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Everything posted by shinoib88

  1. Mod idea! We would absolutely love to see a version of Gosaku's helmet without the white fur/mane section. The helmet by itself would look really cool on most armors in the game. (see pictures for reference) Thank you Modding Community! you guys are amazing!!!!
  2. Mod idea! Longer katana models. I love the katana in GOT but I think making the blade and the grip a bit longer to look more like a "Tachi" style of katana would look really cool in this game! Also, Tachi were one of the historically accurate styles of Japanese sword that samurai used (while in "Yoroi" armor) during that time period/time of the Mongol invasion. So that would be cool to see! (For this mod, I'm really just asking for the existing blade length to be stretched a bit, aswell as the grip to be longer, but no changes to design, colors or appearance, just change the overall length of the weapon.) I've added a few pictures for reference. Thank you guys, for all the great work you do in the modding scene for Ghost of Tsushima, it is truly appreciated!!!!
  3. The Raider's armor in-game looks amazing, can we get a mod to let players use their appearance for Cal???
  4. +1! Or perhaps swap Merrin's head model back to the Fallen Order version of her appearance.
  5. Hello! Mod Request: I feel a lot of players really like the appearance of the "Cross Guard" lightsaber, it's a very cool design. Can anyone create a mod that keeps your saber in the cross guard configuration/appearance while in single blade stance? Thank you!!!!
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