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  1. I so i have a follower i really like (Illia i think her name is) she is a mage i really like her so much that when i found out she wasn't essential i made her. The only problem is is her spells are strong and im a melee character in this play through so almost every time we get into a fight i take more damage from her then i do enemies. My question is there a mod that makes them not damage you or even a console command that makes them not hurt you during combat?
  2. Ok I'm having trouble with every time i get near the Castle while on the Taking Independence Quest my game crashes and goes straight to Desktop I hadn't had this issue before the latest patch. I can go there just fine while not even on the quest I have tried taking all my mods off nothing also made a whole new character thinking there was something wrong with the save but does the same thing. I guess i was just wondering if anyone else has encountered this crash and if there is a fix for it.
  3. Thanks for the quick reply actually pretty helpful. I wasn't trying to be that guy that rages about something like this like i said i have been downloading mods from this site for a long time always wanted to get into modding just thought I'd finally give instead of take. I'll keep this in mind for the next time i upload something.
  4. I'm a little confused you have mods on this site that range from Star Wars to Metal Gear Solid. But a simple sound replacer from Call of Duty Zombies gets removed? Heck there's a sound replacer that adds the sound of the siren from Silent Hill to the settlement siren. I have been downloading mods from this site for a while now and after everything i have seen and downloaded I'm just confused unless someone is saying i took the sound from there mod which i didn't I recorded the sound myself. I guess all im asking is for a better explanation of why my file got removed thats it.
  5. lol i completely forgot about needed them, read the download page a while back installed it yesterday forgot about need other stuff to run it i will get them and check back. Thats what it was thanks, guess i should of went back to the dl page.
  6. Everytime i try launching my game with the esp checked the game crashes on launch. I have tried turning off all my other mods and get the samething is there something i can do to fix it?
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