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  1. I was able to use the Vault Tech Population console to get MacCready tracked. But it still dosenr explain why the Objectives Tab stiff dosent work.
  2. I bumped into MacCready and recruited him. Being tied up with the diabolical Mechanist and his Junkbots, I sent him to do guard duity in Vault 88. Unfortunately, Vault 88 is soooo big that he gets lost. I have a script going so that when I enter vault 88 he moves to me when he is more than so many units from me. I also dynamically change his outfit to something that looks better. It would be better if he could show up on the map like Doggy and Ada do. If this were Oblivion or Fallout 3 my Objective Tab coding would work, but this Alias garbage never works for me (Quest Objects never work for me either). I have duplicated the type of Alias data tabs used for other NPC's like Jack Cabot, that show up on the map. Can anyone tell me what I am missing?????
  3. I want them to join me in the Jail. This hang up occurs when I leave the jail location, irrespective of where they are.
  4. Initially there seemed to be no problem. But then I found that after I fast travelled back to the Jail from The Boathoue, I could not leave the jail !!! If I attempt to walk out, the game locks up - theres plenty of memory left and the cpu's are not doing much. If I attempt to fast travel out, then for the first second or two on arrival, I can move (and so can the dog) but then it locks up again. Anyone got any ideas. Note, I do have a party of friendly npc's trying to follow me everywhere. They have been no trouble, so far....
  5. I don't get much luck with that. I am just trying to set up a dummy location because this is the only way round the fact that GetPCinCell() or whatever its called dont work with exterior cells, but location does
  6. Can someone tell me how a location is created???? Just creating a location entry in the editor is pretty useless. I cannot tell the location which cells are involved. I'm wanting the prescence of the player in the cells used by someone elses mod (Boston State Pen) to be visible - as a dummy location the scripting and packages can see - so that some npc's tracking the player will know that the player is in the jails area, and can go to be with him.
  7. In principle you are quite right, however, I don't get much response anyway. Call it desperation.
  8. Can anyone tell me how to set up a "Dummy" location. In one mod I downloaded, it sets up a new location in Boston. In a mod I am making, I want to set up a dummy location corresponding to the Wilderness cells used so that some NPC's can then join the player when he is in the cells involved. Corrently the only way I can do it is to edit the downloaded mod to send a signal to my mod.
  9. Perhaps you lot can help me. I'm trying to add some of my NPC's to the Red Rocket workstation. I dont have a clue how to do it, except that the NPC's have to carry a workshop script ( choice of 2 ). Some one passed me this in annother forum Actor Property DocHoffSharedRef Auto ;;; THIS DOES FILL WorkshopParentScript Property WorkshopParent Auto Const ;;;; THIS DOES NOT FILL function PlayerFunction() int workshopID = 10 ; RedRocketWorkshopREF WorkshopParent.AddPermanentActorToWorkshopPUBLIC(DocHoffSharedRef , workshopID ) endfunction Where do I get the workshopID from ??????????????. There is no info available about workshops except from a user level, and nothing about the settlement side.
  10. I've done a bit of investigating and there is a fundimental problem. It appears that GetTalkedToPC() is not a "rue function". It appears to be a construct of the Creation Kit when setting up Package conditions; it does not appear to be supported by NPC is or their References.
  11. I came across this : In Creation Kit, edit your script so it includes in its properties: workshopparentscript Property WorkshopParent Auto Const Then add the line: WorkshopParent.AddPermanentActorToWorkshopPUBLIC(settlerRef, workshopID) where 'settlerRef' is the Object Reference of your spawned settler and 'workshopID' is the ID of the workshop you want to assign the settler to. Then compile the script and make sure the WorkshopParent property has filled properly. Unfortunately, they did not mention how to get the NPC reference. Using the Actor ID kepps the compiler (initially) happy, but does not fill. Then there's the WorkshopID
  12. Thanks. The code is an ammended abstract of what I used so will contain errors. I'll look at it again, but I suspect that this is all way above my understanding. I've no experience in coding object oriented stuff like C++ so .... In fact, is this what the SCENES quest tab is all about??
  13. Thanks, but I'm not trying to spawn new NPC's, just puting up a beacon will do that - and provide a mixture of who knows what. I'm trying to link in existing npc's that I have created. Can your script be altered to do that?????? Also, I tried this anyway in a quest script and it does not compile - GetLinkedRef() is not known.
  14. I wanted to add a number of my NPC's to a settlement (that does not yet exist). The NPC's all have workshop scripts and Faction workshop dialoges, but I cannot find a way to bind them into a settlement (even by selecting the master workshop station to do this). I have examined other preset settlment (agricultural) members but cannot see anything relevant in their faction settinge or packages.
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