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Everything posted by Paulkmf

  1. Ok. Thanks, I guess. Not really something I asked about but maybe one day I can use that. Somewhere.
  2. Thanks, Dashyburn. The problem for me, I've discovered, is the massive information dump in the mod's description. There's a ton of stuff the average modder doesn't really need to know. That is not explained so It makes it sound a lot more complicated than it is. Someone else drew me a picture (in crayons, thank you) to say that all you need to do is (just what you said); uninstall DAR and install OAR and don't worry about the in-game settings. It will work fine. As for the in-game settings, you can tinker with them later after you've become accustomed to how the mod works. The only real reason to change anything is if you end up with two mods that have folders with the same name. You go in and change the name so both animations will work. Any other settings are at user's discretion. Maybe Ershin should redo the description into sections;"Noobs and other idiots - just replace DAR with OAR and don't worry about the rest of this page". (That section would be for me btw)"Experienced modders - This is how to change settings in game.""True gamer nerds - This section is for you, it's written in C++. (or papyrus, whatever)"
  3. I just watched a short video about OAR and now I'm more sure now than ever that I will avoid it. Jeeze. Haha. In case anyone is interested. So, this is what I found out.. OAR replaces DAR and has nothing to do with AMR. Who knows the difference between AMR and OAR? Not me. Since I now know what OAR is (basically) I have to say this: Why would I want something that requires me to convert each and every DAR mod I have? Then I have to go into settings, in game, and hope I change the right things. Because I have no idea what most of that stuff is. I will screw it up beyond measure and probably have to reinstall everything. Sure, some of the animations are cool but imo, not worth the trouble of doing all that for each and every mod.
  4. Ok thanks, but I wasn't asking about Nemesis. I've got that figured out. That is super easy. It's the most user-friendly thing I've seen in a while. As for FINIS, Nemesis pretty much replaces it. In fact, Nemesis will create a fake FINIS mod if a mod requires FINIS. I found all that out in 30 minutes. So all that is absolutely fine. I was asking about OAR and DAR and AMR and mods like those. But thanks.
  5. So I just started playing Skyrim again and thought to give SSE another chance. So many awesome mods now (and also since most of the mods have been updated for 1.6.640.0). So far I've got nearly 300 mods (only 105 esm + esp active) and I'm very happy with my mod selection. Now comes animation. Jeeze. We have OAR, DAR, AMR, and probably others I haven't encountered yet. I'm confused af. Nemesis is easy - Update Engine, check mods installed, launch. Done. Go to game, see character do the animations. Such an improvement. About these other required mods. Do they conflict with each other? Are they interchangeable? Does this replace that? Can you just have all of them installed? No one explains that on their mod pages yet everyone seems to know. I guess I missed something. And for OAR, do you have to go into settings while in game and change things to make the animations work? Or can you just drop it in (because it's required for a mod), and not bother with it anymore? Excuse me for asking questions that probably sound stupid to some of you but I was an art major. Not computer science. Although I did once design a Character Generator on a spreadsheet with drop-down boxes and other cool functions (Open Office) that automatically filled out your character sheet to print, I only have a basic understanding of coding. I do not understand the descriptions on the mod page.
  6. Oh ok. This forum is a bit confusing. Always has been. I think I hate it. I see it now, sure enough, "Skyrim modding". I don't know how that happened. If you don't come here every day it's about as hard to navigate as the first time using the Creation Kit. It says "Mod Talk"? There's a separate forum for "Mod Request"??? I guess I need to remember that. I was wondering why no one had answered. Some people here get highly annoyed if you post something in the wrong section. Thanks for answering my question. I kind of expected something like that - Reskinning vanilla creatures is the only thing that's possible. If anyone could make one it'd be Mihail. Can't wait to see them.
  7. Got you. Playing with SSE this time and I will tell you, it is a lot better. Most of the good mods have been updated for 1.6.640.0 - finally. Problem is there are NO GIANT SNAKE MODS. Not one. Nowhere. (MihailMods had one for LE but it's not even available anymore.) I'm no animator or I'd create one. I'm more of a "let's put a nice little shack where Lokir used to live" modder. I've been installing mods for the last two weeks, getting ready to play again. My Morthal Swamp is a dangerous place (for lvl 1 characters anyway) and I know it's cold there but I'd really love to have giant snakes lurking in the water. We can call them Horefrost Snakes or Brumal Snakes or just Frosty Snakes or whatever else. Seriously, is anyone interested in making a mod that adds giant water snakes? It would be so badass. Example here is by the artist Ken Kelly. I think it accurately depicts what should happen when your Vampire character strays too far from the path. And one by Frank Frazetta. Not sure if that's a snake or some other aquatic creature but you get the idea.
