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About SHIROryuu

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  • Currently Playing
    Oblivion, Fallout 3, Forza 3
  • Favourite Game
    With any luck, Skyrim
  1. With my first play through I was a nord and sided with the stormcloacks. This time I'm a bosmer and intend to side with the empire. See the difference between each opposite of the scale. I'm sure it will have some sort of in depth with the talmar.
  2. The more you bring light to this kind of lack of intelligence. The more you feed their cause. It's best to ignore anything of this sort.
  3. 99 hours on 1 character. Main quest done and almost all guilds complete. As well as 3 homes full furnished.
  4. A lot of people who are complaining about attributes don't seem to understand human potential. You can't get smarter from reading a book, you have base IQ and that never changes. Yes you can learn things you can increase your "knowledge" but you can't become smarter by reading. Same goes for anything. You can increase your physical endurance, your stamina allowing you to run further, but you can't go beyond your physical limitations. You can only build on what you have. Average person will never be an Olympic athlete. I like to look at my character in Skyrim as having reached his peak. He's the best he can be, but through training skills he can become more deadly. So he can hone his swords blade to make it the most deadly it can be, he can learn to use that weapon efficiently by attacking weak points and such. Increasing the chance with his stamina and performing power attacks. He doesn't get any stronger because he's already in his peak condition. He's used to hacking away with a sword so he doesn't gain any benefit from it. Just like working out, unless you do things to change your routine, you're not going to gain any new muscle mass(Keep in mind that muscle mass doesn't mean added strength. Body builders are twice as big as power lifters yet can't lift the same amount of weight). In the end the system in Skyrim might be gimped for a lot of fans of previous games, but it makes more sense. It's more story driven then a RPG grind fest. If you train you'll be effective against most enemies, you will find them easier to deal with over time. Still run into enemies that are superior and will make you fight for your life. Just like you would in reality. Yes this game isn't real and for those of you that prefer a completely fantasy experience, Skyrim isn't doing it for you. Doesn't mean you need to make Thread after thread after thread about why the game doesn't do it for you and you want people to think like you. This is an opinion thread, and like anything of this sort should be taken with a grain of salt.
  5. Wow that's early. I run into them common now but I never saw one till my late 30s. Didn't see one in the main quest at all. List based on my encounters: Dragon Blood Dragon Frost Dragon Elder Dragon Named Dragon(ancients)
  6. I think it's far more disturbing to see someone's avatar being a someone they find attractive(females do it too)... Never did understand that... I don't play as female characters as it would only be fooling myself. If I want to stare at a lovely female I'll simply date one I find attractive. Guys if you're busy looking at fake T&A it's not going to get you real T&A lol. Same goes for whatever your sexual preferences are.
  7. It's fine to make a point. Don't make yourself look shallow. There a lot better analogies to make then that. I wonder what's going to be in the actual patch? Probably going to have to wait for an unofficial patch before I download anything...
  8. Everyone is trying to get in on online distribution, that's a given. There is a deal somewhere and that's why Steam is "forced" with Skyrim. It's a money grab. As for EA, I think it's fair for them to earn all the money on the products they produce. Not to mention EA has been the pioneer of all the money grabs that other companies are following. Such as paying for content you can unlock by playing the game.
  9. Anyone mention the reason why steam is forced is because of money? Think about it... Steam is an online distributer of games, so they have advertizing. By forcing you to launch via steam they hope that you will buy products from them. I think this is the real evil, not drm. Steam has been putting their foot in the door like this for a long time. I bought a GPU back in 2006 and it came with the game Lost planet. It was a full retail disk but had steam(optional install). Just have to face the fact, with Skyrim they haven't put their foot in the door, they've put it up your .......
  10. I had similar problem, until I went to an imperial camp(stormcloaks whatever suits you). Strip off your armor(unless it's leather or robes), wait till about 2am, cast embrace shadows and feed. After you feed either find the cure quest, become a werewolf. Here is a list of the console commands. You're free to check them for what you seak. http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Console_Commands_%28Skyrim%29
  11. I'm using the steam version and don't have any issues(well no issues that cause crashes). I've only had one crash since release thankfully. Reading everything so far has made me count my blessings. Now that being said... I have broken quests, I have glitches like crazy, but no crashes. Like most people I'll wait for mods around this and other issues. I saw this coming, but why so late? I figured this would have been second day patch or something.
  12. I personally think it looks cool. I just wish the AI couldn't know who you are while either doing this or wearing any of the masks.(or anything that conceals your face.)
  13. I think it could also be 16:10 resolution. Mine runs perfect on ultra 1080p, but at 1680x1050 I get minor hiccups. It's odd...
  14. You warn people of spoilers but yet your title gives away the fact there is a Mehrunes Dagon shrine! I say just buy ingots from venders. You should be high enough level by now if you can smith daedric armor.
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