I just made my first mod in CK. I wanted to start out by putting a small bridge outside of Whiterun over the stream between the horse stables and Chillfurrow farm. I watched this great tutorial that shows you the basics;
Anyway, after watching that it took me about 15 minutes to create this little mod called "Whiterun Bridge". And it worked. Amazing. But one side is a little too high and I wanted to adjust it and that's where the problem started. I opened up CK again, clicked my mod as active and waited for it to load... and I can't find it. I checked again and it shows it's active but I still can't find it. It's in the Data folder and it shows up in Vortex and TES5Edit. I'm sure this is a noob problem and I promise I searched but there is no solution that I could find. That search brings up mostly people who can't find their mod in the data folder. From the info in the video I think it's supposed to show up in "Cell view" beside World Space right? Or did I misunderstand? Edit: Ah, nevermind. It's says "Whiterun Bridge" right there at the top of CK, Duh. So it is loaded. Unfortunately you have to look through the list of cells to find the one you modified. Hmm, might be a good idea to write down the FormID of what you modified. THAT is not in the tutorials haha. Now to learn navmeshes so poor Nazeem will be able to use that new bridge. I'll wait in ambush.