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Everything posted by sickanddying

  1. Ive wanted to have a pair of werewolves fallow me around since the start of the game. I got dead thrall and thinking that werewolves might be humanoid and might be considered people. I guess not. I don't know if it can be done until we get the construction kit but if anyone could try that would be awesome.
  2. I was having this issue today as well funnily enough. I found this thread (My link) and the post on the bottom tells you waht you need to do. It's a really BS and annoying thing to do, I remember when the site was just click and download, none of this Prime crap.
  3. So in the fade the I saw these swords for the first time and thought they looked pretty sweet. Then I did a quest and got Sten his sword back. The minute I saw the Asala (Sten's sword) I fell in love with the look. The only problems with it is, only Sten can use it, and, well, it's not very good, at all. I think it would be pretty sweet if someone could add these swords into the game so that you can find them is random loot around the world or make a unique one hidden somewhere in the world, so that we can have at least a quality one for the later parts of the game. Here's a pic of the sword! http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/756/screenshot2009111618265.jpg
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