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  1. Okay, for FUN. About a month ago, a friend was "upset" that I have certain "god mode" type mods. IE: I can were R & L - rings. IE: I can put 5 enchantments on each item. He was telling me, that it ruins the game, because you want to play like it's "real life". Can you go back to a prior save in "real life" if you get killed? > NO. So I presented this question to him and for fun I present it here. IF this was "real life" - would you not do everything you can to protect yourself and make sure you don't die?
  2. The upgrade did ZERO, for game play. > The CC Mods are crap. Sorry, they are buggy as hell. When you try to talk to Bethesda, that INCLUDED the mods - they tell you to go see the mod-creator. When you go see the Mod-Creator, they tell you to go see Beth, as they had no control how they applied it to the game. Even some of the BASE GAME Quests and such are now buggy. No, the so called "Upgrade" did anything but upgrade.
  3. Thank you all - Radiation Therapy takes focus out of one. That's the mod ... again, thanks!
  4. Just so I understand: a) starting a new game with the mod to remove perk via console command - failed Does this mean - You started a FRESH CLEAN GAME where you start at the beginning, where you create your character and such? > If you did not actually do the above ... then this what I know I had to do. b) uninstalled the whole thing and “purged mods” in vortex then redeployed all mods, checked for leftover files (all clear) - failed > By "uninstall" -> Means you removed Skyrim and did a fresh clean install of Skyrim? I dont have any savedgames to cling to, but this thing gets irritating > The irritation I totally understand as I have been there done that.
  5. Okay, then I've come across this a few times back "in the day" - 6+ years ago. Sadly the answer was - Start over - or go back to a point in saved games where you did not have this mod. But I have a feeling you * ?? * you started the game w/this mod, correct? The script is now embedded in your saved games.
  6. Okay, did you go into the Skyrim \ data < dir > and delete the files listed? PeopleAreStrangers.bsa (900 B) PeopleAreStrangers.esp (1.9 kB) PeopleAreStrangers.esp (6.1 kB) BTW - what mod manager are you using? What I would do is standard UNINSTALL and would find files in the Data folder that did not go the way of the DoDo Bird and just manually delete and problem solved.
  7. I will see - I did the COC MuldarenCave and it gave me no errors. I did use a couple of known - in and outside of Skyrim and w/the above COC and just the name I was moved to the location. The first thing I did was search online and NOTHING.... it does not exist on internet search. THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE RESPONCE!! I appreciate it!!
  8. I have all quests / side quests stay in Skyrim. Enther ( sp? ) sent me to get the staff for trade. I am to go to: Muldaren Cave ... it has a file list with HELP: 171f3691 But no where is it 2/b found. So I used the COC MuldarenCave ... and I go NO WHERE. Console excepted the command, in that there were no 'errors' ... but I traveled no where. I went through the list of mods that add caves - tombs, but nothing in their lists.
  9. I understand - SKSE - Skyui and MCM ... But someone asked: Here - then follow all the requirements: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/107344 Then follow the Required - Required .... now I could supply more .. but this was just easy to find.
  10. I am not sure there is an answer to this: Lately I've been looking at some mods to up my game play. I find a mod I like - and read: It needs X-Mod ( Required ). ... Okay, so I follow the link to that Requirement and find that mod can have 1 - 4 requirements. ... Then some of those have 1 - 4 requirements. >> 1 mod, following the Requirements, by the time I gave up, had over 15+ additional other mod Requirements and I just said: NO! Hey, MOD creators ... maybe do some homework and see where your Requirement Rabbit Hole takes your users? Find a way to simplify them if at all possible??
  11. I know nothing about LINUX - When did you buy the GOG version and would they have a record of this?
  12. What specific mod / mods are you talking about? > Did you read the OP for requirements? <- you would be surprised how often this is overlooked or the user "missed something". ( I've even done that a few times. )
  13. Coming back to FO 3 was like coming "home" to meet some "old friends and catch up" My two favorite: > Buttons ( a mod follower ) < He is in FO4, sorry my bad. > Fawkes.
  14. GOG - version, you need to know the version GOG is ... ( if you did not allow Beth. to do their stupid updates ) It could be the SE version ( if you are using the current one ) might now work. You might need to down grade to a slightly older version.
  15. Frist - Any mods? Second - Running from Base Loader --- or --- SE ( Script Extender )? Third - No one is comfortable downloading stuff from another person computer if they do not know them. So the file will not be looked at. Besides, crash logs are usually not all that helpful.
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