You should get at least 30 fps with those specifications in High Quality Settings. Haswell chips are going to be much more reliable performance-wise, but the biggest question is the Graphics Card which I think is the bottleneck of every laptop because it is mobile. If I were you, I'd choose a desktop PC for more performance. But if you want a laptop, I think that one is fine. That i5 supports hyperthreading meaning that it works like a quad-core chip. However, check if the RAM runs at 1600mhz/s and not 1333mhz/s. .... It depends on what you are willing to do. You can make Morrowind look and feel like Skyrim - you just need some combat overhauls and retextures. However, if you mod skyrim, you can take the game to the next level, but don't expect to have that immersion you would have with Morrowind unless there's a quest and character diologues overhaul outhere that I am not aware of.