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Everything posted by Hyprift

  1. Hello, I know this is too late for talking, but I have unpack.exe and repack.exe I can tell where find them, if you help me too. 1. Go to https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffect/mods/60/?tab=files 2. Download 'ME1Controller Localisation Dev Kit' 3. extract folder and you should have inside, UPKPacker.dll, UPKunpack.exe, UPKrepack.exe also use <filename>.batch with 'Start' code to open command prompt located in same folder. 4. Make you sure that your XCOM decompress has 153Kb size. Okey, I think it was helpful but my personal problem is how 'uncook' these files? First I used decompress and unpacker and they are cooked because data in folders has no supported unreal engine files. If I replace mesh of character, repack see difference when I changed files and can't repack. Also I know that, there's no back to cook and compress files, but if you want, game read modded upk, just use tool to hack <game>.exe to run cooked and decompressed in game path. Thanks!
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