In response to post #59634076. You can set it to where your downloads are on a different drive than your installed mods. That way the downloads are on HDD, but it'll install to SSD with the game.
In response to post #57531391. According to answers by users in forum for Vortex, you can import NMM and MO (MO2 as well) mods. Profiles, I have no clue.
In response to post #57521316. Yea, that is why I always stuck with Mod Organizer, excited to see how Vortex is even though I wouldn't be able to play my modlist with my current aging rig (ENB and or grass mods kills my fps) but I could get it started.
In response to post #55456908. Most websites I've seen that have a back to top are usually exactly where it is here, never seen it anywhere else. I do agree with doing a bottom button or making a button for tracking center/download history.
In response to post #54933313. #54934468 is also a reply to the same post. Vortex's virtualization sounds like a nice compromise between NMM and MO and it overall seems like it'll be the best of both worlds.
In response to post #27860574. The purpose of the survey they did and BlindJudge also said. "We've received a heck of a lot of feedback from the survey we ran and on top of that lots of members have been sending me personal messages about what they'd like to see changed on the sites." This allows you to transform into swarm of bats and fly around if you please and you don't even have to go Vampire Lord to use it.
Is anyone interested in converting the Mashup to CBBE? There is already a Sevenbase and a UNPB Conversion so why not a CBBE? xD I'll give you this money, c'mon you know you want it. :D
The day I can I will become a premium lifetime member to support you guys because your doing an awesome job so far and I also think that its great that your communicating with the users about any issues instead of just saying like Twitch2026 said "we are working on it" because that doesnt help at all. Anyways Keep up the good work and if I could I'd donate the money to getting the clustering servers but I can't so I'll just have to try and get a lifetime membership in the future. :)