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Everything posted by xxNtGxx

  1. I went into the creation kit to change Serana's hair, and now her face is this really ugly light grey color. I tried clicking her name in the actors list and pressing ctrl-f4 but that did not work.
  2. I ironically got a 502 bad gateway when I clicked on this announcement on the front page.
  3. Same problems here, it has been incredibly frustrating trying to navigate the site ever since I started playing Skyrim again (about 2 weeks ago). Everything takes forever to load, or else it times out while loading. Sometimes I have to click "download" 3-4 times before anything starts downloading.
  4. I always found it strange that NPCs sleep on top of their bed sheets rather than under them. Having NPCs sleep under the sheets would be a nice little thing to add to the game to make it a little more realistic.
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