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About Tyson21

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  • Currently Playing
    Skyrim, Civ V, Saints row 3, TFT2, DCU, Fallout 3, and AVP
  • Favourite Game
    Fallout 3/Skyrim

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  1. Ill check out the tent mod :) I was also looking for a good camping mod ( looking for a lot of mods actually but ive been trying to find most on my own ;) ) because it takes a long time to travel across skyrim doing quest and I don't like just running all night or anything I usually try to plot my way through towns with an inn but a tent is even better and I can work on getting over the bigger inside.
  2. Also ill be recommending all of these mods to my friends who are new to nexus and modding :)
  3. WOW! so many great mods and amazing skill from you guys. Its amazing how nice and helpful everyone is(Big difference from XBL) Thank you for all the help ill be downloading your mods, and checking them out :)
  4. Thanks for all the help so far guys :) ill be checking out all of these mods, everyone has been very helpful so far :))
  5. Thanks for the reply :) Skyhammer Hold was on my next to download list already :) so ill be downloading it tonight and endorsing for sure, thanks for the suggestion.
  6. Ok so im new to pc, and modding however I have been able to navigate the nexus pretty well, im having trouble finding a player home that hits all or most of the points im looking for. What im looking for is a player home that is large enough for me to have 2-3 children (more children mod) 1 wife and 3-4 followers all living in one place(with beds for the followers), also I am quite the collector so i have a lot of special items to put up or hand place (which doesn't bother me its one of my favorite things to do, as long as they don't spawn and drop from the sky). Im looking for a house that has those things but is also not a small house with a massive interior I try to keep the game as close to "real" as I can. If there are any other mods anyone has a suggestion for me to try I would love to try them out, I do have 40+ mods installed now so I may have some of the newer bigger mods. If I posted in the wrong section or have irritated anyone I apologize in advance. Thanks for any help :) I have Dawnguard and Hearthfire installed
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