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Everything posted by Arvaaperekele

  1. So, in CK texture set's there's an entry for "Detail map", and having taken a look at the Dremorahead Texture set, one would think i can add a similar "Tattoo" to the player. But i just cant get the textures to show up in game. So if someone has any info on Detail maps and if there is some bethesda gimmick to get them to work, any info would be appreciated.
  2. Thanks for the tips, ended up going with checking the player key presses, and its working wonderfully.
  3. allright, another question. QueueNiNodeUpdate wrecks havoc on skyrim's havoc engine, if used when the player is mounted. what would be the best way, in script, to wait on a function to execute, for the player dismount. registering for update might work, but if i understand correctly the script might be running for god knows how long the player decides to stay on the horse. so any neat and clean solutions?
  4. Does anyone know how to reload actors textures in papyrus? i'm trying to change the players textures on specific conditions, i have the texture swap figured out, but skyrim does not load new textures without "resetting" the actor. SetRace works but is a little too clunky. Never mind, i found it, it's "QueueNinodeUpdate"
  5. Thank you! IsharaMeradin. i'm very new to papyrus and scripting in general, so i have had a lot of this type of moments recently :laugh: , for some reason could not find this answer by googeling. so thanks again.
  6. ScriptName TestScriptAgain Extends Actor Keyword Property MagicDamageFire Auto Int MagicFXnum = Spell.GetNumEffects() Error: no viable alternative at input "Spell" Error: required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input "." Error: Unknown user flag Spell Int Index = 0 Event OnObjectEquipped(form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference) While index < MagicFXnum MagicEffect MagicFX = spell.GetNthEffectMagicEffect(index) If MagicFX.HasEffectKeyword(MagicDamageFire) Debug.MessageBox("Fire Spell") Else Index += 1 Error: Required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input "index" EndIf EndWhile EndEvent What am i doing wrong? ...apart from trying to mod this damn game :laugh:
  7. So in CK you can flag a shader effect to only work on "skin" of the character, but i would like to exclude the forearms from this, is there a way to make skyrim consider the 1st person body mesh as NOT a skin part ?
  8. So i'm trying to get a skin shader (like the flesh spells have) to play on the player when they equip a specific spell, i tried adding a new magic effect that only apllies the shader, and added that to the nord racial ability (the same one that has the constant frost resist), but i cant figure out how the conditions work. i tried using the "HasSpell" and "HasEquippedSpell" but i cant figure it out.
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