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  1. The Skull Crusher is an amazingly large, and powerful weapon. The Warhammer was created in a fire, magically fueled by the Wizard, Dorach Gusal, and was forged by the great weaponsmith, Hilbongard Rolamus. The steel is magically hardened and the weight of the weapon is amazingly light, which makes for more powerful swings and deadly blows. The Warhammer was to be put on display for a festival, but thieves got it first. The Skull Crusher still travels Tamriel in search of its creators. —Yagrum Bagarn, Tamrielic Lore In Morrowind, the Skull Crusher was a 1-handed hammer despite its size, all thanks to the whole "amazingly light" thing. They paired this with a Feather enchantment which, as we know, did not return in Skyrim. Granted, I know 15 is fairly light among good 2handed hammers in Skyrim, it just feels... Lackluster. This was one of my favorite weapons in Morrowind, it felt unique somehow. Stamina damage does not feel unique. Among my ideas, I can imagine re-achieving the uniqueness a few ways. Chief among them being to shorten the handle, shrink the whole thing just a smidge, and make it a comically large one-handed hammer. Reduce the weight a little more (or all the way, since its predecessor's Feather enchantment was equivalent to the hammer's weight) and changing the enchantment to a unique effect like faster swinging speed which cannot be dis-enchanted from the weapon. The whole point and flavor of this weapon was that it is capable of delivering staggering bone and armor crushing blows with tremendously little effort due to its weight and enormity and I just don't feel like the (INCREDIBLE) Ghosts of the Tribunal captured that as well as they did with the other incredible pieces. Whether it happens or not, thanks all for taking time to look. I'd do it myself but I have spent dozens of hours fruitlessly fumbling my way through tutorials and trial-and-error and I can't even get the basics down. Much love, everyone.
  2. You are my hero thank you! This was such a small but impactful mod in all of my previous playthroughs I can't imagine not having it now. Thank you again, so much
  3. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41809/ The mod author is giving permission in the description for anyone to port it. The original 3rd party port has been hidden, and I am really not cut out for it. Hoping some kind soul here will port it, as this was one of my all-time must have mods. Either way, thank you all for stopping in and looking at least, I appreciate your time.
  4. Love casting both Incants and Sorceries but the staff is Great(ly) Beyond ugly as sin Would kill to see some replacers for it, make it look like other staffs, seals, maybe even various weapons? The Milady is getting handfuls of replacers, hopefully we can give some love to the Staff too! Thanks for the time everyone who clicked :]
  5. The original mod, "Headless Black Knife and Mausoleum Armor" is outdated by about 2 years and I really wanted to cosplay a Mausoleum Knight in my friend and I's Seamless run. Doubt the OG mod author ever coming back to update it.
  6. I can't say this will solve your issue. My Telvanni guards come fully clothed so I cannot test it. I am not certain what information about the guards is preserved in your saved game's record. Sometimes changes to official NPCs don't 'take' because they are over-written when the save loads (always last). If that is a problem, you could try to clean your save. Those spawned from lists might be fine, but you may have to kill the existing spawn for public indecency to trigger his/her replacement. There is the matter that Telvanni guards will no longer behave as guards since they are warriors. They will not interdict if you perform a crime, and they will not come to your aid if you're under attack (as if they ever did). I didn't change the sharpshooters since their medium armor skill was appropriate, but if the class and unarmored changes are necessary, they might still choose to go 'au naturale'. Good luck. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jwpuagp5i6rO4AmWSTCv-fLDrmkQ3sOv/view?usp=sharing Edit: Activate the link; permissions will follow. Hey I wasn't able to check the thread for a few days. Just checked in, the drive 404's on me :sad: If you think maybe giving them 100 in medium and 5 in unarmored would work so they remain Guards, that sounds like an easier fix to me, but again, I really just can't wrap my head around the Creation tool.
  7. I'm pretty desperate. I've since tried again to figure out how this works and I didn't make it any further than last time. I would honestly really appreciate some help with this.
  8. I've been told to fix the Naked Guard issue, I have to do this with the Construction Set, but even after watching 3 separate tutorials, I can't seem to figure out how. I think I'm stupid, because I just cannot seem to fathom the CS in the slightest. Specifically, the only fix I found was to set their Unarmored to 5, Medium Armor to 75, and change their class to Warrior. I can't even get the CS to recognize my installation path, and I have no idea how to even navigate the CS were I to get past that. Just hoping someone could make a simple esp for me so I can stop having naked guards. Thanks for your time, everyone.
  9. This is absolutely perfect, I truly can't thank you enough. You've really made my day! I'm gonna start everything up now and get a new character rolled out. I hope other people like it as much as I do!
  10. I've gotten quite bored of F4 and haven't played in a good long while, but a character idea occurred to me that actually has me somewhat excited to pick it up again and try a new playstyle, but unfortunately I think the Hazmat suit is quite ugly, and the Cleanroom suit just looks too boring. So here's my request. It would mean the world to me if someone could: -Please alter the pale blue color of the Hooded Cleanroom suit to Hazmat Yellow -Please alter the gloves and orange wristband to black -Please alter the boots (up to the knee where the pantlegs get wider) to black -Please alter the visor (but not the eyepiece) to be darker without losing that sheen it has, without making the visor transparent -Please turn the orange bordering around the visor and down the torso black The goal is to make it look something like this: Again, it would mean the world to me to see this done. I am not currently talented enough to do it myself, I apologize. Thanks in advance for your consideration!
  11. I think it would be pretty cool to be able to acquire this weapon somehow. If anyone with the know-how cares to do something about it, that would be pretty sweet. Thanks for considering.
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