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Everything posted by jjb54

  1. Most Welcome! Pay It Forward when and if the opportunity presents its self. Happy Hunting Dovahkiin, happy hunting!
  2. Sorry about the PM - Nexus took a long moment to show the post - since I'm aware they are going to be DOWN - I thought it was now ... just slow update ...
  3. DO NOT USE WICastMagic04 - it helps "close the Quest" - but you are put into a cycle (loop) because you do not officially LEARN THE WORD ... I am going through that right now w/ Shriekwind Bastion. :P
  4. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Tending_the_Flames See if that helps with what you need. Also check out: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Quests
  5. Okay - I'm guessing that you went to DMR - and to the skeleton to where the book was found and used the console from that specific zone and gave yourself the book? I have one other idea - but I would seriously HARD SAVE YOUR GAME: Use the Console command to UNDO the Quest? Instead of using it to complete the QUEST - set it back to start?
  6. Pickpocket it back? I did that once with a different quest - where I did not realize I needed that to finish the last part of that specific quest. It worked and I was able to finish the quest.
  7. Step One: Did you verify the "fine print" that you have all the requirements for you mods? IE: SKSE - SkyUI - Specific other mods required - DLC's that are NOT compatible with your mods? IE: DRAGONBORN - DAWNGUARD - HEARTHFIRE and/or that one of more the a fore mentioned mods are REQUIRED and you do not have them? Step Two: IF you have DLC's - above mentioned, make sure they are loaded at the TOP of your Data File list. Then see if there are any specific Load Orders for your other mods - IE: I know some mods require that they be at the bottom of the Load Order (load last) Step Three: Make sure one or more mods are not conflicting w/another mod - some occupy the same "cell space" and can create problems. Or will conflict with NPC character - if they try to 'change' the same or similar "things". I know one player was trying to change Lydia's Hair with 1 Mod and her looks with another mod - the two mods conflicted with each other. Step Four: I have seen way too many times the: HIGH REZ 1/3 - 2/3 - 3/3 Texture mods have a history of creating grief - IF - you have them UNCHECK them and delete them. Good Luck Dovahkiin and Happy Hunting!
  8. He (ghost) should have lead you to the book. It is a skeleton down one of the paths and he is sitting next to it. Go back and get the book. (King Olaf's Verse) I did some investigation and I do not see any known BUGS w/the Book, again that I could find. I do not know if using the Console Command to give you the book will work - but you could try that if all else fails.
  9. Agreed - what was your "Fix" ?? --- For those who will have similar and/or same issues.
  10. Okay - my fellow Skyrim Wizards and Mages - I got told to Find the Source of the power in Shriekwind Bastion. So I go - and find that wall has a well known BUG in it. You cannot learn the word! So I did some search and found that you have to use the console command to finish the quest. Fine - entered the console command and Quest Removed - but NO word learned. So I left it "blank" (did not use the console command to Teach Word) to see what would happen? Got a new "letter from friend" telling me to go to Shriekwind (again) - so this time again BUG is "there" used the command to Finish Quest - found the word I am suppose to learn - Used command to 'teach' and went on my marry way ... thinking (foolish me) that I had "done it!" Another 3rd "Letter from Friend" - Go to .... (NO NOT THERE!) but to Shriekwind Bastion again!! So is there a command or what ever to break this stupid cycle? The commands I used: ~ SetStage WICastMagic04 200 (to finish the Quest) Quest WAS Removed. ~ Player.TeachWord (Code) for Elemental Fury (found on line) Word was "learned". Any help would be greatly appreciated. Side Note: Since I did this, I am apparently still good with other Word Walls. Entered the Dark Brotherhood and the Word Wall went active and word appeared and was learned.
  11. Easy - if not already answered: I do this regularly - especially before New Mod Activiation. (Now understand this is not 'fool proof'. But so far has not failed me.) With Steam Updates and I've confirmed this w/Bethesda. So IF you are at points where the game is working "JUST FINE" with no issues at all: Go to: <DRIVE>:\My Games\Skyrim\Saves There you will find the Current and/or recent past saved game(s) Create a directory - mine are titled with the MM-DD-YYYY (07-17-2013). DO NOT USE the / as obviously that will not be accpeted. The use the copy Keyboard/Mouse command and copy the files into the current directory that you want to "fall back to". I have had this practice save me from starting over a number of times w/the exception of Steam Updates - which I will not go into. >:( Hope this helps!!
  12. Well if nothing else - it keeps you on your toes! One thing about the Vamp attacks when you are "Lord" - is this (one guys opinion that I read). Basically all LORDS - Jarls - High King - > There is always some bad a... out to take you down. As for the "theft" issue - that is just dang annoying! Because I know full well - no one saw me, no one heard me, there were NO clues - period. The minute I exited a home or entered the city - BUSTED! :blink: I mean that must be one SERIOUS COURT MAGE at work there!
  13. No, the battle is between Dragonborn and Alduin. You are suppose to use the DRAGON REND shout that you learned. Paarthurnax will not help in that - other than to guide you to use the Elder Scroll - but for a lot of reasons that are even mentioned in the game, Paarthurnax does not help you fight Alduin.
  14. Are you specifically using "Creature Conjuration" mod or "Weapons/Armory"? Weapons and Armory conjurations work just fine, all MODS - it is the MODS that have Creatures/Robots/Undead that do not work in MODS - Skyrim specific in-program conjuration spells of creatures and things work just fine.
  15. Some time ago - Earlier this year (very first part) Conjuration Mods that allowed you to conjure "bears" - "Dragons" - "druids" - "wolfs" - "Draugers" .... WORKED ... then about Feb 2013 - they all stopped working and only Skyrim built in Conjurations would work. Anyone know if this has been fixed? I really liked some of the Conjuration "Creatures" "Un-Dead" and such .. they were a lot of fun. Thanks!
  16. I actually understand this one. Some clothing (Archmages for example) have 4 Enchantments on them. I think it should be balanced, where you have to be at Level 100 and they should cost more than one (1) Soul Gem. 2 - 4 depending on the level of the Enchantments you wish. So, yes I understand the request. U could set up your own clothing to the same as the Archmages, but flavored with your "own look".
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