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Everything posted by GlytchMeister
Skyrim SE - Mod Detectives Thread
GlytchMeister replied to DoctorKaizeld's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
Anybody know of a bodyslide preset that has focuses on having a large variation between weight o and 100? A lot of presets give weight 0 D-cups and weight 100, in the words of Caliente, is "Silly Huge." What I'm looking for is more along the lines of very petite to Silly Huge. -
Would it be possible to sort and/or filter tracked mods in the tracking center by mod category? I've been using the tracking center as a way to 'bookmark' mods for later investigation and experimentation, but now i have so many, it's hard for me to figure out if i have any other mods downloaded or tracked that do the same thing, or modify the same thing in a different way. Thanks.
Physics mods requires a PhD in software engineering
GlytchMeister replied to GlytchMeister's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
I think i figured that fnis thing out - fnis generates fnis data, and a lot of mods overwrite that, so i just run fnis again whenever that happens, and I've got physics going. I've gotten everything working as far as i can tell, will come back if something happens. So I guess I didn't have to screw with notepad++ at all, even for FSMP. I found a config file packaged as a mod, and just used that instead of trying to muck about with code. btw SOS is totally outdated and the post AE updated dll file causes a CTD. I don't want to screw around with trying to use an old SSE build with old SKSE builds to get a mod working that i probably won't care about anyway, but i figured id mention it because it seems plenty of people do care. I even fixed the prisoner clothes clipping into the body with bodyslide (increase mesh volume brush). Basically by accident. Thanks for the help, i will come back with questions if i need to. Mod authors, please make a differentiation between instructions for basic mod installers, mod customizers, and mod developers. I have spent proably a full 40 hours total trying to slog through a bunch of stuff meant for people who want to customize the nitty gritty details or make their own mods when all i wanted was to install your mod. I get that the tools you make for those folks are needed and useful and powerful, but good grief, please put something like "If you just want to install the mod and don't want to fiddle with it, do this, ignore everything else" or something, because good grief. Not only was that a massive red herring, it was incredibly discouraging. -
Physics mods requires a PhD in software engineering
GlytchMeister replied to GlytchMeister's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
Also, should I have CBBE overwrite FNIS? screenshot of Vortex -
Physics mods requires a PhD in software engineering
GlytchMeister replied to GlytchMeister's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
ok cool, so i don't need to mess with FSMPV. But FSMP says I need to modify a config file? But that article literally only says that it must be done and where the file is, not what to modify in it. Is this only if I mess with the mod code itself or something, and I don't need to worry about this either and can just download and install according to recommended load order, or do i need to screw with the config to make it work? It's just that I see a lot of mod authors get really annoyed by people not reading their descriptions, so I'm trying to not be that guy, but now it seems I'm swinging way too far in the other direction...? (The other reason is because I have a limited data cap on my internet, and I'd rather not break my install and have to re-install skyrim and mods because I'm stumbling around in the dark) Thanks for yall's help -
Physics mods requires a PhD in software engineering
GlytchMeister replied to GlytchMeister's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
I wonder if it would be possible to just... bundle everything together. -
Physics mods requires a PhD in software engineering
GlytchMeister replied to GlytchMeister's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
right... here's how i understand things right now: FNIS requires nothing Racemenu requires nothing SKSE requires nothing XP32 requires FNIS, SKSE, and Racemenu CBPE requires all of the above CBBE requires nothing Bodyslide requires nothing So that's the "no bullcrap" setup? And to get better physics with hair, clothing, and equipment, I'd need: CBBE 3BA, which is a better version of CBBE+SMP, and requires all of the above plus HDT-SMP, which has been superceded by FSMP, and PapyrusUtilSE FSMP requires FSMPV - HDT-SMP XML Schema FSMPV - HDT-SMP XML Schema requires Notepad++, but it doesnt really explain what i'm supposed to do with it PapyrusUtilSE requires Address Library for SKSE and SKSE And then the indivudual physics plugins for the equipment, hair, and clothes... right? -
Physics mods requires a PhD in software engineering
GlytchMeister replied to GlytchMeister's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
ok, so... what setup should i go for to get body physics with the least amount of bullcrap to slog through? Because while i can have fun trying to get mods to work, I've hit the end of my rope on that aspect and i just want the stupid things to work, lol. once i can get that to work, how do i then get hair, clothes, and equipment physics? Is that a whole different setup, or does that just require building upon the above setup? -
Physics mods requires a PhD in software engineering
GlytchMeister replied to GlytchMeister's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
oh, i was attempting to use HDT... well, FSMP... which is the one that required Notepad++ but didnt tell me what to do with it. I am gonna try and use CBPC instead. Will report my findings later, thanks. -
Ok seriously, I've had to cluelessly install like 3 completely new and unfamiliar programs that have something to do with actual software code editing, one of them wants me to edit a config file with Notepad++ but i can't find anything telling me what in that file im supposed to modify or how, and like 15 mods that all somehow require eachother in this complex interconnected web, and there's like 3 versions of every mod, and finally, they all say they need me to do something with bodyslide but none of them explain WHAT i need to do with bodyslide except "build" Help? Is there a step-by-step guide or walkthrough that gets down into the nitty gritty and handholds you through this insane installation nightmare? Or do I just need to give up and wait for TESVI? I just want CBBE with physics that works with clothes, and maybe cloaks/capes with physics, too. but that's it. Please help.
