Hey guys... I had the same problem. my specs: Nvidia GF 210 512g Intel dual core CPU 2Gig ra memory Foxcon Motherbord... (don't know witch) On-bord sound I play this in windowed mode with meduim and that unoficial pach... (not gonna metion the name, I dont want to get kicked on my firs day) I tested this while watching my father play Heroes 3 of might and magic on his desktop just behind me. So i can easy see when the screen LED go Orange and crashes my vid. I was only in my home screen for 25+- minuites and then it go kabooom. So I did some proper sience and tweaked only one tweak per time.... Just put of your screensaver and not turn of your monitor. This worked for me and made perfect sense. Skyrim grabs your mouse and then the PC don't detect movement from you input at all and then goes the screensaver and your graphics fail. The old fart (my dad) said he experienced that in quite a few games in "the olden days." So I thought I will register and see how other skyrims respond. If you have a notebook you must put your timeouts of. IMPORTANT: This is just a fix that worked for me, you can try that but there is no guarantee whatsoever. Pls post your results here. Regards LTJR