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About VelocityPolaris

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  • Currently Playing
    Fallout: New Vegas
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    Kerbal Space Program

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  1. Sorry, mixed up my wording in the original post. The answer is that you don't launch the game via the default launcher. You start the default launcher from mod organizer, use it to change the graphics settings, then you exit said launcher and run it from NVSE. I'll go back and edit the previous post so it's less misleading on that front.
  2. I feel kinda dumb right now, because the solution turned out to be only slightly more complicated than "have you tried turning it off and back on again." Figured I'd post it on the off chance that someone both makes the exact same mistake, and comes across this. When I was first starting my New Vegas playthrough, I wanted it to be heavily modded, of course, to hide the fact that it's an old, unstable game that tended to be pretty ugly, even when it came out. While texture mods can make individual objects more detailed, only the enhanced shaders of an ENB (I'm told it stands for Easy Now, Boris) can really change the look and feel of the world. But no matter how well I followed the instructions, I could never get the ENB to work without game-crippling issues, so I ended up doing the whole playthrough without 'em. The glitches mostly consisted of grasses, objects, and most of all, bodies of water being completely visible through the suddenly-transparent rocky soil of the Mojave. Not only was it annoying, but it was disorienting, since it was hard to judge distance or where solid objects were. ENB instruction manuals will usually say some variant of the following. First, you go to Fallout3/NewVegas on the ENBdev website, download that stuff, extract the files into a folder using an extractor, then drop them into your Fallout: New Vegas files folder. Second, you download the actual ENB mod that you want, extract and drop again. Third, you open your New Vegas launcher and disable three visual settings - turn off anti-aliasing, anisotropic filtering, and water displacement, and you should be good to go. Now, obviously I wasn't, despite following these instructions, and I just found out the really stupid and simple reason why. I was using Mod Organizer 2 to handle the mods and launch the game. When running the game from mod organizer, changing the vanilla launcher settings doesn't affect the game at all. There's a selection thingy near the top right of mod organizer, though, where I can select to start the fallout: new vegas launcher instead of NVSE. I used that launcher to change the ENB graphics settings, then exited out and started the game through mod organizer & NVSE as always. So yep, fixed it, no problems at all, feel kinda dumb right now.
  3. Thank you for the helpings. The lonesome road has been walked and eddy has done a heroic sacrifice, so I am posting in order to close the question. What I did to solve the cutscene problem was to use the kill command on Eddie then resurrect him, which for some reason fixed him not moving.
  4. So. After trying a buncha stuff, none of which worked, I finally figured out how to turn on no-clip mode, and just sailed on through the doors without incident. Now I have a new gamebreaking bug. ...yep. In the quest "the divide", after traveling through the cave of the abaddon, there's a bit where ulysses, speaking through ed-e, says that he's gonna override ED-E and use him as part of a plot to make the NCR go bye-bye or something. Unfortunately, as soon as he finishes telling the computer that this is totally navarro, the game kinda freezes. Not an actual crash-type freeze, the game hasn't entirely stopped - Ed-E's blue electricity thingy is crackling, I can pause the game, and the music is going. But besides right clicking to blink very slightly, I can't move, crouch, jump, draw my weapon, anything. I'm just stuck in cutscene mode, unable to finish lonesome road. I realize I have managed to attract the weirdest problems here, but any chance of there being anything I can try? EDIT: Yes, I tried reloading the save and turning it off the back on again and stuff. I have also tried teleporting to ED-E to see if that snapped me out of it. I teleported successfully, but was still stuck in cutscene mode, so that didn't work at all.
  5. Alrighty, sorry, I definitely shoulda opened with the load order, as I'm using a metric tonne of mods. I'll give what has been suggested thus far an attempt, but first, load order screenshots!
  6. So I've just started to play lonesome road, and already Eddy-boy is being a lazy bastard. First sign of a problem was when he wouldn't unlock the commisary when I asked him to. No big deal, I reckoned. I brought along more than enough food, water, meds, and weapons, I don't need no vending machines. Everything was fine up to the point where I got to the hopeville silo mainframe, next to that dead general and everything. I killed the sentries, hacked the turret, took the mainframe codes, went to it and selected the option to ask ED-E to open the silo doors. So ED-E floated over to the mainframe, stared at it, and... nothing happened. Tried a coupla different times, tried reloading a save, nope. He won't open the silo doors, so I literally can't continue lonesome road. If nobody knows how to get ED-E to open the doors, does anyone have any idea about any workaround commands or something that could get me to continue the DLC? Thanks in advance.
  7. So I came to searchlight recently, and was given the quest by First Sergeant Astor to retrieve 10 irradiated ncr dog tags from the troopers-turned-ghouls that roam the town. You can get 9 by killing feral ghouls, but the last dog tag is being held by a non-feral Private Edwards, who is residing in one of the houses. Now what you're supposed to be able to do, according to Oxhorn's videos, is go tell Astor about Edwards. He'll say something along the lines of "oh ok another ghoul put him down", and you're supposed to be able to reply by clarifying that he ain't feral. Now for me, the dialogue option to say he isn't feral (and therefore hear about a ghoul-manned ranger station from the sgt, and therefore tell Edwards about it) is missing. The wiki says this bug happens if you take Edwards' dog tag, which I did via speech check, but unfortunately, I don't have any saves before that. I really don't want this poor chap to waste away in an irradiated searchlight home, too scared to do anything or go anywhere until the radiation does to him whatever it's going to do, so is there a way I can save Private Edwards, despite not having any save files from before I got his tag? Like a console command or something maybe?
  8. I always back the NCR. It always strikes me how they're the one organization in the games that would actually count as a legitimate country, and despite how thinly spread and greedy and corrupt they get, that certainly says something for their stability as a nation. Now, the Legion is clearly evil, basically with some sprinklings of moral ambiguity thrown in there, what with enslavement and crucifixion and stuff. I don't know too much about the House or Yes Man endings, but I just can't trust any one person with the fate of so much, not even the courier. Sure, they have corruption all up the shasta river, are imperialistically biting off more than they can chew, and their troops keep thinking nuclear winter isn't so bad, but they also have DEMOCRACY, the only place I know of besides the Republic of Dave with that system. So unless New Zealand turned themselves into a spacefaring empire while nobody was watching, or, y'know, there are other countries, the NCR strikes me as the best hope for the rebuilding of humanity.
  9. More info on that random spot in the desert, brought to you not-quite-live from my PC. A bunch of fighting ensued the moment I landed, what with NPCs hostile to each other being dropped there. I found Ignacio Rivas's corpse, not sure if he was dead before I got there or not. Best guess is that this is the fault of the Someguy Series/New Vegas Bounties mods, since I seem to be seeing a fair few NPCs from that mod series - for example, the Burns family. Going to try to load without said mod and see what happens. ...nope, changed nothing. Maybe it's not a problem with that mod, maybe it is, but I've started from scratch too many times now to give up, regardless of which NPCs are missing. I'll just teleport the blokes I know are important back for now, thanks for your help.
  10. Huh. The situation is currently developing, but it seems that the marker on the map I mentioned is some sort of NPC dumping ground. I've seen loads of legionairies, NCR troopers, and rangers, along with some hostile people, like Cook-Cook, Jake Burns, and Levi Burns. Hsu and Hildern are there as well. There also seem to be a lot of dead bodies of generic NPCs stacked neatly - if I didn't know better, I'd claim to have found some weird cult.
  11. If anyone needs any glitch-related info experimentally verified, just ask.
  12. Fallout: New Vegas is a bit of a buggy game, yeah? After countless resets and aborted playthroughs and slashing and burning, I've managed to find a playthrough with only minor issues, like blindingly bright interiors, glitched brahmin and nightkin corpses, and the game crashing whenever I look directly at Lake Mead. But that's not what I'm here to get help with. Oh boy, is this one a bit of a puzzle. Early on in this playthrough, at helios one, I got a bit concerned when I couldn't find Ignacio Rivas anywhere. But since I didn't need him, and I didn't like his face, I just let the matter drop. This came back to bite me when I made it to McCarran, pointed there by the "you can depend on me" quest. Entering the terminal building, the first thing I noticed is that the walls were all glowing blindingly golden, which is a problem for another day. The second thing I noticed is that I couldn't find Doctor Hildern, or Colonel Hsu, anywhere. Those are big problems, 'cuz I'm doing an NCR playthrough, and these guys are both really important for stuff. The third thing I noticed was pretty weird, too. The quest marker that led me to where Doctor Hildern should've been, McCarran, now pointed to some sort of location west of the Mesquite Mountain Crater, on the other end of the mountains on the map. As soon as I left Camp McCarran, the marker changed to point back there. I tried to go looking over where this marker pointed, but I couldn't find a way there, and eventually gave up after getting mauled by lots of ghouls several times. So... yep, help would be great. Most of the stuff I've asked about in the past is pretty superficial, but this bug is actually preventing the plot from progressing. Oh yeah, and have a modlist, in case it helps. It's like 90 things, sorry. I'm running mod organizer, I have the 4GB patcher in the game files, have all DLC, and was running Beyond the borders - new lands, but I uninstalled it a bit earlier to see if that fixed anything. It didn't. Modlist: Onetweak New Vegas Anti Crash New Vegas Stutter Remover Yukichigai Unofficial Patch Darnified UI JIP LN NVSE plugin FPS weapon wheel JIP weapon overheating JIP selective fire JIP companion command and control JIP improved recipe menu Project Nevada Project Nevada extra options the weapon mod mennu flashlight nvse dynavision 3 user interface organizer sortomatic - modders resource afterschool special new vegas bounties i electro city mg's neat clutter retextures NMC's texture pack Ojo bueno texture pack collision meshes oneHUD EVE - Essential Visual Enhancements Project Nevada - EVE support Weapon Retexture Project Weapon Animation Replacer Improved Heavy Weapons Textures Authentic Burned Man Fallout Character Overhaul FCO bugfixes Willow - a better companion experience NVInteriors Project NVInteriors Project a room with a view no more giant manhole covers interior lighting overhaul - unchecked to deal with excessive brightness vault 22 flora overhaul improved LOD noise texture wasteland flora overhaul amidianborn NV book of water centred 3rd person camera ragdolls HQ dust storm FX Mojave Sandy Desert Mojave Nights No Fast Travel - unchecked to unsuccessfully try to find Colonel Hsu Two bears high fiving drugs are bad mkay It just says "wasteland", but I think it has something to do with armor IMPACT Re-done radiation Power Armor Revamped Populated Casinos The Strip Open Bottle That Water Way of the Wasteland Warrior Underwater Home Underwater Hideout Overhaul Improved companion sandbox CONELRAD civil defense radio Vanilla Intro Plus desert ranger combat armor improved simple reputation and disguises new vegas - enhanced camera express delivery The Mod Configuration Menu Imp's timescale adjuster Leather Backpack Leather backpack fix for english plugin More Useful Books It's a dog's world texture overhaul Perk Every Level - don't think it does anything FCO - the last few edits New Vegas Darker Nights V2 - don't think it does anything Armour repair kits Project Reality MKI
  13. Already installed and running, actually. By edit to the weather mod, would that be like trying to find some particular file?
  14. No post-processors are used, a separate help thread convinced me that was a bad plan. The "fog effect around the vegas strip" is definitely what I want to be changing here, but I'm not sure what it's asking me to do. It seems to be talking about editing code or something, is it talking about the ini file?
  15. So... I've been playing New Vegas, as you do, and I had good ol' Project Reality Mk1v5 loaded, having a grand old time not being able to see at night. One night, I decided to hike up to the goodsprings cemetery to drink in some of that wonderful Las Vegas light pollution. And boy, did I get more than I bargained for, cuz' it sure looked like Mr. House was testing his new miniature sun. Best guess is that this wasn't supposed to happen. After loads of trial and error, I narrowed down the cause of the problem to Project Reality. So, best option was to not use Project Reality, right? So I loaded up Realistic Wasteland Lighting, which may be smaller, but gives a nice desert feel. Only problem there was that when I waltzed up to have another look at that sweet New Vegas skyline, there was none. There was only the vague shadow of the Lucky 38 in the distance. Now, I don't know about you, but I'm a big fan of light pollution, and so it'd be greaaaat if anyone had a solution for either the Project Reality problem, or the Realistic Wasteland Lighting problem. I'd much prefer Realistic Wasteland Lighting, 'cuz it feels less clammy, but I'll take either one if a solution is available.
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