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Everything posted by CopperBoltwire
Artilliery Grenades that dont alert enemies
CopperBoltwire replied to TemmieCelari's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
I think you can make the Projectile of the grenade set as "silent" - just a an idea, not a proper answer, but it's something consider? I think the grenade it self can be set as silent too, not sure. Pop open CK and take a closer look ^_^ -
A mod that influences the 'Skill Advancement For Class' by only applying a big impact when selecting "Derp+" (Disadvantage) or "Derp-" (Advantage) In the respective menus. In other words, it's to new "dummy" dis/advantages added to the game, nothing more. They only influence (greatly) the 'Skill Advancement For Class' I'm fairly certain making two "empty" dis/advantages will be easy. In a way, i bet it's just copy/paste, then tweak, save, compile, upload. I just have little idea of where to even begin... Not as easy as just firing up the creation kit or some such, hehe. I'll, of course, poke around in the base game files (not the unity game) and see what i learn, but usually i don't get far, and left to post on a forum. Decided to post first, before looking, for once. (might be dumb of me to do...)
A few minutes ago i learned that my screen resolution of 1600x900 is just way to small for some windows that pops up in. I ran into this problem: https://gyazo.com/26ce7eadc6cb3cc715b605f55752858c I was trying to make a 2 text entry into a Holodisk, but the window "Terminal" is WAY WAY WAY to huge... So i request someone to make a Terminal entry with 2 'Display text' I can then edit that via FO4Edit and write the text how i want it to appear. I would be very very happy if someone would do this for me. Could just make that, zip the .esp, and pop it to either google drive or dropbox or something similar. A mod like that would be less then a mb for sure.
I have been messing with code for many years, don't know how to write it, i find it WAY to abstract, but from what i remember of all the code i have been working with, the classic "If, Then, Else" is often used, but for the most part, i got that from the blck building game called "Blockland" where you had the wrench where you could then "program" things into doing various things. I always found it ratehr limited, but was still fun mocking around in. But yeah, i got it from all the coding i have done in my day, i USED to know how to do Binary and Batch, but as DOS became less and less of a thing, i have forgotten most if not all of it... I still, from time to time mess with DOSBox and FreeDOS on my Raspberry Pi3... but it's more dabbling then anything...
I got the script working after some look-see in some other mods scripts: It works almost exactly as planned. I mean, the perks takes effect only after you close your inventory, but that is a TINY price to pay... It could be pretty cool if i could display the notification like "Perk <PerkName> Added" But that just frosting on the cake if i could make it say that... The fact that it at least say "Perk Added" or "Perk Removed" is awesome! The fact it does NOT remove the book like how spell tomes work is a blessing! I got some Crafting perks i rather don't want active at all times... just like with my amulets... i like to keep my weapons do less then 800 points in damage, as it makes the game behave odd XD With 5000% to Weapon blacksmithing, you can make some SERIOSLY OP weapons... 4k+... kind of gets boring fast. Thanks NexusComa! Your help was, is, are and will be greatly appreciated! Now i just need to convert my pesky necklaces into actual perks, link perks and books together and voilá! Monotenous work, but huge payof! No more a chance for an enemy to have/use my cheat items against myself! Freaking dynamic mods :P
As I said; I got it to work fine, once I close book and inventory, the perk is not just added but takes effect just fine. As for the Debug.Notification thing, I'll try it out and see how it goes... Would the following script work??? : If that works, then my script is done and ready for (ab)use :wink:
Okay so I got the following script to FINALLY work on my book: With some help googling and asking around and some trial and error it finally worked! At least the book ADDS the perk... However, I would love to go 2 steps further: * Removing the perk upon reading, IF the perk was already added. * Announcing that it added/removed the perk upon reading so the player using the book is actually informed. As is, no "feedback" weather the perk is added or not - would result in clear confusion. My scripting skills are practically non-existent. Anyone willing to jump in and be a hero?
