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  1. You should get at least 30 fps with those specifications in High Quality Settings. Haswell chips are going to be much more reliable performance-wise, but the biggest question is the Graphics Card which I think is the bottleneck of every laptop because it is mobile. If I were you, I'd choose a desktop PC for more performance. But if you want a laptop, I think that one is fine. That i5 supports hyperthreading meaning that it works like a quad-core chip. However, check if the RAM runs at 1600mhz/s and not 1333mhz/s. .... It depends on what you are willing to do. You can make Morrowind look and feel like Skyrim - you just need some combat overhauls and retextures. However, if you mod skyrim, you can take the game to the next level, but don't expect to have that immersion you would have with Morrowind unless there's a quest and character diologues overhaul outhere that I am not aware of.
  2. @Twarrior, Yes, pretty much. The point is to combine the material with a robe in that case. Look at some examples from Immersive Armors: Dragonbone Robes - http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/6445/lgtcdf.png Dwarven Robes - http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/5004/lgt10f2.png @billyro - The point is to enchance role-play, not to get a different combination of armors. Of course, it would require a lot of work because all the pieces would have to be designed first (there would be 54 different armor sets). There's so much armor sets that look great outthere, but most of them don't have a tight integration to the game. Therefore I think that this is viable. If I had a clue about designing and modding I could get this to work at summer :(
  3. How many times have you been planning on making a new mage or assassin character and realize that you simply have no armors that fit what your character does? That's why I invented this concept and any experienced mod can take it; I give my permission to do it. This mod aims to add several armor sets that are not only consistent with lore but also with the Smiting perk tree. How? Pretty simple, just make different variations of each armor set. There are some armor sets in vanilla game that have a different look. Look at steel nordic/imperial gauntlets and steel .../horned helmet: http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121024005818/elderscrolls/images/thumb/2/27/Steel_Nordic_Gauntlets.png/170px-Steel_Nordic_Gauntlets.pnghttp://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121017150912/elderscrolls/images/thumb/3/3d/Imperial_Bracers1.png/200px-Imperial_Bracers1.pnghttp://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121024005757/elderscrolls/images/thumb/4/4d/Steel_Horned_Helmet.png/250px-Steel_Horned_Helmet.pnghttp://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121024005752/elderscrolls/images/thumb/7/72/Steel_Helmet_SK.png/200px-Steel_Helmet_SK.png I have no clue or whatsoever about modding; that's why I am writing this down. I already had come up with some names, if you like you can use them: http://i.imgur.com/3SSDQm6.png What do you think about his idea?
  4. Hi everyone, does anyone know where can I check Armor and Weapon stats from these mods? And also the smithing perk required to use them? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19733 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27644/
  5. Dohkaviin, don't worry about anything you put inside your house. It will not disappear (unless there's some strange bug). The issue with almost all the places is that they respawn after a couple of in-game weeks. That does not happen in houses nor in places like your living quarters in College of Winterhold, Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary in Dawnstar, and so on. The best way to see if a container or a certain are is good or not to store equipments is to go to uesp.net and check each place individually. For example, the Sleeping Giant Inn in riverwood is safe. According to the site: Several containers in Sleeping Giant Inn are safe for long-term storage, in particular, several containers in Delphine's secret basement room that become available once A Blade in the Dark has been completed. All of the containers in the basement room except the barrel are safe for storage—namely two chests and three sacks. Therefore, the chest where your equipment is placed during Diplomatic Immunity is safe.
  6. At first I was a little suspicious about the software, but after knowing the name of the software, with a little research, I came up with this http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6 Thank you very much :D
  7. I have some mods: Unofficial Skyrim Patch Unofficial Dawnguard Patch Unofficial Hearthfire Patch Unofficial Dragonborn Patch Hialgoboost GPU Upgrade Static Mesh Improvement Skyrim Project Optimization Realistic Lightning Overhaul High Quality LODs Enchanced Distant Terrain Sound Propagation Overhaul Playable Greybeard Robes Better Horses Economics of Skyrim Better Sorting Better MessageBox The Choice is Yours - Fewer Forced Quests Do you think I should rearrange the load order? I also would like to ear your opinion about these mods; should I replace some mods with others?
  8. http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/11.jpg Color tests: BlueYou value knowledge, logic, and deceit. You love to pursue wisdom but also to manipulate and deceive. At your best, you are brilliant and progressive. At your worst, you are treacherous and cold. Your symbol is a water droplet. Your enemies are green and red. I am not surprised by the last result since I play MTG for years. Once you know what to expect you tend to manipulate right? But manipulation is something that best describes Blue :biggrin:
  9. <p>Light amor for the simple fact that it is much harder to get to the hard cap and that there's actually a good perk in the tree. That one that boosts the Stamina regeneration by 50% when wearing all pieces of light armor.</p>
  10. Wait, how is it more immersive to instantly go from one city to another using the carriage than doing the exact same thing with fast travel and just assuming your character jogged or rode there? :huh: I mean, functionally speaking they are exactly the same thing - skipping the actual traveling part of traveling somewhere. You can only do that in major cities. I find it less agressive to the explorer experience because I can only do that when I am in major cities. It is more a matter of convinience; although I like exploring, I am not willing to cross the whole map just to get from point A to point B several times a day.
  11. I don't fast travel, however I do use carriages. They don't break immersion as they can only be found in major cities and from there you have to walk by yourself. If you want to stick with this I advice you to get Better Horses. You can call your horse with a horn everywhere you are and, if you tend to get a bit bored walking around everywhere you go, you can also give a speed boost to your horse.
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