  8. Thanks again IsharaMeradin, for telling me what to look for. I was searching ini files. I deleted it and everything works fine again. I've run the game a few times, testing some mods and that file hasn't appeared again. I have checked out some controller mods. I may use one, don't know yet.
  9. I have absolutely stupid internet where I live. I survive with AT&t Hot spot. Reinstalling the game (or anything that big) requires several hours. It sucks. So.... to remedy that, I make a copy of the actual game folder and call it "Skyrim Special Edition - Copy". In effect, if anything goes terribly wrong, I simply delete the Skyrim folder and rename the copy. Ha, take that Bethesda. The reason I'm telling you this is because I checked for this file in the copy. It's not in there. So it had to be added by something at some point in the last week or so. This is a brand new PC and a brand new Skyrim Special Edition.
  10. So I downloaded Notepad++ since I'm aware of how it works (basically) and it's still pretty much jibberish. Just a bunch of STX NUL NUL blah blah blah. There is no mod I have in my collection that seems to add this txt file. I have to admit that I'm kinda ticked off that something added this file without my knowledge. Does anyone know where it may have come from? Other than a mod?It's pretty insidious.
  11. I do have one but it was in the main folder (Skyrim Special Edition). I opened it and it's jibberish (in Notepad). I'm going to delete it and see what happens. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edit- YES! Thank you IsharaMeradin. Do you have any idea where it may have come from?
  12. I have this weird and annoying problem. The Back button (for wait) no longer works. In fact, it doesn't even show up in the controller menu. Nothing. I think it's supposed to be right under Journal but it has completely disappeared. The reason I posted this problem here is that it may be related to a mod. There is a mod that remaps the Back button to disable Wait ("No Wait Fuction" for those who like to make it extra hard) but I'm not sure if I may have tested a mod that changed some ini settings somewhere (but I didn't even download that mod). The only mod I have that can change Wait is "powerofthree's Tweaks" and I checked it already. I've set it both to true and false, no change. Trust me, I looked for a solution to this but it's nowhere to be found. I do play with a PS5 controller, it's worked fine until today. I've been testing some mods for a new playthrough when BAM, I get shut down by some little stupid problem. Don't you hate when that happens? I have turned my controller off and back on, reinstalled all the basic tools (All in one), switched to different saves, verified my files via Steam and started a new character (with Alternate Start). I am at my wit's end to figure it out. Right now my solution is to use an alternate wait mod (Super Fast Input Wait Menu) but I have no problem with vanilla wait. Thanks in advance.
  13. I found this video since I'm new to MO2 and had no clue what "Overwrite" is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ksp_yPq637s Just sit back (as instructed) and listen to a very calm and informative explanation.
  14. Right. It does say in the description that means 2 fans, not SLI. But that being said, I do wish I had did a compare on the 3060 vs the 4060 before. The 40 series isn't that much more expensive nor much bigger (in terms of size, my case is a mini- itx). I didn't even consider doing duel GPUs as that is far outside my level of experience. I'm already pushing my limits going with a water cooled system, but that, I'm going to learn. I don't want to send it back at this point and I'm just going to go with it. I already caught another mistake and had to make a trip to the local Best Buy. The SSDs I bought were M.2 Gen 3 but my mother board supports Gen 4. So I did a return on those and bought the SSDs local. Two 1TB 980 Pro by Samsung. I did check and the Pro SSDs that were failing were 2 TB and from 2021. Drives are not something I want to upgrade later. A video card on the other hand, not so bad. Also excuse me if I made any termonlogy errors as, like I said, I'm no computer expert. But damn, it's just so fun to build a new unit.
  15. I'm about to build a new pc for gaming (and other stuff, watching videos, art, writing...) and I'd love to hear some comments about the choices I've already made. I'm no way some kind of computer expert but I do like to tinker around with them. My current rig is a Frankenstein monster I built from thrift store pcs and some other parts from used computer stores. It does ok but it's just that time. I'm itching to put this thing together! I ordered from Newegg and should be getting the entire contraption in a few days. I bought... MPG Z7901 Edge wifi Motherboard Intel Core i9 - 13900K Processor ASUS dual - RTX3060 12GB Graphics Card ( I already saw a post prefering the 4060 over this. Damn it.) 64 GB of Corsair Vengeance RGB Ram and 2 1TB Samsung 970 Evo Plus M.2 SSDs The monitor is a 24" ViewSonic XG2431 1080p 240Hz 1ms gaming monitor I intend to use a bluetooth controller (I'm so used to consoles I never got the hang of playing on the keyboard) I think this should get the job done for a heavily modded Skyrim Special Edition or pretty much anything else. So did I make some good choices? Terrible? Let me know.
