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Everything posted by kartari

  1. Hi Grospolina, Thanks for the effort. Yeah, I had a feeling that was the case; guess I just didn't notice it until recently. I'll see if he has a fix. Though, it's been a while since he last updated the outfit. If I find the time, I just might try to figure out how to fix it myself. In the meantime, I crafted a loose fur collar (from the Immersive Armours mod). Looks bad when wearing the nordic ranger hood (major clipping), but when the hood is off, it perfectly covers the hole in her neck. Thanks again!
  2. Hello. So, I just noticed that my character has a hole in her neck! Just below her Adam's apple, there is an invisible spot; I can see right through her body to what's behind her. This only seems to happen when she wears her Nordic Ranger Outfit (FrankDema's mod). Though I've not tried a wide variety of apparel/armor, she appears perfectly fine when I put on different clothes or armor, or when undressed. I don't believe this was originally occurring, though; I think I would have noticed this a lot sooner. See the image attached below for a visual. See that whitish spot on her neck? In between the collar of her armor, where the collar bone meets the neck on a real person? That's the barrel behind her! Technically, from what I gather online about head and body meshes being managed separately, I surmise that my character's unclothed body texture (her skin "beneath" the armor) is not being rendered while wearing this particular armor; hence, the skin that should be showing is instead invisible. I'm not sure exactly when it started. Several days ago, I installed the Unofficial Skyrim Patch and the Unofficial High Resolution Patch to fix a very different issue (my post here); not that I noticed this issue at the time, but they're the only recent changes I've made to my game. Nothing changes even if I load from a previous save. I've tried deactivating the armor mod, even totally uninstalling and reinstalling it, to no avail. I figured a change in body model might possibly correct the issue, so I installed the CBBE female body (was using unmodded vanilla before). But this as well had no effect. Though I haven't tried a big variety of armors yet, this Nordic Outfit is the only one making an invisible hole in her neck. A walk through Whiterun shows nobody else suffering from the same hole in the neck syndrome, so far. Maybe I should just get a new armor, but I really like this one and would love some tips to get it working right again. Thanks! Brian P.S. Other info which may or may not be important: - I have no DLCs installed. I bought Skyrim as soon as it came out, and though I recently bought Legendary Edition I haven't installed the DLCs yet. - Game version is, according to TESV.exe's file properties. - The game is installed in the default location (C:\program files(x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim). - I'm using NMM version 0.63.14. - I installed LOOT version 0.11.0, as recommended, to help troubleshoot this issue. I do not see where to click Details to view the log, however. the main screen tells me that Update.esm has 3 deleted references, and that plus a few others have a lot of ITM records. - I have SKSE installed. No idea where to find the version number, though LOOT tells me I'm up to date. - My system specs: Custom-built desktop running Windows 7 Pro x64. Intel i5 CPU, ASUS mobo, Radeon HD 6900 series video adapter (I think a 6950, offhand), 16 GB RAM, 500 MB SSD (for the OS & program installs) and two 1 TB hard disks (one for my data, one for data backup).
  3. Hi wfandrews. Thanks so much for your response. I was actually able to get the lighting back to normal from your help. :smile: What actually fixed the issue was the Unofficial Skyrim Patch. But I would not have noticed it without first searching for the Unofficial High Res Patch you recommended. For the heck of it (and for a mere $28 on Amazon), I also went ahead and ordered the Legendary Edition of Skyrim. With the 3 major DLCs, I'll have less to worry about as far as installing incompatible plugins (plus I'll enjoy some extra content as well, of course). Thanks again. My character Anduial, a bosmer woman, and Lydia, sporting her new hauberk, say thanks as well. :smile: Peace, Brian
  4. Hi there. I just started experiencing a distracting lighting bug today in Skyrim. In particular, characters near local light sources are lit up in a wonky manner. Dark or shadowy rectangular patterns and vertical lines are cast on their bodies by light sources, which annoyingly flicker as well. Background: I've been playing a game for a few weeks now. I've installed about a dozen plugins without issue prior to today. I was inspired to install IcePenguin's Quality World Map plugin, the paper map version (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/4929/?). Perhaps it was a bad idea to also decide to reorder my plugin load order in Nexus Mod Manager at the same time. The one and only time I ran the game with both of these changes in place, the game crashed and closed itself before reaching the main menu. I then rechecked the map plugin info, and realized I didn't have all the requirements for it to run (a DLC is required which I do not have). So I disabled and uninstalled the map plugin entirely. When I ran the game a second time, it did not crash. But I noticed for the first time that the lighting was really off. Dark vertical lines of shadow appeared on both my character's body and that of Lydia (the housecarl), as if cast by the fire pit in my Breezyhome kitchen (in Whiterun). These lines also flickered noticeably. I closed the game without saving, and moved my plugin order back to its previous order known to work well. Still, the lighting was off. Even worse this time, in fact, as the lines got darker and more pronounced, and now flicker quite annoyingly now. I closed the game and did a search for this issue, but I failed to find any help. Present Situation: I keep getting the same problem each time I run the game. I've attached images of the lighting problem for you to visually inspect, as well as a screenshot of my NMM-installed plugins and their load order. I had to shrink them to meet the size limit, hope you can make them out. My character, a bosmer female wearing armor from the Nordic Ranger Outfit mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25113/?tab=3&selected_game=110&navtag=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fid%3D25113%26user%3D1%26gid%3D110&pUp=1), has no clothing patterns, no tattoos, and no scars, btw - the patterns you see are the problem I am experiencing. Note that I do not (I don't think?) have any plugins that alter the vanilla lighting code of Skyrim. Though, obviously, either the map plugin, or perhaps reordering my plugin load order, or both, changed the lighting behavior in a very bad and distracting way. Perhaps I can backup my save files, uninstall and reinstall everything, and see if that helps repair the lighting engine, though I'd rather find a simpler fix. Perhaps installing a particular lighting mod might help? Please help me recover my game. Thanks! Peace, Brian P.S. Other info which may or may not be important: - I have no DLCs installed. I bought Skyrim as soon as it came out, and haven't bought Dawnguard, etc. - Game version is, according to TESV.exe's file properties. - The game is installed in the default location (C:\program files(x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim). - I'm using NMM version 0.63.14. - I installed LOOT version 0.11.0, as recommended (https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1592053-how-to-ask-for-help/), to help troubleshoot this issue. I do not see where to click Details to view the log, however. the main screen tells me that Update.esm has 3 deleted references, and that plus a few others have a lot of ITM records. - I have SKSE installed. No idea where to find the version number, though LOOT tells me I'm up to date. - My system specs: Custom-built desktop running Windows 7 Pro x64. Intel i5 CPU, ASUS mobo, Radeon HD 6900 series video adapter (I think a 6950, offhand), 16 GB RAM, 500 MB SSD (for the OS & program installs) and two 1 TB hard disks (one for my data, one for data backup).
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