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Posts posted by ArronDominion

  1. Here is a tip I am going to give on large scripts (1500 lines+, or with a lot of planned functionality), make some sort of diagram that shows your variables and functions. Had to break out MSVisio to create a UML diagram of the Adoption system, just so I do not find myself lost at some point in the future for where I am at.
  2. Making a new mod that imitates the mod idea in question would be a better idea, with a nod to that original creator as inspiration for your final project.


    If an option was created, I would say it should be based on the author's preferences, and be shown explicitly in the permissions section of a mod. In my opinion, it should be broken down by months/year.

  3. I do not have many screenshots for my current project, but I am planning on adding more variety to the children you can adopt. Currently have 4 of each non-human race (using size reduction and the default male and female child voices to work with the vanilla system), 2 of each gender. As a part of this I am adding more orphanages, current ones being implemented just outside Windhelm, Markarth, Solitude, and one in Dawnstar. I am not real sure where to put the other two orphanages I will need.

    Here are a few screenshots of my progress earlier today on this: Solitude location, Dawnstar location, Windhelm location



    My larger project, The League of Extraordinary Heroes has been going slow, been slowly doing the world space navmesh. In this mod, placing the most unlikely heroes into a faction, that the player can join, and will run through various quests, gain a new player home, and more. Here are a set of screenshots to capture some of the progress I have made:

    Falmer Healer, Hagraven Alchemist, Overlooking Mine and Herbalist Gardens, Stable area, Current League entrance, League's Library East

  4. Here are some things I have been noticing, or recommend as I continue to mod in Skyrim.


    Conceptual phase:


    1. Don't immediately dismiss any idea. - Since this is more of the brainstorming phase, ideas are needed to focus a mod. Start with everything that you think should go into the mod, and worry about weeding out the impossible or ones that do not make sense later.

    2. Determine if the mod will be lore-friendly or not. - Being lore-friendly requires some more research into the past events of the Elder Scrolls history, as well as finding the right tools to help make the characters/places/events believable. If you do not care, your idea has a lot more freedom to evolve in your direction.

    3. Create a conceptual plan. - This is not as important if you are creating a house mod or adding a new weapon to the game. If you are creating a quest line, faction, or something more elaborate, some sort of conceptual plan is helpful. Any word processor is useful for creating the concept, I personally use MSWord. The bigger your project, the more thought out you might want the ideas in writing. Here is an example of one I have done for my W.I.P called League of Extraordinary Heroes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O9FpWKbxTPFfznc_YUcZRAwt-w7zZ9HLq-wHstzqDJ0/edit


    Implementation phase:


    1. Start on the strongest idea first. - You are more focused on a particular aspect in the beginning, which you will want to work on. During this time, other ideas will pop up to push the mod forward.

    2. Stuck? Don't be afraid to look for help. - Whether it is a tutorial or another modder, having such a resource can do two things. 1) You learn something new about the Creation Kit and Skyrim to assist in your future modding ventures. 2) Clear a roadblock that is preventing your current mod from moving forward. | The modding community is quite extensive, with the Nexus forums and Bethesda's Creation Kit forums, the Creation Kit wiki, TESAlliance tutorials, and probably some other resources I have not touched yet, to help with modding woes. The more we help each other out, the better quality our projects are, and the experience one modder has learned can be reinforced and passed to other modders.

    3. I have never done this before. - Modding is all about experiments. Poke and prod, and you eventually figure out a systematic way to do something. Worried about ruining your project, create a different mod to test out the idea, then implement what you have learned in yours.


    Release phase:


    I do not have the most well known releases, but some general tips which are useful for promoting a mod.


    1. Create screenshots that capture your mod. - People love to preview a mod before actually trying it. If you can show something in a screenshot, do it. The more they see, the better they can evaluate it.

    2. Have a well thought out, detailed description. - A mod with little images can compensate with the use of a description. Explaining in detail what is done, with a bullet summary of this, will generally give a good idea of what your mod does.

    3. Have video capture software and hard drive space? Create a video for Youtube. - A video can do a lot to capture a mod, and spark interest. It can be hard drive intensive, had a few videos go over 1 GB. Once you have it uploaded to Youtube, you can post it in your mod on Nexus/wherever else it is hosted, you can post this to your favorite forum community, etc. Here is one I have used: http://www.bandicam.com/


    Post-Release phase:


    Probably one of the more important phases here. Community will give feedback, some of it good, some of it positive, some negative, and some that just does not work. The way you react is important. Some of the better improvements or additions in my mods came as a result of the feedback given. Listen to the comments, weed out the ones that do not provide useful information, either by responding to ask for more input, or going off a more-detailed comment.


    I am new, where to start in CK:

    1. Creation Kit tutorials - http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Tutorials

    2. Look for youtube tutorials regarding to what you want to do, I.E. "creation kit how to make a house" in the Youtube search.

    3. Use the Creation Kit wiki as a continuous source. - I always go back to the Creation Kit wiki to double check functions or events that are needed for a script, or as a refresher on a particular concept covered in one of the tutorials you have already done.

    4. Check the Bethesda Creation Kit forums or Nexus forums if you are still looking for a starting point. - Another modder will usually come in and clear up some confusion, helping encourage your experimentation and involvement into the modding community.


    Other random tid-bits:


    1. Voice actors:

    > Be connected - The more community connections you have, the more likely you will have someone offer to lend their voice to your mod. For my Skooma Bear mod, someone from a Team Fortress 2 community was really interested in the mod, so agreed to do the voice acting.

    >Be understanding - Voice actors are usually not paid to lend their voice, so be understanding of their real-life commitments and perhaps their lack of understanding on what recording methods they should use.


    2. Mechanic changes:

    >Each update can remove a particular function - Be watchful for a particular function or feature disappearing, this will lead to a potential patch in the future. The most noteworthy was the long-considered dialogue bug, where dialogue would not initialize on start game enabled.

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