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  1. Hi all, I want to have the dialogue of NPC Staadia fixed after completing the main quest. I know that it's fixed in the Unofficial patch, but I don't want to install the entire 2 patches just for that fix. There was something posted in the Nexus Mod but now it's flagged as hidden and I can't find it anywhere: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/37981 There is someone that still has that fix somewhere? Maybe that was the dialogue fix. I tried to "export" the fixed part from the Unofficial patch but I'm stuck with that, at a certain point the unofficial patch esp file become essential and I can't separate it from that.
  2. It would be nice to have a mod that change the Autostim legendary (that use a Stimpak every 60 seconds when the health goes under 25%) with the Medic Pump addon of the Power Armor (that use a Stimpak when the health goes under 50%, with no cooldown). I know there are altready some mods (I have the one that it lets you create Autostimpak, a Stimpak with the Medic Pump property), but with this you can have the perk without creating anything or use a Power Armor.
  3. Hi, it would be nice to hire Mags Black as a companion. I don't care if it's her or a standalone companion with her appearance and voice (better choice if you want to destroy raiders at Nuka World), I want her to be my companion :) Thank you.
  4. They listened and Fallout 76 is coming. Coop integrated. My hopes are that the RP part stays alive and the coop will be optional like in Borderlands (no coop, only friend, anyone) or with istances mission like Tom Clancy's The Division (you can select to join o create a party for the mission). So you can play peacefully in solo, with friends or have some help with anyone near that point.
  5. Much as I would REALLY enjoy a coop experience, Ethreon hit the nail on the head. Bethesda needs to devote more resources to refining the single player experience of their games before they start throwing them at any sort of multiplayer. Would be awesome to see it as a mod though, it may even be possible to port some of the Skyrim progress to Fallout 4 since they use the same base. I don't know what you need more in Skyrim or Fallout 4 (more immersion?), but we are in the mod forum section under a site for pc mod. I didn't read the "PS4" word of the first post, but we are talking about a mod. I know that Bethesda won't ever make Fallout multiplayer, but mod is the way. Rather than make Fallout 3 or NV multiplayer, I prefer a coop (even just via lan) for the 4...
  6. +1 for this mod. -1 for the Fallout MMO, I think THAT would destroy the Fallout gameplay. Unlike Skyrim, Fallout is an "almost solo" game, you have companions but they're almost useless. In Skyrim you're OP, you can do anything. Having 2 or more people playing together wouldn't add any advantage, unless you play as a MMORPG with classes (so one use magic, the other one uses weapons). In Fallout playing with one or two friends instead would be awesome. You haven't any space for classes (you can have a melee and a ranged character though), you can use tactics like outflank enemies or taking one down before others. You arent' a superhero like in Skyrim that can do almost anything, here you are a simple person with some abilities. It would be awesome. I hope someone try his best to do this mod.
  7. Hi, I'm very annoyed by all the settlements, but I love the raid attacks that the game do every now and then. But I don't want to build all settlements defenses, I want all the raid attacks to be only on one point: Sanctuary. There is a mod for that? (sorry for my bad english)
  8. Those would be more useful with Skyrim, because I had many problems (crash without error after some minutes of gaming, it didn't depends from the location, the movement, actions, speaks or other similar recurring problems. It crashes after 2-3 minutes, even with new games and game file re-checked by Steam). For now in Fallout I don't need them. NMM is perfect, the only one problem is that after every small update it removes and reinstalls all mods (so I don't have the lastest version, but the previous one). I always run the game with F4SE, even if it's outdated (F4 updated some days ago on Steam, but the F4SE 1.18 doesn't support that version yet). Yesterday deleting all files in that folder, solved the problem. But I didn't know of those files until I found a Reddit discussion of "How reactivate your mods after last updates", that tells to put an asterisk * before all ESP and ESM plugins, because NMM doesn't do that yet. I tried, when I saved the file, it told me that it was "read only". So I deleted all of them, reactivated all mods with NMM (that inserted asterisk on those activated) and finally played with all mods.
  9. Ok, thank you all for NOT helping at all. Didn't mean finding a solution (I didn't expect a miracle), but at least suggest me to try something... :down: :down: :down: I resolved it by myself. Files under "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Fallout4" folder were all "Read Only". Deleted all files under that folder, now the mods are working. You can close the discussion...
  10. I didn't mention it because I don't consider corrupted files or something like that. Cause the problem occur on my desktop and my notebook. I downloaded twice the game, even if Steam is "standalone". "Your argument is invalid" :)
  11. The problem is that my pc is quite fresh new, Fallout 4 fresh downloaded and modded. And with new game started from zero. Some times ago to make mod working there were many setup to do. Now it's needed only a row in a file. Is it correct?
  12. Hi all, I have few mods installed, plus F4SE. Some mods load, and some not. Here my mods: CBBE loads without problems. Other mods doesn't work at all. In particular I've a problem with "Kahlan" mod: it says that "KsHairDos.esp" is missing, but I don't know what is that...
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