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About SGGhostRider

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    Fallout 4
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    TES: Oblivion

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  1. How to do that? :tongue: Edit: I realy don't know! To be honest i don't know either, because I never uploaded a mod in my life but should be not difficult. I'm sure by reading carefully the options when you edit the mod is enought to find the correct one ;) Anyway, if you still don't find it maybe remarking the "Community Project" link at the start of the page with bigger font would be suffice for now, until you find how to enable those two options.
  2. I noticed this topic, I am just not all that interested in replacing vanilla outfits. I see that you noticed it, but you are one person, and calculating all the people that replied to this topic we are 5 in total, out of the 129 that downloaded the mod(in the moment of the writing this) plus all the people that did like me and only clicked the "Track" button without actually download it. And by views, this tipic did not reach even 600(probably most of them are from the same users), over the 4300+ of the mod. And i know that maybe replacing the vanilla outfits is not the most glamurous or interesting thing, but i'm sure there are alot of other people that are interested in doing it, but those people maybe are not seeing this topic because it is very hidden.
  3. I'm very interested in this mod, i hope to see something soon :) Btw you should enable the "Post" section of the mod's page and (or at least) link up this "Topic" in the "Forum" section of the mod, i think this topic is being unnoticed.
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