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  1. There is no any proper machine gun mod, which is very sad. It might be due to the reason that belt-feeding animation while firing, and the belt being shortened as keep shooting is quite hard to create. Then, what about some old machine guns such as Lewis gun and DP-28 Degrachev? These use round-shaped magazine and won't have much problem creating animations, I think.
  2. I almost never had CTD issues in FO4 with 100+ mods running, including script-heavy mods such as War of the Commonwealth. Stability has been very improved from that of Skyrim. That might the reason why there is no Crash Fix mods as it had been in Skyrim or FONV. Checking your load order and removing flawed mods would help eliminating the CTD.
  3. Isn't he talking about a new generation mod with proper animations? The former one lacks that much quality.
  4. I have never seen it at all through the whole Fallout 4 modding scene. Lack of detail, such as the belt not becoming REALISTICALLY empty as I keep shooting, is just fine. I just hope to see some real, heavy, stronk machine gun so that I could shoot things as if I were the Rambo in the Commonwealth.
  5. The original Fallout 4 only utilizies 4 cores at maximum, making any rig meet its limit in front of Goodneighbor or Financial District, resulting in 30-40 frames with 7700K + 1080 combination. It is the CPU Bottleneck regarding shadow rendering. Meanwhile, Skyrim Special Edition, which was released after Fallout 4, can utilize 8 cores. I think Bethesda should have applied this improvement to Fallout 4 VR, too. Because VR function consumes huge amount of CPU resources. Fallout 4 VR might be unplayable without the improvement. And If Bethesda's gonna keep updating Fallout 4 because of Creation Club, I hope they apply this improvement once, so that Fallout 4 could be played without severe framedrop in Boston urban area.
  6. I think putting files directly into data folder won't be a big deal. Cuz modern Bethesda games keeps original files BA2-packed. Data folder will not be corrupted by mods unless they replaced the original files such as Skyrim - Textures0.bsa or Fallout4 - Meshes0.ba2.
  7. Since late 2016, a lot of high-quality gun mods have been released, with distinguished and magnificent reload animations. However, 100% of them are consisted of rifles, regardless of Full-Auto, Semi-Auto, or Bolt-Action. Are machineguns much harder to create because of those complex reload mechanism? It would be quite funny to spray bullets on everything you see with good old machineguns such as MG42, DP-28, M60. Pewpewpewpewpew!
  8. Hello, I've been enjoying Bethesda games for several years. One characteristic of Bethesda games is that you have to undergo loading everytime you move from cell to cell. Many people regarded it annoying, and found some solutions to shorten the loading time. Mostly, they were related to FPS and V-Sync. In Skyrim, one could cut loading time into half by inserting words below into Skyrim.ini file. [interface] uTicksToWait=64 I do not know how exactly it works, but I saw some posts explaining that loading time can be shortened by limiting FPS in loading screen. That number 64 means how many miliseconds the game takes per frame. And the default value is 32, which translates into 30fps. Therefore, setting this value to 64 equals limiting FPS in loading screen to 15. In contrast, setting it to 16 equals limiting FPS to 60. I myself and some other folks did enjoyed short loading time using this tweak. In Fallout 4, there is an excellent mod called 'Load Accelerator' : http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10283/? It uses a method from ENB to selectively halt V-Sync function only during loading screen. Letting framerate to surge up to 300-400. Author mentioned that in contrary to original Skyrim, Fallout 4's loading time can be shortened by high framerate. This mod also worked fine for me. My loading time has decreased dramatically. For example, It took 30 seconds to load Diamond City or Commonwealth, but the mod decreased it to 7-8 seconds. Now, back to Skyrim Special Edition, it often takes over than 10 seconds to load Skyrim or major cities, sometimes hitting 20 seconds. My Rig is like below. i5-6600 GTX1080 16GB RAM GIGABYTE B150 Durable Edition Micron MX200 500GB SSD (SSE Installed here!) Toshiba 3TB HDD (For many, many 'Admirable Videos') No Retexture, using Populated Cities mod which puts several Actors in cities. The 64-bit, DX11 engine may work similary to Fallout 4, and I think 'Load Accelerator for SSE' is possible enough. I just wanted to ask, will there be any mod or tweak to decrease the loading time of Skyrim Special Edition? Is it possible? Sorry for my poor English(It's not my native language), and Thanks for reading.
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