LE Book to give a perk / Enchantment effect
CopperBoltwire replied to CopperBoltwire's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Already got Ordinator installed. But not a single one of heir perks actually alters HEalth, Magicka or Stamina directly. Guess i'll just leave the idea as just that, an idea... Skyrim's system feels way to limited in this respect unless one starts to do mad amounts of scripting. It's a shame really. *sigh* Well, thanks anyways... -
LE Book to give a perk / Enchantment effect
CopperBoltwire replied to CopperBoltwire's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
IF i want to level fast or the like, all i gotta do is use this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14152/? Leveler's Tower. I want to be able to add perks (permanent bonuses independent of clothing with enchantments) when reading a book. I just need a way to add them to the character, and books seems to be the easiest way. If there is easier ways to do this, i'm all ears... or eyes as it where. Currently looking at the button scripts that the leveler's Tower has in the Laboratory. As a temp solution. - But WAY to cheaty. I played around a bi last night and learned about how Leveled lists works in the form of distributing these. So they will be given to the player at random instead of just buttons. The only perk i got right now is one that increases enchantments by another 4 slots. Cheaty, i know, but it's just a start and a test to see how to do this. Not sure how to make perks give health bonus or health Regen bonus... Maybe i should just use/make a custom standing stone? *shrugs* (IF i can figure that out) -
LE Sword of the Torturer - 3D model already made.
CopperBoltwire replied to GethinPetrelli's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
HOLY f*#@ that looks amazing. I'd wish to add this to my weapon collection too. How's the progress on this? -
I don't like Ramsey, but this needs to be a thing. IF anything, it'll be super funny. Soundboards should be relatively easy, plenty of youtube vids that could be ripped from. So it's just a matter of making an AI package that makes the follower interact with NPCs who are close to Cooking pots and other such areas/items and then spurt out his insults. And this post made me want to learn and get more into making followers... Don't think i remotely have the skill to pull this of, but at least i got a rough idea of this would be done. But i'm fairly certain it can be done. Specially because SKSE is so advance as it is these days. Gonna follow this thread to be informed of any changes.
This is possibly the first time I'm really stumped. But I have seen a few mods that adds books that adds perks to the player when read, but forgot which mods they were, so now I'm left with starting from scratch. My google searches have lead to the need of scripting, but i don't know how to script. My search lead me here: -Steam Community Forum- But I can't figure out where or how to apply this in a practical use for a book. Anyone with the know how, willing to tell me how this is done? Or if you got a short amount of time, willing to make a simple .esp with just the book that adds a random existent perk so I can look it over and learn how it works? (easier for me obviously :P ) -Don
Actually i found out why the Helmet mods were not working. If you check the image in this link: https://gyazo.com/c410b424c332b9e15649fd4bd241235d You will see in the Attach Parent Slots, that it actually has no Mod slots added what so ever, and thus the mods won't show up, regardless of how many mods i make. But you a right, i should just go about making a whole new Set of armor by duplicating the armor. But i'm not gonna! *makes wide eyes*.... Okay i am :P But seriously, that little section is easy to miss if you don't understand what the heck it's about. But i learned about it while making a mod for some weapon-mods that makes the Pipe Gun overpowered. (I like "power fantasies" as it were) So maybe when someone else comes across this issue, then this is why, you also need to add the mod-keyword to the Attach Parent Slot section. IF in doubt check other current existing armors, should give a good idea of what i mean. Anyways, i'm off to mod the living hell out of the Vault Tec Secruity Armor, yay!
