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About angelicaXanarchy

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  • Country
    United States
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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. It's a pleasure.:)


  2. Thank you so much for the kudos!!
  3. .^_^. you all are already making me feel right at home
  4. Hey there Miss Xanarchy.I have heard the message that you've joined the nexus.That's a very good decision.Enjoy and have fun.I saw your list of interests...and hey i like candy girls and ''the other'' too.:)Sending a kudo and best regards from germany.
  5. Ahh the joy of being legally an adult but still a teen... (18)
  6. The Nightmare Before Christmas, my favorite film growing up! Still love the thing.
  7. ooh a bit or boredom never hurt me before
  8. ooh a bit or boredom never hurt me before
    1. Shadiva


      Aye same here, trying to solve some problems for moders on the forum to get something nice to do, always fun to help, think ill soon play some Skyrim or watch tv,

      if you want some realy epic to watch, look on this awsome video on youtube of The Best Christmas Song (Jon Lajoie)



  9. Thank you! :D It is truly an honour :P
  10. If you want some fun things to watch, you can go to my Skyrim Nexus Profile and look at some screenshots or just the Skyrim nexus in general for that, there are some pretty nice screenshots out there on Nexus if you in to that sort of things :)
  11. Sure no problem at al :)
  12. Uhm hey there hope you don't mind me adding you, but you seem totally nice and cool so... yep!


  13. Uhm hey there hope you don't mind me adding you, but you seem totally nice and cool so... yep!


  14. Thanksies for the advice ya'll :D i'm just going to stealthily add you both cause you replied and junk
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