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⚠ Known Issue: Media on User Profiles ×


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Everything posted by loganX64

  1. EDIT2: Problem was fixed! My game has always been heavily modded (340+ plugins, but I've merged many of them and brought it down to 240+), but remained surprisingly stable for a whole month until just yesterday. I've been playing through the Legacy of the Dragonborn mod and its questlines, up until my game decided to crap out whenever I saved, fast traveled, or entered interiors. At first, I thought it was due to LOTD, so I forwarded the issue to the Devs, but was informed that it was my load order that was the issue, not the mod. So, after a whole day of testing, merging, sorting, and many other exhaustive measures that should've fixed the issue, I am no closer to fixing it then I was when it first occurred. Now, I am pretty much out of luck barring a full reinstall, which I am seriously saving as a last resort. Any sort of advice, notes, or even a god-given solution would be insanely appreciated. EDIT: Found the problem is mainly focused around saving my game. If I turn off autosave, I am free to fast-travel or enter interiors with impunity. But saving of any kind leads to an insta-CTD.
  2. The Image says it all, It'd be super badass if combined with a Magicka Saber mod. :D Can anyone do this?
  3. It hurts to know that any attempts to revive a beloved mod can and will get squashed by Admins who don't know the full story. :/
  4. Not what your thinking, but there IS a mod like this: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=274615499
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