  16. Once again, thanks for the help. I checked the properties and they are already as you posted. I will download your mod (it looks like a nice one) and see how you handled it. I'll let you know if I get this thing figured out. My experience in coding anything is limited to a character creator I made using a spreadsheet with macros (OpenOffice). You click a button on the Character Sheet and it opens a Dialog box. I have dropdown boxes, built in formulas and even a automatic namer. It works really well and I designed it with no experience using examples I found online. It automatically fills out all your stats based on your choices. You can save it, print it out or reset it to default. To be honest, it was a lot easier to learn to make than this stupid horse stable (which still don't work). haha. I swear, this thing has me stumped. I know it's probably one simple little thing I missed but damn, it's too complicated. I'm going to give it a break for a while and hope I can figure it out later.
  17. Thanks for your answer but how do you verify the CK through Steam (I am using Skyrim LE). I don't see anything in the Steam launcher except Launch and Manage. Nothing in there says anything about "verifying". Never mind, it's in 'Properties>Local Files>'
  18. I've been using the CK for about 2 weeks now. I've run across a problem with scripts. I've found out that there is supposed to be a scripts.rar in the Data folder for the CK to be able to read and compile scripts. Or that's what I've read. Well, my Data folder does not have it. Can't find it, can't download it. No one knows where it comes from or where it goes. Seriously though, it's supposed to be part of the CK? What do I need to do to get this? Reinstall CK? Can't I just download the one stupid file instead?
  19. I've seen a lot of mods that add stables but the horses are free. I wondered why they didn't finish them. Now I know why they give up. This is the only tutorial that exist that attempts to explain how to make a fully functional stable. And it's probably the worst tutorial I've ever seen. I'm not saying it isn't accurate but it almost incomprehensible due to the way it rushes through and glazes over important steps. I'm sure it makes perfect sense to anyone who's ever completed one but for those new to the idea, no. This is not the tutorial to start with. Seriously, is there not something else explaining how to do this in a more user friendly way. Edit: To be more clear, I've got the lines coming up but the seller is not taking the money or giving me the horse. In the troubleshooting section it says: Q; Why does my horse seller says his lines but not take my money or sell the horse? A; You need to edit the properties on your Accept topic result script But this does not explain how to "edit the properties". So frustrating.
  20. Yeah, I've watched a number of his videos, they're great. I did already watch that one. It's more about how to 'stable' your horse when you fast travel. Basically the placement of the xmarker so your horse will appear in your storage stable. It's not about making a stable where you can buy a horse (which is what I was looking for). But thanks all the same. All his videos are from 5 or 6 years ago, I do whish he'd made one on this topic.
  21. Thanks very much. It is a bit confusing. I actually copied it and reformatted it with bullets on each step which often resulted in a paragraph being split up four or five times. It seems toward the end he got bored with it and just wanted to finish it up. I'll try it again and see what happens.
  22. Thanks. That looks something like the one I've been attempting to use. I believe the one I did find is copied directly from that one, it's not quite as clear. Problem is when I get to the last section, where you're supposed to copy the scripts, they seem to be missing from the vanilla script. I either have nothing in that section or ";CODE NOT LOADED" message. Did I miss something?
  23. Can anyone recommend a good tutorial for creating a new Horse Stable in the CK? No videos on the subject (that I found). I've created one in Riverwood but can't seem to get the Stable Quest dialogue to work. It does seem a bit complicated.
  24. Yeah, they kinda skip over how to find the cell (or even the mod itself) you're working on in most of the tutorials. I found out it's pretty damn easy after all. For any noobs (like myself) who's grown frustrated by trying to use anything in the CK; You activate your mod simply by clicking the folder icon and double right clicking your mod. Or nothing except left click Skyrim if you're creating one from scratch. Then if it's an outside cell you first have to go to Tamriel in the Cell View window (It always defaults to Interiors). Once that loads you can go straight to a location by putting it into X and Y. Like NexusComa2 says; make a note of what cell you are editing or wanting to edit. I just published that mod I was working on, it has over 70 downloads in a week. Not bragging, just saying it was really fun and easy after I got the hang of it. I was so pleased with it I thought I'd share. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/106782/ Navmeshes are a lot easier than I read they would be. Yeah, I actually like doing them. Now if I can just find a good tutorial to create a freakin Stable, I'm trying to put one in Riverwood, just for fun. The word 'stable' seems to only bring up how to make the game 'stable'.
  25. Thanks Max. I was afraid of something like that. I'll start from scratch.
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