. There should also be options to make diplomatic ties with the Bretons, Redguards, Dunmer etc. The player could create a new alliance instead of the Empire that had the power to face the Thalmor. After the civil war the player should definitely have options in regards to the future of Skyrim. Just some ideas anyway. The main problem is voicing the vanilla characters (subtitles would be a bit naff).
  25. Personally I don't think subtitles are a great option since they would kill any real sense of immersion. If you could find voice actors with similar voices that could work. Cutting and pasting the vanilla voices is probably the best option, but would require a lot of work and you still wouldn't have everything you wanted. You could also find other work that the vanilla voice actors were involved in and used that. I believe there is a Serana mod that expanded her dialogue via that method and it worked very well.
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