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Everything posted by Jordick

  1. So I'm basically trying to find an ENB preset that is the most performance friendly as possible. I've tried several presets, including Decent ENB that many people have recommended as a performance friendly preset, but with all of them the frame rate drops down to ~40-45 fps. (I cannot play PC games with fps being any lower than ~50 fps, because I start to feel nauseous) I can run the game pretty much on Ultra settings with few exceptions being dropped down to medium, such as the notorious shadows. - OS: W10 64-bit ultimate - GPU: GTX 970 4gb Vram ( I haven't upgraded this, because the GPU prices have skyrocketed in the recent years, all thanks to cryptomining ) - CPU: i7-8700k 3.7ghz - RAM: 16Gb My rig is definitely not the best out there, especially the GPU which is my bottleneck, but it's not the worst rig either. I keep hearing every now and then that there are people who can run Fallout 4 with ENB at solid 60fps and they have lower specs than I have. Either they're lying or they've actually found an ENB that doesn't kill the frame rate by ~20fps. So I was hoping for some pointers from the Nexus community and hear some recommendations for performance friendly ENB presets.
  2. DCMS (Don't Call Me Settler) was a great mod that not only gave names to your settlers, but also removed dead bodies from your settlements and added better settlement warning system. But from what I've gathered the mod was removed (hidden) from the Nexus a little over year ago and the given reason was "hidden until fixed". Given how long it has been hidden I somehow doubt that its being supported anymore. Are there any alternatives to the DCMS mod? What I'm mainly looking for is a mod that gives names to my settlers and removes the dead bodies from my settlements. Any tips would be helpful.
  3. I checked it out and it definitely looks interesting. Thanks for the tip.
  4. So I've been away from the game for little over year now, but I wanted to start (and finish) my 3rd survival playthrough before the FO76 comes out. I know a few mods that improve the Survival mode experience like Salvaging Beacons and Journey (realistic version). However, from what I can remember the vanilla Fallout 4 settlement system isn't quite good enough, because you have to babysit your own settlers for almost all the time, so I was wondering if there are mods to improve that aspect and I was hoping I would get some helpful modding tips from the Nexus community. Types of mods that I'm looking for: 1. Settlers can actually defend themselves from the incoming attacks 2. No idle settlers, they automatically choose a job by themselves if there any are open workplaces which I haven't filled yet 3. Settlers can repair broken structures/objects such as turrets and generators by themselves with the parts from the workbench 4. Settlers can fulfill their own needs, like building beds at prematurely designated sleeping quarters 5. Companion A.I. improvements Thanks.
  5. It's funny how people are more excited for a mod than they're for the official BGS game. :D Screw the Sellout 76, we've got Fallout Miami !
  6. Thanks I guess. All that I really need is a tool/tips for how to edit the Skyrim CBBE shapes into Fallout 4 shapes, especially the hand parts. But I guess I'll give the Elrich.exe a try and see if it will help my cause.
  7. So I've been trying to study how to convert outfits from Skyrim to Fallout 4 on my own for almost a month now, but I can't seem to get anywhere on my own. You can just use the Outfit Studio to make things easier, but there are certain meshes that the Outfit Studio is unable to convert from Skyrim to Fallout 4, such as gloves. Here's an good example what I mean by that: NSFW I've been trying to find tutorials for how to convert outfits with Blender, but none of what I've found aren't really helpful for my cause: how to actually convert the shape from skyrim CBBE to fallout 4 CBBE. Tutorials I've been mainly using: - Converting armors to Skyrim - Skyrim Blender armor Conversion - Basic Blender tutorial videos found from youtube, such as this So far I've managed to export objects from nif files using the Nifskope/Outfit Studio and import them into Blender, but that's where I get stuck: how to proceed from there? Anyways, I've been pounding my head with this stuff way too long on my own already, so any advice and/or links to more accurate tutorials would be really helpful.
  8. I admit that much that the game has been consolized. But I'm just gonna let the haters hate and enjoy the game with all its pros and cons.
  9. But you have to agree that this a real *censored* slap to us mod users too. First we bought the game for 50$. Then, to get the mods working, we had to buy the most of the DLCs for 15$ each, and THEN we can use the mods which also require a payment. The only real advantage of being PC player in games such as The Elders Scrolls is now gone. Yeah I know, every author has the right to get paid for their hard work, and I'm not trying to argue against that. But what really pisses me off is how greedy Valve has become and their way of doing things, screwing us in the process. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if the next thing they came up with were the Premium Steam account for 15$ monthly subscription.
  10. This is whole thing, stamping prices on free stuff, is supposed to be EA's trademark. Sure, the mod quality might rise a little with these paywalls, but I highly doubt that. This is just another clever trick from Valve to pull our money out from our pockets from stuff that has ALWAYS been free. I'm not saying that authors won't deserve the price from their hard work, but this whole paywall thing ain't the right choice. My guess is that this will only create a new way of pirating, mod pirating. People don't just happily agree with this. Mods should always be free. If you have to pay for them, they're no different from your regular DLCs, in sense. From this point, the future is looking grim for the modding community. My guess is that if Bethesda ever decides to make TES6, there won't be much free stuff to us at all. Most of the goodies, such as graphic and content mods will have 5$ price tag attached to them. This will only divide the modding community in two and modding will never be the same anylonger. :(
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