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About dizietemblesssma

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Community Answers

  1. In theory a custom extension might help, but why not create a second user? Vortex is a multi user program and the second user will have its own settings and you can manage a different version of the game that way. diziet
  2. Ok, thanks for the alias suggestion, I think I'll try that:) diziet
  3. What is the best practice for adding multiple items to an existing chest - in this case a safe one. Should I use the defaultaddmiscitem script and add it multiple times (twice in my case) and fill properties, or create a duplicate and fill that, replace and disable the original, or make my own script to add items on load and attach that to the original? diziet
  4. Ohh, new options! Can someone say what "Set reference profile" means? I'm guessing that "Init Collection" means to make a collection from the chosen profile. diziet
  5. That's cwl. I did have to spend some time tracking down a conflict though, not being a survival player I never realised this was a problem: the CC Survival ingestible effects were overwritten by Valdacils Sorting, I rustled up a quick! patch to forward the effects record and it seems to work for now:) My relative will have to test this for me though. diziet
  6. A family member is getting into SkyrimSE, they want to play survival which i never do, so I want to get my advice correct on what to install alongside SkyUI for the warmth ratings and stuff. Is this still relevant: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17729 for the latest steam version, given how old it is? diziet
  7. So something i need to flag in the collection before upload then? diziet edit: i just had a look at the instructions bit in my collections tab, since skse is a required mod for my collection the user will see an instruction as it is installed, which if the platform is a mismatch will be possibly confusing. experienced modders will know what is going on, but folks who are new might not
  8. How clever is the collection system? If I put SKSE in a collection, will anyone installing it get the correct SKSE platform (steam v GOG) or just the platform I used to make the collection? diziet
  9. Adding an esp filename to Fallout4.ccc will render it undisablable in the Vortex plugins tab (restart Vortex) though the file itself can be removed by disabling the mod it comes from. If you make a mod out of the cc files and blank the Fallout4.ccc you will be able to treat them as mods in Vortex, I just confirmed this is still the case. Again I neither recommend for or against this. diziet
  10. I was only hoping to be able do in script what the game itself lets you do from the save/load menu. diziet
  11. Thanks for replying everyone but the question is now moot, I did indeed go with a property:) diziet
  12. Indeed, I asked because it is something you can actually do from within the game:) But clearly not exposed in anyway:( diziet
  13. I want to be able to have rotating saves but with unpredictable names that will auto delete based in some prefix/suffix. The standard way of doing this is to cycle round a simple savename formulation and new saves will then overwrite older saves with the same name. diziet
  14. Please ensure you have a backup of any important stuff befire you do anything, including turning the machine off. I had two brand new WD drives delivered DOA so anything is posssible:) diziet
  15. I have this in a quest fragment: ccKRTSSE001_FerrySyste_05000A7B tempquest = ccKRTSSE001_FerrySystem As ccKRTSSE001_FerrySyste_05000A7B tempquest.ccKRTSSE001_zQuest = self As Quest it is in a fragment of my own quest that aims to change the property "ccKRTSSE001_zQuest" on the other quest's fragment script "ccKRTSSE001_FerrySyste_05000A7B", is this proper? It compiles in the CK but doesn't seem to achieve its aim. diziet
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