Yes, I'm on 1.3. The only mod I'm running at the moment is 4GB, and it started with no problems last night. I didn't have any CTD last night, but I'm sure I will - this is an Elder Scrolls game, after all :wink:
The video does look like the 1.2 resistance bug in action. After building a character to a level of Conan-style badassery I was getting one-shotted repeatedly by a bandit chief with an enchanted (flame) mace. Tried the same save yesterday post 1.3 release and killed the guy with much ease. That may not be the issue, but it sure looks like it.
I played for a few hours last night with no issues, but I hasten to add that I didn't run into the backwards-flying dragons until two days after 1.2 was released. So far, so good, though.
I love it. Sure, I get angry about CTD. Yes, I said many unkind things when I watched a dragon fly backwards INTO a mountain last night. I have also been known to suggest that Steam can attempt to perform various anatomically impossible acts when I see "Error - Your game is currently unavailable. Please try again later" upon start up. In between these moments of irritation I've had hours of entertainment which more than make up for the problems.
My game was patched last night. It started just like always - no problem. None of my saves were missing. All of my quests were there. I fought a non-quest dragon last night - no flying backwards, no dying in mid-air, no different than the one I fought Monday. No res or performance or mouse sensitivity issues that weren't there before (it was last week and before the patch that I spent five minutes watching a mammoth in the distance slowly float up in the sky and return safely to the surface.) I cannot speak to the elemental resistances issue. One thing - I am still running totally vanilla - no mods at all.