Skyrim SE - Mod Detectives Thread
GlytchMeister replied to DoctorKaizeld's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
Is there a mod that allows you to use torches, flame, and frost to interact with braziers and other fires? Im planning on using ELFX Shadows, RAID, and the combination of True Storms and RAID Weathers, and I know dungeons can get super dark, so Id like to be able to light fires that stay lit until the cell resets. -
Hey folks. So, I know it is against Bethesda's EULA and against Nexus's Terms and Policies for a modded to accept money in return for creating a mod (unless they're in the creation kit??). But, donations are allowed. So, say I wanted to have a mod made. If I were to say "I will donate to the creators if this mod is created",would that be against anyones rules? What about "I am more likely to donate to creators of mods that fulfill the following criteria: _____." ? I have ideas that Id like to see made into reality (that I lack the skillset to do myself), and I would like to contribute to creators who make mods that do things that Id like to be done, but I dont wanna get sued or banned.
The Jagged Crown is said to hold a portion of the power of every High King of Skyrim who has ever worn it, but it has no enchantments or special properties. The ancient nord verse that mentions it also says the king is the walking winter’s woe with a maw unleashing razor snow. I just figured a unique enchantment that buffed ice shouts would be neat, but that also sounds a little too specific to be useful for the player. A shout cooldown reduction and buffed destruction magic damage might be easier to pull off and still be a little bit unique (fortify destruction damage being only only available in potions in vanilla). And I think that would still effect shout damage. And making it improvable would be nice, too. And making it fulfill the matched set requirement for dragonbone armor (or dragonbone ebonsteel mod armor), too. making the enchantment leveled (and able to be re-leveled by the various methods provided in mods) would also help preserve balance, so you don’t end up with some iron-armored noob prancing about with what is essentially an amulet of Talos and a permanent elixir of destruction in a hair-only slot with more armor than they should have at that level.
- lore
- enchantment
(and 1 more)
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Thats a good idea, actually. Make it so Nazeem ticked off Olfrid and so Olfrid decided to have Nazeem framed. It is in-character, Olfrid is a sneaky, underhanded man. He knew about Thorald Gray-Mane, and he has the Thieves Guild forge prison records to save Arn, and he is very proud and petty.
Im on an iPhone, so it kinda does dumb fancy stuff on its own. Oh well.
(I have no idea why this website hates apostrophes and ellipses)
Ok, so thereâs obviously a LOT of mods out there that enable the player to have fun killing or otherwise screwing with Nazeem. But I am a bit⦠detail-oriented. So hereâs the idea: Thereâs a mod that involves Nazeem getting busted for tax evasion and imprisoned, and Chilfurrow farm is abandoned, but thatâs not enough. Thereâs also mods that restore wintersand manor and alter ahlam and nazeemâs AI to take advantage of them. I want to be the one who busts Nazeem for tax evasion. I want to be able to buy Chilfurrow Farm as well as Wintersand Manor (on the cheap if Iâm a Thane of Whiterun because they were seized by the Jarl), and I want Ahlam to be happy about her trash husband being removed from her life, and to be available for marriage. And finally, when heâs released from jail (unless it makes sense for him to be executed or held for life), I want his attitude adjusted accordingly. No more holier-than-thou haughty snotty sneering. Maybe use that voice line synth tool or even just fully revoice him so his ego and attitude are reduced to match the tiny, sorry excuse for a man that he really is. The quest doesnât even have to be that complex. Just talk to Proventius (maybe after youâre in the thieveâs guild?), he asks you to look into it, and you take a couple books - a true ledger and a cooked ledger - and hand them over. After that, everything else is taken care of by the guards. Those are the core features. Below are really just little bonus bits that would be nice, but I havenât seen anything like them before, so I donât know how possible they are. Maybe make it so the player can make Chilfurrow farm a profitable business. No tax worries, of course, because theyâll be Thane, but maybe have a chest or a strongbox that respawns some gold, and be able to farm alchemy ingredients with the hearthfire system. Maybe even have the amount of gold tied to how much the planted crops are worth. Of course, if you donât want to marry Ahlam, maybe you could just have her function like a housecarl for Chilfurrow, retaining the income functionality while you let Lydia hold down Breezehome and you get to live like a real Thane in Wintersand.
SSE Is there a mod to harvest straw?
GlytchMeister replied to Punipunipuni's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Sorry for taking two years to reply but here you go lol https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/28593 hope that helps improve immersion for you :) -
Heh, I remember that. Oh man, you are lurking HARDCORE. That s#*!’s oooold. I haven’t seen Boxilar active in a loooong time.
As have I. Thanks for your suggestions. Look forward to seeing you there!
One chip to bring them all and in the darkness bind them?
Itâs just the fact that you KNEW I was BOUND to end up building abominations of technology made me wonder... ð
Yup! Thatâs the one! The forum is here: