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About ZeroSaber39

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Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop
ZeroSaber39 replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #24732344. #24732604, #24732704, #24732709, #24732774, #24732869, #24732879, #24733044, #24733464, #24733739, #24733824, #24733844, #24734224, #24734679, #24734879, #24734924, #24735019, #24735179, #24735629, #24736304, #24736494, #24736934, #24737124, #24737349, #24737389, #24737689, #24737719, #24738774, #24739954, #24740119, #24740274, #24740514, #24740549 are all replies on the same post. @phantompally76: Totally agree, personally never had any issue with Arthmoor personally (though I have found that his "run for your lives" mod simply does not work for me) But I did have an issue with another "high profile" modder, well I say high profile but really the guy has only made 1 mod that is really popular and sits on a high horse acting like his mod is infallible. I found a issue with with his mod where some npcs added were invisible and even found the ID's of the invisible npcs and provided them for him to take a look at and he refused to even respond to my posts. (he certainly had no issue responding to other peoples posts but mine, he couldn't be bothered) And I ended up being stuck trading messages with some guy who essentially made it his life mission to sit in said mod authors mod thread and suck the guy's virtual dick, in fact when I first went to the mod thread to report the issue there was another guy who had reported the same issue and was getting abused being told that the issue is that he didn't know how to mod his game properly or that he had overloaded his load order and broke something or that his PC wasn't powerful enough. Interesting that when I came to the guys defense with evidence that this wasn't an isolated incident and that something was broken in the mod they decided to clam up and ignore me. (Well at least I got them leave the guy who reported the issue before me alone.) -
I've when running into something strange while testing mods for a new play though and I'm stumped as to what could be doing this, like the topic says I've been having issues with items just flat out vanishing and I was hoping someone could give me some ideas as to what could causing this as for the details: The first time this popped up was when I was playing around with the Remodeled armors I was making remodeled Iron Armor and when I was making the armor in the crafting menu I would craft the remodeled Iron Armor and the recipe for the remodeled Iron Boots would vanish from the list and wouldn't return, however if I loaded the game, made the Remodeled Boots and then the armor there would be no issue I thought is was odd but figured it was probably an issue with the mod itself so I just made note of it and decided to ask the author about it at a later date. Then I was testing out Book Covers - Lost Library, in this test I loaded up the game and jumped over to riverwood trader to see if they had any of the new books in stock, and they had 2 of the mods books one was some book about the law (unfortunately I can't recall the name) and a book about necromancy (again can't think of the name). So figured I'd buy the law book and look at it, so I bought it, left the menu and went into my inventory and I couldn't find the book in my inventory. So I loaded my auto save from entering the trader and went back over to Lucian, talked to him and bought the law book again but this time I noticed that once I bought that book the necromancy book vanished from his shop inventory, so I went into my inventory and sure enough the book I bought wasn't there so I reloaded the save and tried again, once again I bought the law book and the Necromancy book vanished from the list and couldn't be found in my inventory. I tried once again only this time I bought the necromancy book and nothing unusual happened, the law book didn't vanish so I bought it and went into my inventory and this time both books were in my inventory. Naturally I noticed that this was just like what happened with remodeled armors so after seeing this I realized it might not be an issue with Remodeled Armors but could be some other problem. I continued with my testing, this time looking at different mod homes and during my test of "Skyhammer Hold" ended up killing 2 tundra spiders that had been added my Immersive Creatures, after killing them I looted one just for the hell of it and as soon as I clicked take all and left the inventory screen the 2nd spiders corpse just vanished, which is just like what was going on with Remodeled Armors and lost Library. Like I said I'm stumped, I've never ran into an issue like this before, what's more annoying is that I can't seem to get the problem to recreate itself with any consistency, the only thing I can really think of that's different from the past is that I just switched over to Mod Organizer, I had never ran into this issue while using NMM, I really hope it's not related to using MO as I really want to keep using it especially for the Profiles but like I said I can't think of what could be happening here, I'm hoping one of you guys might have some ideas as to the cause of this issue.
Basically what the title is asking it gets very annoying being in a large battle and having to reload because an npc stupidly steps in front of my attacks and that 1 hit earns me a bounty and causes everyone to turn on me. For example in the game I just started I arrived at dark water crossing to find a Goblin battle (immersive creatures) happening right near the settlement so we end up with 2 tribes of goblins fighting and the residents of Dark water jumping in, I'm trying to help so no one gets killed and idiots keep getting in front of my sword swings. I would have figured someone would have made a mod for this already but I don't see one.
Considering a GPU Upgrade.
ZeroSaber39 replied to ZeroSaber39's topic in Hardware and software discussion
Well finally got the card ordered, though it might take me a while to recover from letting that money go. :confused: Just got to keep reminding myself I already have enough money saved and if I didn't spend the money from that check it was just going to be stashed away, not being used for anything. Plus at least I still have $400 left so it's not like I blew all of it, though that $400 will likely end up getting spent to dealing with Christmas presents since that time of year is coming up. The "best" ones are the ones you hear about who blow all their money on their PC and then end up having to sell it because they don't have enough money to live, makes you wonder what gets into people, makes me think of a video Rich at ReveiwTechUSA did about how easy it can be to fall into the trap feeling like you need to get all the latest upgrade when your pc gaming and how dangerous it can be: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TiRg5X7OM0 Hell I can't even fathom those people who live from paycheck to paycheck, frequently I'm at work on payday and see guys who get their checks and on their breaks they run out to cash them because they're completely broke and I just can see how anyone can live like that. When it's payday for me I'm always kind of "meh" about it, hell sometimes I don't even cash my checks on the week I get them because I don't need the money and I have no reason to go around where the bank is so I can't be bothered to go out of my way. That's how I was hoping to handle my PC, build it and not upgrade until TES6 comes out then upgrade/build a new one. I would have stuck to the plan too if Skyrim was running properly. I didn't even know anything about the new cards that had come out the past year because I had felt no need to look into it until I got feed up with Skyrim not running how I wanted it to. Hopefully this card will help with my crash issues if it doesn't all I can say is for the price it better *ban me* away the way everyone is saying it will otherwise it's going straight back. :cool: Yeah I made sure to disable defrag when I put the machine together, honestly I was hesitant to use an ssd as I'm someone who values disk space highly and I didn't like the low capacities I was seeing on ssd's for the price. I'm glad I did though, I'm never running an OS on an HDD ever again :tongue: plus it's saving my money in the long run, I used to hate waiting for my PC to boot up so I used to never turn my old PC off but with my current PC boot up time is nothing so my electric bills have been much lower. I was thinking about getting a 1TB SSD (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA2W014B1465) to replace my 1TB Western Digital Black as my gaming drive but I had to ask myself if I really needed that and with buying this graphics card it's defiantly not going to happen now, not until around this time next year anyway, I try to keep part upgrades to once a year to avoid falling into the trap of wasting money on upgrades I don't need, the only times I buy more then 1 computer part a year are if I'm building a new one or I have some emergency like a drive dying. I like the Miku in my avatar :smile: though she's probably hard to see clearly. -
Considering a GPU Upgrade.
ZeroSaber39 replied to ZeroSaber39's topic in Hardware and software discussion
It's still holding up for now, I don't install many applications to it so I still have 50 GB of space left. Slow down there, I never said I couldn't afford it I can just be very cheap at times. I'm not one of those guys who spends his money upgrading his computer rather then paying bills or buying food, I'm just a very frugal person. The money for this GPU for example, I'm Native American and my tribe has some deal with the government for the fish hatcheries on our reservation or something like that and my tribe divides the money the government pays us among the tribe members, basically all members between the age of 18 and 55 receive 2 $1250 checks a year, I haven't spent my last 5 or 6 checks on anything and have been holding on to the money. In fact I'm still not spending any of that money because the money for this GPU is from my 2nd check of this year and I'm still hesitant to spend it just because it's my nature to horde money. My computer is about the only expensive thing in my home simply because it's my primary form of entertainment, my standard routine consists of going to work, coming home, mess around on my computer, sleep, repeat because I don't do much of anything else I also end up saving a lot of money from my job, I think on and average week I only spend about $60-$80 and most of that is on gas money to go to my job in the first place. For someone like me my computer is more then a machine to play games on. The more money I spend on it, the less I have to spend over all I used to use anime and movies as my primary way to entrain myself but that was resulting in my spending around $700 a month on DVDs as opposed to $750 every few years on a GPU. Sorry about the drawn out response, the point is that yes for me personally it's very worth it and I end up saving money in the long run, it doesn't mean I don't constantly second guess my decisions or that I'm happy when it's time to hand the money over. :sweat: -
Considering a GPU Upgrade.
ZeroSaber39 replied to ZeroSaber39's topic in Hardware and software discussion
Well while I'm waiting to toss a bunch of money into my machine I just thought of something else that might be a dumb question but I might want to ask as it's something else I really don't know about. I've heard that a 600W PSU is recommended for the 780 Ti. Right now I have a Corsair 650W PSU (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139012) so I'm wondering if that should be enough or should I consider upping my PSU while I'm at it, my full system specs are: OS: windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Tower: Rosewill Blackhawk (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811147107) Motherboard: ASRock Z77 Extreme6 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157295) CPU: I5-357K (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116504) CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103099) RAM: G.Skill Sniper gaming series 16DB(2x8GB) DDR3 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231609) OS Drive: Samsung 840 Series 120GB SSD (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820147188) Game Drive: Western Digital Black 1TB HDD (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136533) Storage Drive 1: Western Digital Green 3TB HDD (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136874) Storage Drive 2: Seagate Barracuda 3TB HDD (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822148844) CD/DVD Burner: (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827136254) Flash Card Reader: (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820223103) And of course I'm planning to put the 780 Ti in (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487003) And as of this moment I'm not overclocking anything so while I'm at it does anyone think I might need more power after upgrading my card or see anything else on the hardware end that could be contributing to my Skyrim Crashes? -
Considering a GPU Upgrade.
ZeroSaber39 replied to ZeroSaber39's topic in Hardware and software discussion
Well that's just great, I check my account to confirm my money is in before going to place the order and find Newegg is sold out so I'll have to wait. Yeah I have a Rosewill Blackhawk gaming case: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811147107 As to my CPU cooler, it's a Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103099 I guess just like how I used to feel about opening my computer case, when I look back on it it makes me wonder what was so scary about it. Well we'll see, right now I'm not sure if overclocking will even give me a noticeable performance increase for how I'm using my system right now as I said before if Performance Monitor is right then Skyrim only uses about 50% of my CPU on average. Tell me about it, if you find it painful to see then imagine how painful it is to hand the money over. Since I've started talking about getting a new GPU I've had a few console playing friends ask me how much money I've spent just to play a $60 game unfortunately there's just no explaining to them how Skyrim on PC is a totally different experience then on Console (I will never play another Elder Scrolls or Fallout game on console ever again). Damn Newegg, they better restock fast, the longer this takes the more I'm going to second guess going through with it. Especially since I have people telling me a new GPU won't solve my CTD issue, not that I expect CTDs to stop completely but I'm hoping it will help make them less common at least so that playing is fun and not an exercise in ripping my hair out part of me even wonders if using an SSD for my game drive will help with crashes but I might be grasping at straws, I love Skyrim and just want to play it but I can't play Vanilla Skyrim anymore, it doesn't even touch the modded experience. Anyway it was the review that Thor posted over in the other thread that sold me on the card. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68h_2FosGq0#t=0 The rumors going around about a possible 780 ti with more Vram makes me want to wait but even if it does come happen (which I'm doubtful) I'm sure the price will be ridiculous. Anyway if I'm gonna do this it needs to happen soon because the longer I have that money in my account the more I'm gonna want to cling to it. :unsure: -
Considering a GPU Upgrade.
ZeroSaber39 replied to ZeroSaber39's topic in Hardware and software discussion
Yes I've heard that repeatedly thing is like Werne said I've never had CPU issues with my i5 3570k, if Skyrim performance monitor is reporting CPU usage correctly then on average Skyrim uses around 50% of my CPU. I didn't say I wasn't going to I just said I hadn't mainly because I know nothing at all about overclocking so I'm hesitant to mess around with it, when I built my system I tried to build it with overclocking potential in case I decided it was something I wanted to do later down the road after I learned more about it. Anyway thanks for the feedback it looks like I'll be going with the 780 ti, only question now is which model, this is the one I'm thinking: http://www.newegg.co...N82E16814487003 I'll probably deposit the money for it into my account tomorrow then place the order the next day or so after so if anyone has anything to say about the model of 780 ti there's still sometime before I'll be officially placing the order thanks again. -
Considering a GPU Upgrade.
ZeroSaber39 replied to ZeroSaber39's topic in Hardware and software discussion
I maintained my load order pretty religiously, I organized it after adding a new mod I always rebuilt my merge/bash patches and I never added new mods without doing some test runs first, problem is that the crashes never become apparent until well into a play though, by the time I've traveled from Whiterun to Falkreath, Riften, Windhelm, Winterhold and finally Dawnstar then the crashing starts hitting severely, always at Dawnstar, while If I load up my mod testing save that is right after escaping Helgan and got up to Dawnstar I can't seem to make it crash no matter what I do. I don't think it's save bloat either becuase my save sizes remain pretty small, around 8mb. I also try to keep away from using many script intensive mods, right now the only mods I can think might have been crashing me are Helgan Reborn or Dynamic Things. Before I removed my high res res textures I if I tried to run a circle from Dawnstar to Mzinchaleft to Hall of the Vigilant back to Dawnstar I'd crash like 5 times before finishing 1 lap, after removing I was able to do like 9 laps before crashing. Also if I left my texture packs in and installed ENBoost and ran around manually clearing my Vram constantly to keep usage below 2gb, it never crashed. I also never crashed in dungeons, where my Vram was keeping a consistent 1.6 gigs so honestly I'm at a total loss. As to my CPU is an i5-3570k, to make it more annoying I use a very similar mod load out to Gopher and my system seems pretty close to his in specs and in his currently lets play he hasn't really ran into any CTD issues, main differences are: -Goper's Motherboard is an "MSI Z77 MPOWER Big Bang Motherboard" while I have a "ASRock Z77 Extreme 6" -Gopher runs his Skyrim off a SSD, while I use a Western Digital Black HDD -Gopher Overclocks his CPU, I don't. -Gopher used to have a GTX 670 4GB (as opposed to my 2GB) but now has a 780. Anyway what I'm trying to get at is, if it's not my Vram, then fine but I'm at a total loss for whatever else it could be. Back to the GPU, I really am leaning toward the 780, I just wish Nvidia had given it 4GB Vram, then I'd have no hesitation, I hear rumors of a 5-6GB version pending release but honestly I wonder about that because if they release a 780 with that much Vram then the main selling point for the Titan goes out the window. -
Considering a GPU Upgrade.
ZeroSaber39 replied to ZeroSaber39's topic in Hardware and software discussion
I'm aware of the 3GB RAM limit but my physical RAM usage never came near that limit it stayed around 2gigs, ENBoost kept it around 700MB, which is another reason I'm looking at more Vram ENBoost really reduced physical RAM usage but forces you to use more Vram and I'm already at the limit of my cards Vram without ENBoost. I'm aware I have to be smart about how I use my system memory and I'm not one of those guys who thinks he can play Skyrim at 5760x1080 with 4K textures because I know it's simply not going to happen. I just want to be able to play the game in areas other then Whiterun without needing to spam Quick Save due to crashing every 15 minutes. (5 minutes around Dawnstar) -
Hey guys, as the topic says I'm looking at upgrading my GPU, the reason that brought this about was I was recently getting a lot of crashes when running around the world space in Skyrim, using Skyrim Performance Monitor I noticed that in the areas I was crashing by Vram usage was consistently hovering around 2gigs which is the limit of my cards Vram (I currently have a GTX 670). So I began to suspect it was due to Vram running out. I did some testing to try and determine the exact cause of my crashes, one of with involved removing all my high res texture packs, which left my Vram usage around 1.6gigs in the places I was crashing, I noted that I still crashed occasionally (leading to me determining that I had a mod that was causing some of the crashes) but I also took note that the frequency of the Crashes was drastically reduced so I determined that it was a combination of a mod crashing me and Vram limitations. I used to be a console gamer but I made the jump to PC gaming solely for Skyrim so this is the first gaming rig I've ever owned and I'm still new to the PC gaming (soon will have been about a year since I built my system) I was hoping to not have to upgrade my PC so soon but since I built it for Skyrim and Skyrim isn't running how I want it to I find it unacceptable. I gave some thought to simply upgrading to a 4GB 670 but with the potential announcement of Fallout 4 approaching I stated thinking maybe I should look a little farther into the future. Before discussing the cards I would like to clarify what I want to get from this upgrade, Bethesda games, namely TES and Fallout are the reasons I made the jump to PC gaming and they are my primary concern, Skyrim is my most immediate concern as it's a game I find myself coming back to constantly. But Fallout 4 could potentially be a game I become equally invested in so I want my new card to hopefully be able to handle the future Fallout needs. Basically I'm hoping this upgrade will handle my Bethesda gaming needs until TES6 rolls around at which point I will likely build a new machine for it so hopefully I hopes for this upgrade aren't too unrealistic. Now the cards I'm looking at are the 780 and the Titan right now I'm kind of leaning toward the 780 for the higher performance and lower cost (especially since I can get one for around $500 right now) the only thing bothering me is the 3GB Vram, if it were 4GB I would be all over it but my recent "Scare" over my Skyrim possibly crashing due to lack to Vram has be concerned which make the Titan very attractive for it's 6 gigs of vram alone (But that price tag... :ermm: ) I know people will way 3GB is plenty for today's games but the future is my concern here, I really want this upgrade to last. If it helps I game at 1920x1080 resolution and if you're wondering I really didn't have a huge amount of texture mods in my Skyrim, I had the official High Resolution Textures, SMIM, Improved Dungeon Clutter, aMidianborn Book of Silence and various or Armor/Clothes texture mods so it wasn't that heavily modded but I was still consistently pushing the max of my Vram. Alright I think that's about it, I think just a bit of advice will help me make up my mind here, I am strongly leaning toward the 780 I think it's just paranoid Vram fears that are holding me up. (I know you may be face palming but Keep in mind I'm still fairly new to the PC gaming thing :blush: )
Getting crashes do I need more Vram?
ZeroSaber39 replied to ZeroSaber39's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I appreciate the help and I'll be working on it more after work but would like to ask that everyone please don't try to sell me AMD cards, I don't have anything against AMD but I'm an Nvidia user and I'm set in my ways, the GPU issue is a big enough headache when trying pick between 2 models from 1 manufacture let alone bringing in another brand, it's so frustrating, it makes me want to toss my computer out the window. So I'd ask that on the GPU issue please don't make it more painful then it already is. -
Getting crashes do I need more Vram?
ZeroSaber39 replied to ZeroSaber39's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I installed it and played around a little bit, it really dropped my physical ram usage but my Vram usage was only lowered a tiny fraction, it still hung around 2 gigs, I did a quick run back to Dawnstar from the Hall of the Vigilant and crashed on the road. Reloaded and tried again, made it to Dawnstar but crashed a few seconds after arriving. I loaded again and tried again, this time using F4 to manually flush the Vram, made it back to Dawnstar at about 1.8 Vram usage and crashed again but I think that crash was due to getting a sudden jump in Vram usage before the counter performance monitor could be updated. If it was due to something else I really not sure, the only mod I have that makes any changes to Dawnstar is Helgan Reborn, which places 2 npcs in the in for a quest if it changes anything else in the area I'm not sure, I still haven't finished that mod yet. (though I do seem to recall the first time I got a sudden CTD was in the Falkreath area after I had installed Helgan Reborn) Anyway I loaded once again and again ran back to Dawnstar, I manually flushed the Vram again as I approached, upon reaching the town I was back up to 2gigs so I flushed the Vram again, did a lap around the the town, vram got up to 2 gigs again, manually flushed it again, after that I did about 10 or 12 laps around the town (couldn't keep track as I was staring at the vram counter) the counter hung around 1.9 gigs but never reached 2.0 gigs and I didn't crash at all. So it might help if I played with Performance monitor and manually cleared the Vram when it gets close to the limit though honestly I think that's feels more like work then playing that game and it might not be as much fun but I guess it would be better then crashing but assuming my third crash in this testing was due to a sudden jump in Vram usage and not something Helgan Reborn did that means it's not a "perfect" solution (though nothing is really.) I'll keep it for now and see how it goes tonight, after work when I sit down to have my regular Skyrim session. I'm thinking I might have to bite the bullet and get a new Graphics card. The question is which card, with the situation I seem to be having the Titan's 6gigs of vram is really attractive but the Price Tag is painful (I can afford it, I won't be starving or anything, it's the miser in me talking) I could also get a 780 for around $500 right now but the 3 gigs of Vram doesn't feel like much of an improvement... Though with the 780 I could probably get away with asking for it for the holidays, the Titan on the other hand I would have to pay for myself because I'd feel guilty asking someone to spend that much on me. Another attractive thing about the Titan is the ENBoost page saying Titan users have reported a large stability improvement with ENBoost due to the huge Vram. I suppose if In am going to upgrade I should also plan a bit for the future, namely FallOut 4 since it looks like we might be getting some news on that next month (Bethesda games especially Skyrim are the reason I started PC gaming so they're my primary concern) I think I'll stick to my original plan and wait until TES6 before making a new machine so if I upgrade my GPU I need to make sure it's going to last until then. -
Getting crashes do I need more Vram?
ZeroSaber39 replied to ZeroSaber39's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
You sure about that? I don't really understand ENBoost but from what I understand it forces you to use Vram as much as possible so wouldn't it try to force me to use more Vram that I don't have? -
Getting crashes do I need more Vram?
ZeroSaber39 replied to ZeroSaber39's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I'm still thinking it's the Vram, I started up my gaming session tonight and I forgot to turn Skyrim Performance monitor on but I figured "whatever" so I didn't have it running for the start. I began at the Inn in Dawnstar and went with Erandur up to Night Caller Temple to do the Vermina Quest. Made it up to the Temple with no problems, entered and did the dungeon, didn't stutter or crash at all. Afterward I went back down to Dawnstar, saved and went toward the Jarls house to deliver a message and crashed. Restarted with Skyrim Performance monitor running, upon loading my game my Vram Usage is immediately around 1.8 gigs, it quickly goes up to 2gigs (I goes up to 2020-2030 and hovers between those points.) I ran around Dawnstar, went about my business talking to everyone (it being my first visit in this playthrough) managed to complete the rounds without crashing so I left with my group of followers and headed off toward Mzinchaleft to retrieve Grimsever for Mjoll, I reach the Kahjit camp outside of town and and Dragon attacks, I crash. Reload again, fortunately I saved before trying to leave town, once again Skyrim Performance monitor tells me I'm using around 2 gigs of vram. I head out of town, get no dragon attack this time so I continue on my way to Mzinchaleft, Vram usage is around 2 gigs almost the whole time. I reach the area near Mzinchaleft and crash. Reload again (thankfully the sudden crashes have trained me to push the quick save button every 30 seconds for so) I go back to the Mzinchaleft area, get attacked by a dragon and kill it, I head inside with my followers (there are 10 of us if you're wondering) once inside Mzinchaleft I'm now using 1.5-1.6 gigs of vram and it holds steady. I play the entire dungeon I get not lag or crashes at all. After completing the dungeon I return to the world space and decided to head for the Hall of the Vigilant before heading to Dimhollow Crypt. (Again running around 2 gigs of vram steadily) On the way In come across Frostmere Crypt. I see bandits fighting a woman so we join in, after the fight the women I helped gives me attitude so I kill her, I find her journal on he corpse and start the Pale Lady quest, I figure while I'm here might as well do it, I save and go to loot the remaining corpses and I crash. Reload again, loot and go inside the crypt inside I'm doing about 1.7-1.8 Gigs of Vram, we go through and complete the dungeon and quest, we don't crash once. Exit back outside and again are doing a steady 2 gigs of vram, we continue to the Hall of the Vigilant and reach it with no distractions, the hall has been destroyed due to the Dawnguard quest line, I save and enter the ruined building and crash. i then decide I've had enough for one night and call it quits for the time being. So yeah I really think it might be the Vram, I'm still not certain because if I load my mod test save (save right outside of Helgan that was made with not mods installed) and I go up to Dawnstar and Run around I can't seem to make the game crash if I try to though my Vram usage is still pretty high. :confused: