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  1. I must be the only one who actually broke his SE and went back to Oldrim because I managed to make my Oldrim more stable. That, and I couldn't get mod organizer to work with my SE at all, and nexus mod manager is a real pain in the ass to manage.
  2. There's just two major vampire mods that offer some sort of progression, there's better vampires that has been around for a while and then there's the newer one, sacrosanct. the author of BV also made a patch to make the two 'compatible' although it mostly makes BV overwrite some of sacrosanct's features that I wish were still kept in tact. You still get best of both worlds, so to speak, the spells and VL traits from sacrosanct and the more advanced features of BV. Personally I can never decide between the two as I like both so I just use them with the patch.
  3. Long story short for some reason my character starts twitching at random intervals, spamming block(or a spell), as if I were rapidly pressing the RT button. It can also goo crazy whenever I'm in a menu. Any ideas what could be causing this? I'd really love to enjoy skyrim with a controller for once and skyrim just has to put a stick in my spokes at every turn. x-x And yes, this is a non-issue with other games, like dark souls. Only skyrim.
  4. Oh hell yeah it will be able to do more! Just imagine how much easier it will be to implement stuff like this in a more stable fashion: Physics in Cloaks of Skyrim/Winter Is Coming Kahjiit/Argonian Hair & Tail Physics Hair Physics for Vanilla and Modded Hair models Physics for Clothing/Armour (Armour pieces that move separately). This will allow Modders that specialise in 3d modelling to make each individual skirt strap on the imperial armour a separate 3d mesh and move freely with physics. Basically all this will also allow to have HDT Physics for stuff like cloaks, hair, clothing, armour, and more to be both enabled for the player and NPC'S at the same time, as i saw it work in 32 bit Skyrim but it was glitchy AF because NPC cloaks kept dragging of into the horizon. I'd dread to think what kind of a rig you'd need to have such physics apply to the player as well as all the NPCs around. ._. I'm assuming most modders tend to have mods that also add quite a few NPCs to the game since let's face it, vanilla is rather poorly populated, even for a cold and harsh setting like Skyrim.
  5. Wait, if you copied the spells and changed their equip type in CK you might as well learn them through console then, no SE needed for that, right? I was just wondering if the SKSE could possibly enable the creation of new powers / shouts without necessarily having to create a copy of each spell Id like to cast that way in the CK.
  6. So I am quite sure I am not the only one who isn't entirely fond of the way Skyrim handles magic as opposed to Oblivion - it feels like a huge step back. In Oblivion you could basically use spells with a weapon equipped which I thought was pretty damn great. In Skyrim they decided to leap right back and make it so you have to 'equip' spells which is just... terrible imho. In Oldrim we had SmartCast which used a pretty gimmicky way of allowing you to cast spells without equipping them, and it was dependent on SKSE. But I was thinking... why try to reinvent or somehow rebuild the way magic works in Skyrim, which is possible an insurmountable task anyway, instead of using the power / shout system instead, which is basically like casting spells without having to equip them in your weapon slot so to speak. In other words, I was thinking... wouldn't it be possible to create a scripted item or power that could possibly convert your equipped spell into a 'power' or 'shout', retaining its mana cost and perk bonuses, regardless of whether you use a mod that modifies perks or not? Surely it would be possible with SKSE one day, at the very least. I also know that the shout animation can be easily exchanged. The idea simply struck me easier today because my newest skyrim character is a templar in heavy armour and a two-handed sword which simply reminded me of just how much more useful one handed weapons are in this game... it's just not immersive to swap from a large two hander to holding a shiny ball in your hand or something. likewise if youre a shield user, it feels a bit awkward to me to swap to a spell because it isn't very realistic. Unfortunately my own modding experience is almost non-existent so I'm simply curious if something like this would even be possible.
  7. It may not make that much sense in case you're playing a more mundane type of character, like a warrior or even a thief. But I think a sorceress could allow herself to be a little bit more flamboyant. She can show skin because she relies on magic to protect herself anyway, which is dampened in case she wore armour, and she can sashay all she wants knowing she can fling most bandits off a cliff with but one flick of a wrist. Butttt knowing us men, it isn't all that uncommon to sacrifice what would be conventionally thought of as immersion for the sake of pure female eyecandy.
  8. This was one of my must haves for hybrid characters especially. Never ever was a fan of the way skyrim handles magic by having to 'equip ' the spell. What a load of malarkey... ._.
  9. Well, I tried most of what has been suggested and here's what I've found out so far: Most of my crashes as well as the constant decay of fps were caused by a poorly optimised enblocal.ini, possibly due to the limitations imposed on DX9 by win10. I managed to get my game more or less stable(although I still suffer from mysterious crashes) but I haven't managed to fix the fps decay. Sort of. It does not occur when I don't use an ENb, however, so it can't possibly be mod related or texture related or whatever. Neither do I get fps decay if I disable both, ambient occlusion and depth of field. Stable fps all around, except for those heavy places that drop my fps regardless of whether I use enb or not, like solitude or some bandit fort. Not sure why those screw my fps. I can have fine fps in some places despite there being a ton of spawns, like some forsworn camps. The quality is still nice with those two options disabled, albeit I do miss them. Any clue why the fps could be degrading? Is my vram somehow clogging?
  10. Phew, so much effort just to bang Bijing Warmaidens using OSex... My card's GeForce GTX 970m, 3072MB GDDR5 Running Windows 10. 8GB RAM. i7-6700HQ, 2.60 GhZ cores While I still have to go through most of those steps one thing is confusing me here. Namely how come my rig couldn't possibly handle this if it gives me nice clean 60 fps at the start? If my laptop couldn't handle the settings and mods im running right now wouldn't the FPS be horrendous from the start? And how come it says in that screenshot that my GPU is 86% used if the green part says that only 730mb of my vram is used? That would only be a quarter of my 3GB GPU... no? I'm no techie, I just want to know how these things work. D: I hardly think my 970m is used by any other processes in the background, and my game doesn't seem even close to hitting those 4gb memory caps win10 imposes on directx9 when playing skyrim as far as I know. Thank you for all your suggestions, by the way, I really appreciate it. I've been trying to deal with my skyrim crashing ever since I started modding(pretty much as soon as the game was released heh) and I haven't really openly asked for help until now.
  11. For some reason the skyrim performance monitor is making my game crash after a minute or so. I managed to snatch a single screenshot
  12. Heyhey. So in my pursuit of refurbishing Skyrim's aesthetics according to my preferences I've picked Bleak Enb. When I first start the game with the ENB UseEffect ticked everything is perfect for the first... half a minute. Smooth 60 fps, with little dips here and there in stressful areas. But then after about 40 seconds it drops into the low 50s, then eventually 40s, and then the 30s. I feel like my pc and setup is more than capable of running the game at 45-60 fps with the ENB on constantly but for some reason it just keeps degrading. I can temporarily fix it by unticking UseEffect in the game and then reticking it some minutes later. Then it is smooth once again for a minute before deteriorating again. Can anybody explain what could be going wrong here? :x I've tried nearly all the tricks. Tried messing with the enblocal.ini, disabled steam overlay, used the correct version of ENB binaries(279) but to no avail. I also have the SKSE memory tweak, of course.... any help would be appreciated. D: thank you
  13. Hey there, I just had a quick and simple question, is there an easy way to keep my character's default eyes when she becomes a vampire without necessarily affecting any other NPCs? The particular character in question is a Ningheim, so I was wondering if there's some nifty quick edit I could do with maybe Tes5edit or the CK to have her keep her lovely piercing grey eyes while attaining a pair of pretty fangs still. quick edit: I discovered that the ningheim have their own eye texture for vamps which is basically just a copy of the original afaik but nonetheless... i replaced it with my preferred eye texture but it didn't quite work out. she seems to have some kind of odd yellow film over her eyes, they don't look entirely clean. its as if the game merged the default vamp eyes with ningheim vampire eyes? i dont understand :pinch:
  14. How do you even kill crap with a bow on legendary when you start from the beginning because my character only does like... 1-5% damage per shot depending whether its a simple bandit or a marauder. Does deadly combat buff bows?
  15. i know nothing about dark souls. never played it. Lol fyi i'm the guy who started this thread. where's your Dovahkiin? *gasp* well, you should definitely try it out.... http://i.imgur.com/75ZT3oZ.png I'm still trying to find the 'perfect' fashion for this character but alas not many modders make stuff for men and those that do seem to just mix and match assets from the game itself anyway instead of making something completely new and interesting from scrap. :c Meanwhile my female characters and followers are swimming in fashion. Such injustice. http://i.imgur.com/nz3FTw8.png
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