Title: Trying to make the Vault-Tec Helmet Moddable, won't work. So i have been trying for the last 2 days to get mods to work for the Vault-Tec Security Helmet(s) to show up. What i did thus far: (EDIT: Okay so i don't have much time on my hands, and thus it can be boiled down to a half a day or less... big deal...) Added a Keyword for Mod Association. Added one Miscmod item for the upgrade version of the helmet. Added two Mods: One called Standard which adds nothing or removes nothing, and the other called simply Helmet Mod which adds +50 DR. Added two Construction recipes for both mods. Added the Keywords to the two mods and to the CLEAN Vault-Tec Security Helmet I tried to mimic what the Combat helmet 0 and 1 had... but i think i'm missing something... Maybe a formlist with some odd or obscure name or just not very obvious name? Added the mod to dropbox for people to help troubleshoot for me, as i seriously cannot figure out what i did wrong. Everything i added of keywords and such starts with "C0B0_" (And that is a zero, not and oh!) Hope you guys can tell me where i failed... cause it eludes me sooo much. Btw, You need Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) and Crafting Workbenches - Craftable Weapons Armor Clothing Ammo Junk since those is what i use in my fully modded game. C0B0_VaultTec_ArmorMods.esp in my Dropbox
Sorry, did not mean to be condescending at all, what so ever! I was curious and concerned, is all. But it's wonderful to hear that measures are taken. Again, sorry. While common for an excuse to use, it's also a fact: English isn't my main language, but i try my best to be as coherent as possible. And also try to appear as friendly as i can, but apparently i did not succeed in sounding as friendly as i had hoped, for that i am sorry.
Okay, title a bit misleading. But the question is pretty much that: IS Nexus and it's team ready for when the GECK for FO4 gets released? I remember how often Nexus was down when Skyrim was released along with it's Creation kit. So i hope the Nexus Team has learned something from last time :P I know of the FO4 section, but I'm more curious about weather they are actually ready to be the file host and abuse of all those uploads/downloads that will happen the following months. So Nexus team; are you actually prepared this time around?
Skyrim-like Debug lockpicking for NV
CopperBoltwire posted a topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
I know and do think that lockpicking is easy, and a feature like this only increases how easy it is. BUT i think the "minigame" for lockpicking breaks my immersion of the game by a whole tons. (How many other people think this?) Considering that most, if not all other things (saide from hacking) aren't minigame based. Lockpicking breaks the immersion for me. Some would try and counter it and blah blah blah...... My problem is that lockpicking is not effected b lockpicking. The only lockpicking does is allowing you to ACTUALLY allow you to pick a lock once your skill is high enough... What kind of BS is that? Atleast they did it right in Skyrim... The "sweet spot" got bigger depending on how good your skill were, so why not do it in Fallout 3 NV? I think the Developers got lazy... So i'm thinking: Does Fallout 3 NV actualy have a Debug feature / hud that shows the "sweet spot" for a lock? I have been googline for the last 20 minutes or so, but didn't come across anything really concrete, just other random forum posts of people being annoyed with the immersion breaking tedious lockpicking minigame. Ofcourse, i could just download and install this: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/34829/? But it just feels ... Meh... Cause as much as i like a "cheat" for lockpicking, i don't want something this ... radical........ So unless there is not debug hud, i guess i'm forced to use the mod i just linked... HEck, i just tried to put my pickpicking skill to 5000 to see if that would make lockpicking easier, but no... as stated above; Lockpicking only ALLOWS you to pick locks equal or greater to your skill level... This in turn just makes the minigame tedious and immersion breaking... and utterly unnecessary! So ya... any mods to change the interface of the minigame to show the sweet spot? Or more so, if no mod exists, anyone able to slap something ugly but working together? I don't need a fancy hud... just functioning ^_^ (heck, the Skyrim lockpicking debug feature is not even close to nice looking :tongue:) ((EDIT: Any moderator able to change titles? If so, Please add a question mark at the end of the title... in my "haste" to write this i kind of forgot... *DOH!*)) -
Thanks for the replies. My major problem is that i did not understand how the worked... A bit later today i'll be testing out some more with these "mods" and see what results i get, if anyone is interested to know the results, i'll gladly post my "findings" here... I know it's bit basic, but considering how weirdly it's written on the GECK wiki... it might be helpful to some people to get a better description, right?
I wish to make a weapon mod that starts to regenerate ammo as soon as the mod is added, but both Regen' Ammo (shot) and (second) seems to be "nul" in activity. I read this: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Weapon_Mods But it's not very clear what the fields do... Anyone able to explain it in a different way that might make more sense to not only me, but to others whom also might have trouble with these two? -- I know i can just put regen on the weapon to start, but i do NOT want regen from the get go, i want it as a part of an upgrade. I already made a custom weapon, and it's mod, i just need to make the mod work so it starts to regen the ammo... I'm usually not an oaf with GECK, but these two options completely elude me... Hope someone out there with decent GECK skills can point me in the right way.
Need some advice from other cheaters..
CopperBoltwire replied to CopperBoltwire's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
No, i mean like overhaul mods. Some that gives players a hard time even when all their skills are at max. I don't use TGM or the like, i just enjoy getting maxxed out in my skills and have all perks... I just havent found any "overhaul" mods that take into account players reaching for the god like 85+ levels At least i havent found any interesting mods that can offer much of a challange still, even when one reaches level 85+... And that is what i look for... A mod that takes into account that players might eventually become "tanks" -
THIS is what i meant in my 2nd message/reply... I would love to simply just get a list with links to the many various mods, a "suggested" loadorder AND installation instructions to that list. This effectively could be called a mod pack, but a lot of work would possibly be needed to be done by the user, and not the person packing it. Sure the person whom made the list and instal instructions went through a lot of trouble, but he won't need to worry about repacking if one of the mods gets updated. All he would need to do is occasionally check up on his mods and see if they got updated and change his instructions accordingly. At least this is what i look for at the VERY LEAST. And it's much much much less work to be done for the "Mod compiler" and would actually not need an mod developers "green light" for this. Since nothing is done other then their mods got suggested in a list among a ton of other mods. Well, at least i can't see anything wrong with linking to other peoples work when it comes to suggesting a "DIY Mod Pack" type thingy ;)
Let me just clarify that, yes, i enjoy cheating now and again. I enjoy starting a new game, cheat myself to get "max" in every skill and get every perk. But i haven't really found any mods out there that just partially seems to support us almighty warriors of F-U-I'M-GOD kind of types. So i was hoping there is a few of you people out there whom enjoy cheating now and again, and can share some advice and more so maybe a list of mods that work well together, and also have at least partial support for god-like player characters. I'm about to reinstall Skyrim due to the current mod combination i got makes the game crash randomly to the desktop without warnings or logs. And i'm gonna go give Requiem a try, been VERY keen on messing around with that huge mod for a LONG time. ... Well that's that, hope to hear from some of you people.
Apart from this mod packs are frowned upon in general for multiple reasons by many authors and users. They may seem like a great thing to get into using many mods at once, already patched to work together, without having to care for compatibility issues and conflicts yourself, and for some they even are, but for everybody else they're just the start into their worst nightmare, as soon as they add a single other mod to their list and all of a sudden conflicts start popping up out of nowhere. You are meant to solve conflicts and compatibility issues yourself, using the many handy tools the community gives you, for a reason. There are means to do this the right way. Like giving a list of links to the actual mods and their proper install order and the only file uploaded is a huge patch making them work together (not avoiding the 'ask for permission' hurdle and its complications, of course). Or some automated installer-type way to automatically download and install the individual mods from their individual urls and in the right order, then applying a huge patch to make them all compatible. Maybe in future there'll even be a way to do exactly this through the Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) automatically, as I've heard talk about it for quite some time now. But even so, using this way of obtaining the mods and playing by the rules, using a huge patch to make it all work together, the other issue still persists. Every mod 'not' handled inside the patch is bound to conflict and cause issues. The more there is included, the more the conflicts will be. Valid point, didn't think this through when i posted this. No wonder there is no mod packs then *grin* Though i still would love to get a list (with links) to a "mod pack" sorta deal with what people thinks are great combination of mods. I know and have no problem working through the conflicts that might arise. I'm currently working on a "tiny" mod combination and a tiny patch to correct ID conflicts and a few typos in some of the scripts. IF anyne is interested in the .txt file with the list of mods with the links, let me know (via pm)... As for the patch, i only just begun working on it 2 days ago. Also gotta ask dosen mod authers about a few things regarding their mods. --- Also, thanks for reply guys ^_^