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Everything posted by BossMan1998

  1. Do either civil war story, attack or defend whiterun and just look out for a stormcloak officer and kill him. Even i f your a stormcloak, youl get away with it.
  2. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/867487-archer-armour/ Would be great if you could help?...
  3. Yeah, it's frustrating because playing a male character is difficult when you want to find mods for them. Most people stick to skimpy armor for females. I know its so stupid most of the mods are just for guys that cant get girls and revert to video games :( Its hard to find a good mod for males, if anyone made this id be the first to download it.
  4. Yeah i dont like how when you unsheath your weapon one hand does the animation well, and the sword just apears in the other!
  5. If you download dawguard you fight mounted on your horse, just i dont know about casting spells and you cant shout
  6. Green grass? Could you also put some line of dialouge into the guards so they say something about the guild?
  7. Nah i dont like that one cos its pretty much blades armour imperial light boots and ulfrics bracers. Thanks tho
  8. Yeah but thats still ranger and a bit of hunter no travellers feel to it, il try it out though thanks.
  9. "Without killing him" It should really be Without killing it because in Skyrim Astrid says he but in oblivion Lucian Lachance says she. But yeah id download this mod, hell id even make it if i had a clue how -.- Lol
  10. So im pretty much looking for something awesome. This, some sort of of light general tullius armour perhaps silver instead of red, a red cape maybe a hood or a cool helmet. allow you to have two imperial followers at a time with special armour like pentius oculatus but matching colours with your armour. These soldiers would be imperials not nords. Unique fingerliss gauntlets matching colours to the armour, and unique boots also matching colour. LONG LIVE THE EMPIRE, LONG LIVE THE LEGION!
  11. Except for those ones that never got past lvl 20 but they were still males
  12. All the boys are i playing as girls? I aint never played as a Girl. Ive made a few charcters but theve allways been the same Legate Mathias of the 4th Era.
  13. It would also be cool to get children of all races, but then if you could get a gal pregnant, what if you were a, lets say a nord, and she was a, lets say a khajiit, youd have to add in a lot of races, crossbreed races, Khaord? ( Khajiit Nord ) Argoniorc? ( Argonian Orc) Argoniit? (Argonian Khajiit ) High Imperial, Dark Imperial, Wood Imperial...
  14. Thats a cool one but it still comes off a bit too mage like, thanks tho.
  15. Ive allways found the vannilla killcams lousy, thats why im Looking for more sneaky assasination animations/killcams. Like neck snapping, kicking in the back of the knee so they fall forward and stabbing them in the back of the head or snapping neck, piggy back suffocation LOL, tapping on the shoulder from behind getting them to turn around and slittin their throat. IF THIS SEEMS VIOLENT I APOLOGISE! Snapping the knee sideways and snapping the neck, do you get where im going with this?? LONG LIVE THE EMPIRE, LONG LIVE THE LEGION!
  16. Some kind of hearthfire concept so instead of just building a home you can build shops in place like Heimskrs house after it gets destroyed, or invest in store, then buy them completely.
  17. Would be awesome but seems, hard. i wonder if you could make so he pulled down the sheets then automaticallly equipped some kind of clothing the size of a bed with creases in it lol. Sounds stupid but might look like your under your sheets lol.
  18. I agree with you, but, sadly im no modder. But it would be great if someone would help you out with this :) LONG LIVE THE EMPIRE, LONG LIVE THE LEGION!
  19. A bunch of rich people in their fine robes sitting around a fireplace drinking alto wine in a room, like in one of the oblivion castles where you twist a torch holder and the wall opens up to reveal a rather large room with said rich men drinking said wine whilst their housecarls sit in a separate room. Maybe they could hire you to kill someone and you could accept or say your more of a gentleman, and they say that if you get more than 60k your welcome into their guild?...
  20. Forgive me for my stupidness, i didnt play oblivion much but is nocturnals cowl the cowl you get for finishing the oblivion thieves guild?
  21. Thats a cool armour, ive seen it before though and it doesnt really appeal to me seems to much like a mage. i tried Crimson Ranger Armour, thats probably the best so far. But it doesnt really have any hunter or traveller in it, just ranger.
  22. Uhm, sort of black leathery but not like the leather armour, thieves guild sort of bandolier. Some hunting supplies on the armour, Light armour of course, maybe with the stats of glass, A cowl or a hood, but not one that looks evil. Some Buckles on the armour. But most importantly, one that looks like it belongs in skyrim, if you know what i mean. Maybe sleeveless with some kind of gloves that dont go to far up the forearm.And try not to make the armour to bulky. A small Imperial Legion Sybol somewhere. umm no cape. Maybe a little bit of fur on it, sabre cat or black bear. The sabre cat fur would look cool on black, make it look more approachable.Maybe 1 shoulder lightly plated. I dont know if this is helping but im trying my best, haha. Maybe small skulls on the hip, but try not to make it look to forsworny. a goats horn on the side, maybe a flute somewhere. Do you sort of get where im going with this?
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